Quote<cvl4317>anyway, jeb might be coming up with 1.2.4
<Alblaka>I don't think I like that developement :3
<Alblaka>Wait, wrong smilie...

IC Related Quotes
- Alblaka
- Closed
Me and Al talking about the unused potion effects:
Quote<Alblaka> F.e. one does cause your view to shuffle around, it's called "Nausea". And that's totally correct, it causes severe Nausea to the player in front of the screen.
Currently, the quantum chestplate gives standard protection given by other quantum pieces plus prevents you from being set on fire.
Actually...I just caught on fire while wearing it.
It's glitchy.
With a chainsaw. Repeatedly. :p
finally RL-solars are made with silicon and run off uv rays, micecraft solars are made with coal and pixie dust and run off a plot hole called "balance" so they are not going to be running off anything other than zombie burning sunlight for the foreseeable future if you don't believe me you can ask alblaka yourself
First work. Then cookie.
here is one courtesy of alblakas mad ninja reality warping skillz which are totally awesome and everybody loves them and i hate lightning rod suggestions
QuoteWhere are all these people_incapable_of_using_search_functions coming from? and why do they not check for repeat suggestion before posting?
the underlined originally said noob
throwException("An impossible error has occured!", var5);
Sense. We Java-Programmers don't need it. -
taken from healing bed suggestion,
QuoteLike... a bed... with some batterys wired to it?
The last time i tried, applying electric current to myself, it did NOT heal me XDrofl
Me, Rick and Mjinboogje in my Suggestionthread
QuoteMe: I hope, no one is thinking, that i would suggest Nuclear-Explosion-Mode or something similar Overpowered, when reading the Topic.
Rick: Bad idea XD 'launches nuclear missiles'
Mjinboogje: hacking into the missiles allowing them to go return sender
Me: Too late, one already hit my Forcefield.
Rick: Too bad they where phased nuclear missiles they went right through your shield. BOOM!!
Me (added): NOOOOO, they hit my quadruple reinforced Roof!!! -
(Though it can't reach the level of stuff like Mo's creature mod or SDK-guns yet... but hey, it's a firstie ^^)
Alblaka about IC. Date: 27 February 2011 -
See folks, this is exactly why family trees shouldn't have loops.
the n00b banishment ritual from the same thread
QuoteOH GREAT ALMIGHTY DRAGON LORD ALBLAKA! we your humble fans and servants call upon you to cast your FIERY BAN HAMMER upon one tree-punching-dirt-hut-dweller among us who is not humble and seeks to defy your rules and you laws in your own realm. we beseech you to CAST HIM IN TO THE VOID! as you have cast the lightning rods and other that have committed his crime whether it be the void of torment or the void of the ceasing of existence it shall be your will in this we say HAYO!
You both forgot the rest of THIS.
QuoteLet us all do the dragon dance to call alblaka over here, quickly prepare a sacrifice!
Quotewhat do dragons like to eat again?
QuoteI think this particular one likes to eat noobs and lightning rods.
QuoteSort of. You first take the lightning Rod, impale the n00b with it and then use the next Lightning Storm to toats the flesh crispy.
Delicious.Edit1: Sorry FenixR i came first* (I have made a new IC-Quote, yay)
Edit2: I'm not invisible and so, no Ninja.
Edit3: FOR OWNER OF MOD aka Almighty Dragonlord Alblaka:
Fuck! Ich habe "ich kam zuerst" mit "ich kam erster" übersetzt. Danke fürs Grammarnazifying. -
passinglurker: what do dragons like to eat again?
QuoteFenixR: I think this particular one likes to eat noobs and lightning rods.
QuoteAlblaka: Sort of. You first take the lightning Rod, impale the n00b with it and then use the next Lightning Storm to toats the flesh crispy.
Delicious.Poor al, he must die of hunger regularly waiting for a thunderstorm to happen and hit that particular Lightning rod
Shadow: XD
Alblaka: Otherwise I will impale you on a LightningRod and toast you next storm -
If MLMP and MCForge are tools that are held in a metaphorical hand, and Risu's modloader is a gauntlet that is needed to hold the tools, then I'm pretty sure that Minecraft is a body, the .minecraft folder is the arm, minecraft.jar is a hand, the saves folder is a house under construction, Industrialcraft, buildcraft, etc. are awesome materials to build the house that require special tools to use, BTW is some sort of cybernetic augment for the hand that precludes the use of other tools, Equivalent Exchange is a set of materials so badass that it is critized for it, Redpower is a set of materials made by a company rumored to be stealing. . . I've forgotten where I was going with this. -
ouch, this gotta hurt!
QuoteIt's time for the IC2 team behave like professionals, not like little nerds behind a computer.
Oh oh, rethink your Question he will say that Hops + Hops are the best way to get Hops.
Quote from Alblaka
Q: How do you get hops? If that is too direct, what tier are they or what are the best plants to get them?
By crossing two plants. The best plants to have Hops as crossing result are HopsXHops.He asked for it :O