lol damn PC was about to say she'd get very mad if someone went around and messed with the coding of her mod.
[GregTech-6][1.7.10] Moved to Website [Closed]
- GregoriusT
- Closed
I've thrown a few eyeballs every now and then on this mod and it looks pretty interesting. However I'm concerned about "how" to play the mod. It obviously changes IC2 from a "low/med" mod to a "high" end mod. So how do you gather resources to even create some of the things from the mod? Gathering supplies without some mods can be quite challenging. For example, you could dig a hole and hit a diamonds after a few minutes... or you could dig for 3+ hours without even seeing one!(happens every now and then).
I just have a hard time visualizing how to play it properly, without turning the game into a a chore of randomness. I really like some of the recipes because they add complexity. Would be nice if someone shared some of their experience with the mod and how they play it. Thanks! (note: without editing the configs, using the mod as intended of course)
PS: I used the advanced solar panel with expensive mode turned on (well... in fact it's NOT expensive at all..)This is what I went through after I re-started my 1.4.5 world with GregTech default mode..
Vanilla Furnace -> Plant 8-10 Rubber Trees -> Mine until you get diamonds at 11ish height-> Iron Furnace -> Coke Oven (burn Coal here) -> Batbox -> Generator (Coke) -> Compressor/Extractor ->Batpack+Iron Jack Hammer -> Nether Portal -> Get Glowstone in Nether -> Macerator/Electric Furnace -> Rolling Machine +Stirling Engine -> Industrial Centrifuge -> MFE+Industrial Blast Furnace-> Mine for more Coal-> Steel ->Mining Drill -> Silicon Plates-> Solar+Advanced Solar -> Induction Furnace/Rotary Macerator -> Industrial Electrolyzer-> Titanium (from Bauxite) -> Diamond Drill+Lappack-> Rock Cutter+ Industrial Grinder -> Quarry+Recycler in desert->Locate Stronghold->The End->Kill the dragon OR use ender chest+electric jetpack+pumpkin (idk if this works)->Gunpowder farming-> Implosion Compressor-> Iridium ->Matter Fabricator ->Macerate Rubies->Fusion Reactor
It's pretty exciting.. just make sure you have the Iron Jackhammer as early as possible to lessen your time branch mining at height 11...
she will lock any thread that modifies/uses her code.
You can change recipes without modifying the other mod's code. You just look in the global recipe list, and remove any you don't like. -
So we are starting a new world / LP with default gregtech. Was wondering with the matterfab how much EU/scrap per uu matter?
You can change recipes without modifying the other mod's code. You just look in the global recipe list, and remove any you don't like.
Yes, I either specify the Output of a Recipe to be removed or the Input of the Grid to be removed.
In Case of Block Breakers, I would disable that expensive Recipe per Default (so you have to enable the expensive Variant), as you normally need tons of them to get a Frame Quarry, and because it's more for "Extra Hard" Difficulty, as for my default "Complex" Difficulty.
Kane Hart: 16.666.666 EU per UUM with Default (as seen in the Config), and you can only use it with Scrap (same amounts as regular Massfabricator, so 33,33 Scrap per UUM).
Think you will hate and like this. Time to make centurefuge like you do with the rest the big machines
I think it should be a epic structure not some tiny little magical block
Think you will hate and like this. Time to make centurefuge like you do with the rest the big machines
I think it should be a epic structure not some tiny little magical block
Already suggested and denied I think, like the electrolyzer, because you need them much earlier in the game.I want matterfabs to be CC peripherals so I can check the progress without having to walk up to it and risk accidentally left-clicking it.
Already suggested and denied I think, like the electrolyzer, because you need them much earlier in the game.I want matterfabs to be CC peripherals so I can check the progress without having to walk up to it and risk accidentally left-clicking it.
Ahh to bad. I guess he was aiming for a more of a easy gameplay. Muhaha that will set him off
Btw Immibis I assume you play solo or something but we are starting a work together type private server soon. Your welcome to join =P
Sonic Tron still not working only music discs in SMP
Poison effects and such in SMP show the animation once the effect is removed from the q helm still. -
Already suggested and denied I think, like the electrolyzer, because you need them much earlier in the game.
I want matterfabs to be CC peripherals so I can check the progress without having to walk up to it and risk accidentally left-clicking it.
Accidently leftclicking leads to Destruction? What the hack are you using to click? The Admin-Banhammer-Tool aka Creative-Steve-Stump?
Sonic Tron still not working only music discs in SMP
Do you mean, that the Discs are not working, or that the rest is not working? I know the Discs can be a Problem sometimes.
Poison effects and such in SMP show the animation once the effect is removed from the q helm still.
Did you use a newly generated Config or an old one? I only override the QSuit, if the defaults are diffrent, than the vanilla-IC²-Suit.
- The music disc part of the sonic works fine. But everything else does not so basically the music notes do not work.
- No the Qsuit is normal and yes new config. But in SMP when you cure poison you still have the animated effect showing up in the game client side. So pretty much every time we get hit by a poison effect we got to relog to remove the issue.
Not sure can't repeat the poison one now hehe -
Accidently leftclicking leads to Destruction? What the hack are you using to click? The Admin-Banhammer-Tool aka Creative-Steve-Stump?
Oh, I see it now drops itself when mined. It's still nice to see the progress remotely though.(When I first tested it, it dropped nothing when not wrenched)
Greg, we have gold crops, and we have iron crops, would you consider adding a silver crop on the same tier as Aurelia?
24 Magma Cream to centrifuge --> 1 Thorium cell
[Multi-blocks structure for Advanced Watermill]
I've got an Idea to get some "realistic" Watermill, able to produce EU without needing RP automation/Player intervention:
Basically, this would be constructing RC-like tanks, but without size limit (is it possible without lag ? Assuming the player wuoldn't make more than 64*64 ^^/or simply with a max 20*20 area). It wouldn't be filled by pumps or others but only ... by rain. So it would store a liquid, called "Rainwater" and produce EU while moving from the tank to something at a lower layer.
To build the tank, you would need Construction Foam (or Reinforced Stone, as you wish) [maybe some special blocks in the corner, if it can help as far as coding is concerned ?] an to make wall arround the area you want to contain water.
Each cubic meter of water would produce 500 EU (assuming rain fill one cubic meter in 5000sec-100 000 tick) x ([Layer of the cubic meter before moving down] - [layer of the advanced Watermill]). That would mean 0.5EU/t while raining if the difference is of 100.
It could also be used as a LESU-like Energy storage, but with losses: the Advanced Watermill could consume energy to fill this tank.
Wait for that week ends, I'll come back annoying you with TONS of World Suggestion(for "Gates").
Hey! It's Blue, White and Red, it looks like a the Fnrech Flag! Lol. I'm sure someone will say it's more like british or amercican lol ^ ^
Did anyone notice how hard it is typing a text without seing what you're typing ? -
24 Magma Cream to centrifuge --> 1 Thorium cell
Why? You can get four thorium cells per uranium dust (create 8 depleted uranium cells -> throw into centrifuge). To be honest I'd say thorium is a bit too easy to get as it is.
Why? You can get four thorium cells per uranium dust (create 8 depleted uranium cells -> throw into centrifuge). To be honest I'd say thorium is a bit too easy to get as it is.
So let's say Plutonium for 64 Magma cream ^^. It's just because this components seemed to me to be radioactive
I just noticed that you did something cool. Thanks for making the rotten flesh actually useful
Change the mechanics if UU-Matter, rather than just nerfing the EU cost up by two orders.
One of the most reasonable explanations for how UU-Matter works is that it is a blob of small, self configurable nanomachines which change can change themselves into any other material.
My suggestion:
change UU-Matter recipes to be similar to the ones from Liquid UU-Matter, where it would consist of UU-Matter + something -> more refined version of something.
A great something for general use would be scrap, considering that it appears to contain trace amounts of everything.
example: 3 UUM + 1 copper ore -> 10 copper dust.
alternate: 5 UUM + 1 Scrap -> 10 copper dust.
as for iridium, can the recipe system handle requiring more than a 1 item per stack?if so, then do something like this: 8UUM + stack of Iron Ore => some number of iridium.
else: 8UUM + scrapbox => Iridium ore.Also, if iridium dust is introduced, then replace iridium ore above with the dust.
DIamonds are easy enough to get as it is, so their recipe can be left alone, or could be changed to 8UUM + lots of Charcoal -> Diamond (charcoal is higher quality carbon than coal is)
Then have other mineral recipes be UUM + Scrap -> whatever dust.
Other suggestion:
UUM construction foam.
If UUM is a material made from self configurable nanomachines, then it should be possible to build with them. My suggestion is to have a machine that takes in a lot of UUM, and in it you can draw out a schematic for what needs to be built. Then activate the machine, and it sends out the UUM to build whatever shaped construction you desired. Also, the material which the UUM turns into could be set via the control machine (but limited to say stone, CF, bricks, etc)
Related suggestion:
replicating UUM
Have a way to produce replicating UUM (RUM) where you place the RUM in the world as a liquid, and it (slowly) converts surrounding blocks into more RUM. the RUM could be used like normal UUM in any recipe, but can also be used in some special ones of its own (say to multiply yields). every time the RUM converts a surrounding block, give it a chance to mutate to some other random material, which would then make it very dangerous to leave it alone, incase it decides to mutate into something explosive. Also, it would need to be contained in a self healing room as it would otherwise turn your entire world into more RUM.
Also: make it flammable then someone can burn down another players RUM factory, and then the owner can cry "Why's the RUM gone?"
or have the RUM able to move, where the source block of it can move itself into one of the non source blocks it generated, then your RUM can move around and try to escape. -
A question about the extra lightning storms added by the mod, is there a way to disable the additional ones as they are causing issues on our server?
A question about the extra lightning storms added by the mod
Wh ... WHAT ? Maybe you're talking about the FTB modpack ? I thought GregTech didn't add extra lightning lol