Added Enderpearl Dust and Endereye Dust. The later one can be used as Amplifier, like the Gemdusts.
Yeah! End bases are now a great thing to do, wind works there, infinite enderpearls and if i ever need stuff i can go to overworld and mine.
Greg, how about charge-o-mats being overclocker compatible? [Increase charge/discharge rate for both ways of charging (items inside and standing nearby)]. Then we can simply walk over a place and it is charged in a second. (although it would cost 3 or more times energy to charge it).
One question: How many EU are needed to create one Iridium Ore out of Tungsten via the FusionReactor ? I hope less than 200 000, because I would prefer run MassFab on scrap than FR on Tungsten if the second cost more EU. (You should also add something to the config MassFab/MatterFab: changing the energy needed for creating Iridium Ore via Fusion Reactor)
GregTech computercube Fusionreactor recipes show how many EU.
anyway here it is :
90.000.000 EU to start reaction, 512 EU/t to maintain it, 2.560.000 EU needed (5000 ticks).
Adding config for all fusion reactor "fusions" is better.