[Bug][IC2 v. 1.95][SMP] Killed after flying with el. jet-pack, nanosaber turns off automatically

  • I have had these bugs on my 1.2.3 server as well, but as everything was updating I thought it would work itself out on the new update. As I created the updated 1.2.5 server today I tested for these very bugs to make sure they were gone, but they were not... So this is the issue:

    In SMP (and only SMP) right clicking with the nanosaber turns it on for a moment, then turns it back off. By holding the right mouse button it flashes on and off rapidly. Highly annoying when trying to kill stuff. But I could live with that if it was not for the other bug: Instant death with el. jetpack.
    First of all, the different modes does not change. I have tried all the different methods of changing modes I can, but nothing works. (Although in SSP changing modes is not a problem at all). When I then fly around for a bit and try to land, I take massive fall damage and die instantly. I have seen a few posts reporting the same behaviour, but so far no cure. ;(

    The only thing I can imagine is that I copied the config files from the server to my .minecraft folder to make sure they have the same block ID's, as I had some problems with this before. Is this not possible? Or something completely different? Hope someone can help me out. :)

    I am running on forge, with IC2, RP2pr5, BC, Forestry, ComputerCraft, Twilight Forest, RailCraft, NEI and other small sub-mods, but I had this problem when just running IC2, RP2 and BC.

    Any help would be appreciated. :D

  • I only ever encountered the described NanoSword problem when cheating the item.


    Buildcraft – spilling items.™

  • The jetpack bug is exactly why my first longterm goal is to make some quantum suit boots. Negated fall damage, thus, no damage from the jetpack when landing. (Or at least almost no fall damage, half-heart damage is no big deal though)

    ╯( °□° ) ╯ ┻━┻

  • I have the feeling that sometimes my quantum boots don't absorb as much as they should when flying with the jetpack...

    On the wikipage, it says that quantum boots absorb ALL falldamage, but that is 100% not true. I often lose up to 5 hearts (I always hold CTRL on landing) when flying with the jetpack. Also I died a few times while doing some tests where I flew high up and then let myself fall. I have the feeling that quantum boots will only absorb the damage if you pressed CTRL on jumping and do a high jump...

  • I have the feeling that sometimes my quantum boots don't absorb as much as they should when flying with the jetpack...

    On the wikipage, it says that quantum boots absorb ALL falldamage, but that is 100% not true. I often lose up to 5 hearts (I always hold CTRL on landing) when flying with the jetpack. Also I died a few times while doing some tests where I flew high up and then let myself fall. I have the feeling that quantum boots will only absorb the damage if you pressed CTRL on jumping and do a high jump...

    Definitely not supposed to be doing that much damage. Most damage I've
    ever had with the quantum boots on is 1 heart max. 90% of the time I
    take no damage at all, and the distance of the fall makes no difference
    on when I take damage. It's a bug I'm pretty sure, and it's been a bug
    for quite a few versions now. Also the quantum boots, for me at least, do absorb the damage I have described all the time not just when doing a high jump. However you definitely seem to have some
    sort of problem. Are you using the latest version of Forge and IC2?

    ╯( °□° ) ╯ ┻━┻

  • I know the jetpacks not working right has been a big problem for a while now... maybe instead of actually trying to fix it, just make users immune to fall damage when wearing the jetpack?

    I tested out the electric jetpack to see if the issues were fixed on my server last night, and the damned thing splattered me on the top of a jungle tree so far out I lost all my stuff. Was horribly pissed. Damned thing is more dangerous on an SMP server than creepers... that's pretty bad... also didn't help that when I build my portal to the nether, the damned thing was floating over a giant pool of lava with no land in sight. Was really hoping the jet pack would be the answer, lol.

  • You can't just remove fall damage if you wear a jetpack, otherwise rubberboots and quantum boots will be completely useless and anyway it is unlogical.

    I haven't upgraded to 1.2.5 yet, I will do it and see how everything works and then post it again, if there is still some bug...

  • You can't just remove fall damage if you wear a jetpack, otherwise rubberboots and quantum boots will be completely useless and anyway it is unlogical.

    I haven't upgraded to 1.2.5 yet, I will do it and see how everything works and then post it again, if there is still some bug...

    The bug people are referring to is that even if you slow you're descent, you still take massive damage if you has flown up high.

    This is by far the bug that pisses me off the most. it render's jetpacks useless, and on a related note, qsuit useless in the nether, for SMP. Honestly, this bug ruins some of the biggest and latest tech in IC for SMP almost entirely, and it hasn't been fixed for a quite a few versions. I mean, you're adding things like beer and stuff, and there's still this REALLY ANNOYING bug being ignored, WTF.

    Okay, yer, I was just a bit of an ass. It just peeves me to see people jumping around the nether in SSP, and I just die instantly if I do it on my server (I don't play SSP btw, many people don't). Jetpack's used to be awesome for my mineshaft's before too...

  • If you were to have looked a bit more carefully, it was said several times that fixing this bug is very difficult/impossible since some update...

    Thats why it has not been fixed yet. I agree it is very annoying but if you can't do it then you can't. Maybe someone of the developers will be able to think of a way at some point.

  • Armor changed in 1.1 (you were almost invincible with diamond armor on 1.0.0) - the armor meter now depends on the kind of armor you're equipped with, we made utility armor not count for obvious reasons.

  • I have the feeling that sometimes my quantum boots don't absorb as much as they should when flying with the jetpack...

    On the wikipage, it says that quantum boots absorb ALL falldamage, but that is 100% not true. I often lose up to 5 hearts (I always hold CTRL on landing) when flying with the jetpack. Also I died a few times while doing some tests where I flew high up and then let myself fall. I have the feeling that quantum boots will only absorb the damage if you pressed CTRL on jumping and do a high jump...

    I just tested this on 1.95b. I put on a gas jetpack and fully charged quantum boots, flew up about 25 blocks, and came back down. I slowed down almost all the way before landing, and died the instant I touched the ground. Major bug, and I think the devs should make this (and the instant-charge problem) their top priority instead of coffee and beer.