the op still have the version 253a can you fix it

[GregTech-6][1.7.10] Moved to Website [Closed]
- GregoriusT
- Closed
[Suggestion]: Lead Battery Block
As you've already said you will implement uses for lead, maybe containing Lead Battery, I've thought it could be interesting adding Lead Battery Blocks acting more like electrolyzer ... but able to deals with LIQUID. What would you think about a Liquid made out of Lead having 2 forms: charged and discharged.
I really would find epic storing EU in my tanks (not thinking about Lava and others, because the only possible conversion for current liquid is Liquid--> EU). Of course, it could have a very low rate of losses, to prevent people from using this + Planned Quantum Tank as (almost) endless EU storageOff-Suggestion: When will suggestion about almost-randomly-generated-world-using-wormhole be allowed ?
I don't know why but the Electric Crafting table doesn't take energy from the red side.
the op still have the version 253a can you fix it
Look at the Title of the correspondend Spoiler. this Version is for Server Owners, who dont make Modpacks.
[Suggestion]: Lead Battery Block
As you've already said you will implement uses for lead, maybe containing Lead Battery, I've thought it could be interesting adding Lead Battery Blocks acting more like electrolyzer ... but able to deals with LIQUID. What would you think about a Liquid made out of Lead having 2 forms: charged and discharged.Ahem, look at the Recipes for RE-Batteries and make a Batbox of them => Same Effect, but less cool.
Off-Suggestion: When will suggestion about almost-randomly-generated-world-using-wormhole be allowed ?
Why not?
I don't know why but the Electric Crafting table doesn't take energy from the red side.
Could it be a Problem for you, that it's the output Facing? I added it so you can place Autocrafting Tables inline. If you dont want it, then there is the upper Mode Button in the GUI.
Question: Is there any sheldonite ore in the main land mass in the End? or is it only in the asteroids around it?
Having a bit of problems mining those asteroids since they are a bit crowded (if you been there you know what I mean).
Just made my first pink goo without any cheating or making the game easier by config.
Have to say it takes quite a fair amount of effort to get there but there's better feeling of progress now then with old mass fab.
On the nei crashing issue from some pages back, Don't bother trying current versions (CCC 0.6.14, NEI they won't work. Older version (CCC 0.6.11, NEI works just fine.
i ahd an idea involving the end ores, i think that when put in an industrial grinder, they should drop some end stone dust and possily, because they could be considered to be quite solid, they should destroy the bucket/tin cell when going through it, another thing, the industrial grinder should be able to have water pumped in, it would make some sense
I mean like what's the recent version for client? V255a? or 253? i'm not making a modpack -_- im updating my mods
I mean like what's the recent version for client? V255a? or 253? i'm not making a modpack -_- im updating my mods
It's 2.55a, this was taken from in
"version": "2.55a",
"mcversion": "1.4.5",TheTunnelingCat try putting Aqueous Accumulator (from Thermal Expansion) below the grinder controller box
Hmm... I just downloaded 2.53d recently Greg is really fast.
i ahd an idea involving the end ores, i think that when put in an industrial grinder, they should drop some end stone dust and possily, because they could be considered to be quite solid, they should destroy the bucket/tin cell when going through it, another thing, the industrial grinder should be able to have water pumped in, it would make some senseGreg added liquid input to machines in version 2.51b.
Could it be a Problem for you, that it's the output Facing? I added it so you can place Autocrafting Tables inline. If you dont want it, then there is the upper Mode Button in the GUI.
Can you explain more about that new crafting table interface and all that stuff, I haven't had time to play with this crafting table? I'm just making iridium with my Fusion Reactor
and constructing new machines, factories, auto crafting stations (using BC tables and Logi Pipes) and all that good stuff. I wanted to just try out the unification thing and it's pretty damn good ;).
thanks, i didn't know, as it isn't in the wiki (well i didn't see it anywhere)
and it isn't mentioned in the GUI that it can receive liquid input -
How do you re-enable the Forestry bronze recipe? It doesn't appear to be in the config anywhere.
How do you re-enable the Forestry bronze recipe? It doesn't appear to be in the config anywhere.
Delete the old config, regenerate it (by entering mc once) and then you can find it @ features,
change it to false..
Minecraft has crashed!
----------------------Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem; Rendering screen
--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT 4cde8950 --------
Full report at:
Please show that file to Mojang, NOT just this screen!Generated 12/11/12 5:33 PM
-- Head --
at um.c(SourceFile:84)
at bbt.a(
at bbt.b(
at auy.a(
at auy.a( Screen render details --
Screen name: codechicken.nei.recipe.GuiUsageRecipe
Mouse location: Scaled: (288, 51). Absolute: (863, 612)
Screen size: Scaled: (454, 256). Absolute: (1360, 768). Scale factor of 3Stacktrace:
at ayh.a(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.b(
at Source)java.lang.NullPointerException
at um.c(SourceFile:84)
at bbt.a(
at bbt.b(
at auy.a(
at auy.a(
at bac.b(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.J(
at Source)
--- END ERROR REPORT 46504822 ----------This error i got when viewing the use of the sapphire
Its for those, who wanna Pump an Ocean empty.
Currently, I'm coding an OreDictionary-Unificator into my Autocrafting Table. It will convert Dusts, Ingots and Gems, which are added by other Mods, into their IC²/GregTech Counterpart (If there is one!), that Way you dont have to store 3 Diffrent Ingots of Silver, and you can use Logistics Pipes with one single Type of Ingot, or store your Stuff in one single Barrel instead of 3.
It has a seperate OreDictionary-Unificator-Mode to convert all the incoming Stuff, but it also uses this ability, when you normally autocraft things in it. If you, for example, use the Forestry Bronze Recipe in it, then you will receive instead of the regular 4 ingots of Forestry-Bronze, the unificated 4 Ingots of IC²-Bronze, what is pretty much the same as Forestry Bronze, but much better stackable, because of unification.
And yes, I'm well aware, that there is an OreLexicon Mod, but it massively tends to random exploits and is not automatable.
So what happens if I craft circuits?(Edit: You said dusts, ingots and gems)
Will there be a separate block that unifies whatever you put in it? -
Just stopping by to show my support of this amazing addon. I can't use IC2 without this anymore after using it. Keep up the good work.
I've thrown a few eyeballs every now and then on this mod and it looks pretty interesting. However I'm concerned about "how" to play the mod. It obviously changes IC2 from a "low/med" mod to a "high" end mod. So how do you gather resources to even create some of the things from the mod? Gathering supplies without some mods can be quite challenging. For example, you could dig a hole and hit a diamonds after a few minutes... or you could dig for 3+ hours without even seeing one!(happens every now and then).
I just have a hard time visualizing how to play it properly, without turning the game into a a chore of randomness. I really like some of the recipes because they add complexity. Would be nice if someone shared some of their experience with the mod and how they play it. Thanks! (note: without editing the configs, using the mod as intended of course)
Suggestion : when Redpower 2 is released, if Eloraam has still not fixed the block breaker recipe to require tungsten, fix it for her
Swap that pick out in the recipe with a "tungsten cutting head" that has to be made with tungsten ingots from your high temperature furnace.
Also, I suggest you stop catering to n00bs with individual configs for every feature that fixes game balance. Just have a single flag to enable "n00b mode", and make sure it tells everyone that n00b mode is enabled whenever they start the game...
Suggestion : when Redpower 2 is released, if Eloraam has still not fixed the block breaker recipe to require tungsten, fix it for her
she will lock any thread that modifies/uses her code.