[GregTech-6][1.7.10] Moved to Website [Closed]

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    Centrifuge + empty Fuelcan + Burnable Cell (except Hydrogen) = Filled Fuelcan + empty Cell

    We already have so many Generators, which work on burning Fuel, because almost every Tech-Mod has its own Generator (RC has Steam Boiler for example). The Idea iself is good, but since Fuelcans are not loosing the Cans its already in the Game.

  • yes, tin isnt hard to get to get, but it´s just that i hate to waste resources no matter how much, and it would be more realistic to extract the fuel out of the the cells to reuse them as it is with multiple Gregtech recipes, so why not apply this to liquid fuel in generators? the regular ic² generator is just to low tech for this in my opinion. thats why i kinda suggest it here, cause gregtech is really high tech stuff.

    hm, oh well. scrap my idea and make uu out of it. ( fuelcans not being used up? wow, im not as up-to-date as i thought.)

  • By the way, I managed to find a way without downloading the file to know when GregTech was last updated. This ... somebody may have found it already, and that would show my terrible outdated-ness.

    Do not look at spoilers if you do not wish to find out... Although I think it should be fine to Greg...

    And a suggestion...
    Buildcrash is terrible. Nevertheless, with Railcraft installed, you need Buildcraft for any good automated steam production system...
    So, Steam Gas-Tanks!
    Empty Gas-Tanks (container items), crafted with an unreactive metal (Copper/Silver/Platinum) and Aluminium? Refined Iron? Steel? can carry gaseous substances! They can contain 1 (or 2) bucket(s) of substance! Since they are made for gas, not liquid, they would be less efficient at storing liquids. They can be used to replace cells, capsules and buckets. As usual, the almighty Config File is here.
    My chemistry is not very good, correct me if I'm wrong. Heck, with this chemistry, maybe it's better to add a chemistry table and perform all reactions there instead.
    Variants include:

    • Official Post

    By the way, I managed to find a way without downloading the file to know when GregTech was last updated. This ... somebody may have found it already, and that would show my terrible outdated-ness.

    Do not look at spoilers if you do not wish to find out... Although I think it should be fine to Greg...
    This post has been edited xxx times, last edit by "GregoriusT" (Xxxxxxx, x.xx a.m./p.m.)

    That was possible before my File got larger than 450kB. And its now 810kB. I only edit the Main Post, when I have to add things to the Q/A and such.

    mistaqur: Accepted both.

  • That was possible before my File got larger than 450kB. And its now 810kB. I only edit the Main Post, when I have to add things to the Q/A and such.

    mistaqur: Accepted both.

    Oh I see. What about the Phosphorus content? Is it wasted? Or maybe a placeholder, in case of future uses? And also I edited my previous post, to add a suggestion. It was about steam containers at first, but I think I got carried away a little.

  • Small problem: The fusion reactor is one block (since the coils do not produce steam) so it has 6 sides. One gold waterproof pipe can carry 40 steam units/tick, so you can output 240 steam/tick.
    The Railcraft steam turbine uses 160 steam/tick and produce 50 eu/t.
    So your hypothetical steam fusion reactor can't produce more than 75 eu/t.

    Edit: Manganese dust is mislabelled as "Mercury dust". It can be converted into "tiny piles of manganese dust" and has the symbol Mn.

    that is why one of my ideas was a higher capacity pipe that only allows steam.

  • that is why one of my ideas was a higher capacity pipe that only allows steam.

    Actually you can use an add-on of buildcraft by denoflions called Valve pipes for the high capacity pipe; It has the Industrial waterproof pipe that have I don't remember 2 or 4 times capacity of normal gold waterproof pipe.. so 2 industrial pipes can provide steam for 100% power of steam turbine.. but that is still too much because fusion reactor only have 2 outputs IIRC...

  • I found a strange thing:

    :MFE-Transmitter: :LV-Transformer: :Glass Fibre: :Glass Fibre: :Glass Fibre: [Industrial Grinder]
    _________:EC Meter: ( 128 EU/t )

    Also, grinder is draining eu when there is no recipe.

    Is there ability to turn off machines like this by redstone ?

  • Silicon cell has pure Si in it right? So how about make silicon cells usable on crafting of electric circuits (as refined iron replacement) and other stuff that needs some good conductors?

    matix : splitter cable

    I know about this, but this only cut off power.
    What about my problem ?

  • Actually you can use an add-on of buildcraft by denoflions called Valve pipes for the high capacity pipe; It has the Industrial waterproof pipe that have I don't remember 2 or 4 times capacity of normal gold waterproof pipe.. so 2 industrial pipes can provide steam for 100% power of steam turbine.. but that is still too much because fusion reactor only have 2 outputs IIRC...

    I do use that addon, and it still isn't enough steam capacity to properly use a nuclear reactor. what is needed is a pipe of about 40 or so times the capacity of a gold pipe. Also, my proposed change to the fusion reactor would make the ring shaped construction be what outputs the steam (the interior walls would get hot, and water is piped into them to make the steam), so you would have many many more places to stick pipes

  • Actually you can use an add-on of buildcraft by denoflions called Valve pipes for the high capacity pipe; It has the Industrial waterproof pipe that have I don't remember 2 or 4 times capacity of normal gold waterproof pipe.. so 2 industrial pipes can provide steam for 100% power of steam turbine.. but that is still too much because fusion reactor only have 2 outputs IIRC...

    Denoflions has balanced the industrial pipes so it does require two pipes per turbine to get to 100%. In other words, as far as steam is conc3rned, they have twice the capacity. Not sure about other liquids, but steam is 2x.

  • Centrifuge + empty Fuelcan + Burnable Cell (except Hydrogen) = Filled Fuelcan + empty Cell

    We already have so many Generators, which work on burning Fuel, because almost every Tech-Mod has its own Generator (RC has Steam Boiler for example). The Idea iself is good, but since Fuelcans are not loosing the Cans its already in the Game.

    As long as we're throwing generator ideas in the pen, how about magnetohydrodynamic power generation? ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MHD_generator )
    Could be used to create large amounts of power or steam based on config setting (like the IC2 reactor's config setting.)

  • I put tungsten dust in an industrial blast furnace (that works, I created steel with it before) that is connected to 128EU but nothing happens.
    What I notice is that in the recipe it mentions 2500k heat capacity, but the blast furnace only displays 1020k.

    What am I doing wrong? I need tunsten ingots.

  • I put tungsten dust in an industrial blast furnace (that works, I created steel with it before) that is connected to 128EU but nothing happens.
    What I notice is that in the recipe it mentions 2500k heat capacity, but the blast furnace only displays 1020k.

    What am I doing wrong? I need tunsten ingots.

    you need to use better machine casings, check the wiki for how much heat capacity you get for each type.

    on the steam topic:

    the main problem is that currently a nuclear reactor can be made to sustain some very high power outputs, with the steam turbines, and with valve pipes, the most you can get out of a nuclear reactor is about 300 EU/t. This output can be achieved with only 4 uranium cells, as it utilizes the bug where each reactor chamber outputs the full amount. The same exact reactor with glass fibre cables, utilizing the same bug, gets 360EU/t. To use a nuclear reactor in steam mode, would require it to output more than the non steam mode version, as it consumes steel in the form of turbines, as well as consuming fuel.

    question for Greg:

    are there any planned uses for manganese? or should i turn it all into steel via the metallurgy recipe?

    also, is there any planned support for metallurgy utility ores, or are they not registered with FOD?