@Kane You can place water in the Nether, you just can't place buckets of water there. I don't think you need grinder for matter fabricator.
Also an easier way is to place ice blocks and break them to get water source blocks.
@Kane You can place water in the Nether, you just can't place buckets of water there. I don't think you need grinder for matter fabricator.
Also an easier way is to place ice blocks and break them to get water source blocks.
Also an easier way is to place ice blocks and break them to get water source blocks.
I believe you can place "water still" got from NEI at nether, and sadly you can't do the ice -> water trick (@ nether) anymore..
Also an easier way is to place ice blocks and break them to get water source blocks.
You can't do that anymore.
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Quoted from "Zjarek"
@Kane You can place water in the Nether, you just can't place buckets of water there. I don't think you need grinder for matter fabricator.
Also an easier way is to place ice blocks and break them to get water source blocks.
I believe you can place "water still" got from NEI at nether, and sadly you can't do the ice -> water trick (@ nether) anymore..
You use both water tiles including I think the IC One. Downside is 2 UU Matter is a insane cost playing GregTech the legit way. Wonder if Greg would be willing add something like this even if its a bit more expensive I don't mind.
I can't tell what those cells are and I doubt Greg can either.
There should be a UUM recipe for chrome dust.
The main reason why aluminium is used for power Transmission is the conductivity/mass (sigma/m) ratio. It may be less conductive than copper, but it is also much less dense. This makes it a better choice for long distance transmission on power lines, as even if the total volume of aluminium needed is bigger (i.e. thicker cable) the total mass of aluminium needed is much less. This coupled with the fact that per mass, aluminium is much cheaper, means it makes a much better choice for long distance transmission of power.
Note: even if silver (the best pure metal, room temperature conductor) were as cheap as aluminium, aluminium would still be used for long distance transmission, due to the density consideration above. The only atmosphere friendly metal that would do better than aluminium is Beryllium, which is not used due to a combination of toxicity and rarity. the other metals with a better sigma/m than aluminium are all highly reactive and will burn in rain. Due to the impedance issue mentioned earlier, long distance transmission cables should be uninsulated, so the better metals (sodium for example) cannot be used due to the need for insulation.
For internal wiring, copper is a better choice, as the density is less relevant, and there is an advantage to thinner wires when running them in walls.
Where can I find the NEI plugin for this mod?
Lmao, He has a recipe for water tiles to cells I guess and I want him to add a recipe for cells to water tile I guess.
bug or feature translocator is ignoring second side from doubble chest?
bug or feature translocator is ignoring second side from doubble chest?
probably bug, i assume due to a similar reason why if you break one side of the chest the stuff will drop, the other side, it will not drop
Hey Greg, Could you add methane and hydrogen as "Liquids" (flagged as a gas of course) so that they would work similarly to steam (from railcraft)? i would like to be able to pump gas to power my base. Also, your mod is my favorite by far out of all the ones in FTB!
Hey Greg, Could you add methane and hydrogen as "Liquids" (flagged as a gas of course) so that they would work similarly to steam (from railcraft)? i would like to be able to pump gas to power my base.
Also, your mod is my favorite by far out of all the ones in FTB!
I am still waiting for them to allow coolant to be pumped into the nuclear reactors, Would be great if you could have a helium coolant system (i guess use pressurized water for non-gregtech reactors), and have a closed cycle steam system to run turbines.
The industrial Electrolyzer broke on me once. I tried to use it without having enough power to do what i wanted, so it drained my energy and got half way done, then when i ran out, it reset back to start and then took some power and filled a little, then reset to start, and continued that process unending. I then removed the empty cells and clay dust from the machine and it continued to do that and drain power. (immibis explained this is all normal, but read on>)
I then removed the machine block itself and it CONTINUED to take power. I broke the cable connecting it to the LV transformer and it continued to take power, i then broke the cable that connected the LV transformer to the MFE and it finally stopped taking power. I reconnected and set it all back up and it worked fine again.. Changing the redstone output mode also stops it from taking power when it's no longer hooked up.
Second possible problem(don't know if it's intentional): When I remove the electrolyzer with the wrench it just disappears completely.
I also got this crash error later, i don't know if it's gregtech or related:
2012-12-16 22:20:15 [INFO] [STDERR] java.lang.AbstractMethodError
2012-12-16 22:20:15 [INFO] [STDERR] at ic2.common.ItemToolWrench.onItemUseFirst(ItemToolWrench.java:119)
2012-12-16 22:20:15 [INFO] [STDERR] at ir.a(ItemInWorldManager.java:386)
2012-12-16 22:20:15 [INFO] [STDERR] at iv.a(NetServerHandler.java:525)
2012-12-16 22:20:15 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.smart.moving.playerapi.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:39)
2012-12-16 22:20:15 [INFO] [STDERR] at fl.a(SourceFile:58)
2012-12-16 22:20:15 [INFO] [STDERR] at cg.b(TcpConnection.java:451)
2012-12-16 22:20:15 [INFO] [STDERR] at iv.d(NetServerHandler.java:82)
2012-12-16 22:20:15 [INFO] [STDERR] at iw.b(NetworkListenThread.java:55)
2012-12-16 22:20:15 [INFO] [STDERR] at ht.b(SourceFile:30)
2012-12-16 22:20:15 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.r(MinecraftServer.java:696)
2012-12-16 22:20:15 [INFO] [STDERR] at ho.r(DedicatedServer.java:252)
2012-12-16 22:20:15 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q(MinecraftServer.java:592)
2012-12-16 22:20:15 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:499)
2012-12-16 22:20:15 [INFO] [STDERR] at fy.run(SourceFile:856)
2012-12-16 22:20:15 [SEVERE] [Minecraft] Encountered an unexpected exception AbstractMethodError
at ic2.common.ItemToolWrench.onItemUseFirst(ItemToolWrench.java:119)
at ir.a(ItemInWorldManager.java:386)
at iv.a(NetServerHandler.java:525)
at net.smart.moving.playerapi.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:39)
at fl.a(SourceFile:58)
at cg.b(TcpConnection.java:451)
at iv.d(NetServerHandler.java:82)
at iw.b(NetworkListenThread.java:55)
at ht.b(SourceFile:30)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.r(MinecraftServer.java:696)
at ho.r(DedicatedServer.java:252)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q(MinecraftServer.java:592)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:499)
at fy.run(SourceFile:856)
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Lmao, He has a recipe for water tiles to cells I guess and I want him to add a recipe for cells to water tile I guess.
That's because it works for piped-in water.
The industrial Electrolyzer is broken. It uses EU when it just has empty cells in the cell slots and i bugged it out where it kept pulling power when there wasn't enough and then starting over and over and over forever, i had to replace the block.
THAT'S NOT A BUG. You don't know how often people report that "bug" which is completely intentional.
All GregTech machines use the input items before they start processing. So when you put, say, 12 bauxite dust in the electrolyzer, it will use up all 12, and 8 cells and then start running. It will use power even though there's nothing in the input slot because it's still trying to process the stuff that was in the input slot before.
If it ever runs out of power, it will restart the process. That's also intentional. Since it keeps restarting you might not be able to see the progress bar move, so you could think it's a bug.
I am still waiting for them to allow coolant to be pumped into the nuclear reactors, Would be great if you could have a helium coolant system (i guess use pressurized water for non-gregtech reactors), and have a closed cycle steam system to run turbines.
Ha, yeah, that would be really cool! What i want to see, is the reactor become a large multiblock item, not just a dink 1-7 meter*2 thing. that way, steam power producing reactors would actually make sense... infact, make all heat related energy require water, and produce steam. That would make me very happy
THAT'S NOT A BUG. You don't know how often people report that "bug" which is completely intentional.
All GregTech machines use the input items before they start processing. So when you put, say, 12 bauxite dust in the electrolyzer, it will use up all 12, and 8 cells and then start running. It will use power even though there's nothing in the input slot because it's still trying to process the stuff that was in the input slot before.
If it ever runs out of power, it will restart the process. That's also intentional. Since it keeps restarting you might not be able to see the progress bar move, so you could think it's a bug.
Yea sorry I didn't explain the entire problem. I edited in the entire problem. Please re-read
Lmao, He has a recipe for water tiles to cells I guess and I want him to add a recipe for cells to water tile I guess.
You can pump Water into Electrolyzer. Doing so causes Watersources to be generated inside the H2O Slot, which can then be used in that Recipe. Same with centrfuged Lava.
Hey Greg, Could you add methane and hydrogen as "Liquids" (flagged as a gas of course) so that they would work similarly to steam (from railcraft)? i would like to be able to pump gas to power my base.
Also, your mod is my favorite by far out of all the ones in FTB!
I plan to add those "Liquids". Is there really a Gas Flag? I thought Thermocraft uses a special Case for that.
probably bug, i assume due to a similar reason why if you break one side of the chest the stuff will drop, the other side, it will not drop
I dunno why its working in Buildcraft, but I guess its a special Case.
I am still waiting for them to allow coolant to be pumped into the nuclear reactors, Would be great if you could have a helium coolant system (i guess use pressurized water for non-gregtech reactors), and have a closed cycle steam system to run turbines.
I guess you will never be able to pump Coolant into Reactors, as the Steam just goes the same Pipe out as the Coolant goes in.
Yea sorry I didn't explain the entire problem.
Why dont you read the Q/A? Its a REQUIREMENT to read it, before posting anything here. My Prof was right. One cant stop people from not reading things like Q/A's. It's usually called the "read the fucking manual"-Problem.
Second possible problem(don't know if it's intentional): When I remove the electrolyzer with the wrench it just disappears completely.
I also got this crash error later, i don't know if it's gregtech or related:
Install notes say AFTER YOU INSTALLED IC2 PROPERLY. And you didnt do that. You installed another Mod, which breaks IC2s API, remove the depricated IC2-API of said IC2-breaking Mod.
I plan to add those "Liquids". Is there really a Gas Flag? I thought Thermocraft uses a special Case for that.
Even if they're liquids it would be cool, though not all that useful. Almost everything that can be in cells (except uranium/plutonium/thorium) should probably be a liquid, but that would probably be too much work for not that much use.
I dunno why its working in Buildcraft, but I guess its a special Case.
It is a special case in Buildcraft and RedPower and whatever else can access chests.
Why dont you read the Q/A? Its a REQUIREMENT to read it, before posting anything here. My Prof was right. One cant stop people from not reading things like Q/A's. It's usually called the "read the fucking manual"-Problem.
Install notes say AFTER YOU INSTALLED IC2 PROPERLY. And you didnt do that. You installed another Mod, which breaks IC2s API, remove the depricated IC2-API of said IC2-breaking Mod.
1. Ah, see, but I did read the FAQ and the problem isn't the one listed in the FAQ. The problem is that the machine kept taking EU even AFTER I had removed the block from the world. The only 2 ways I found to fix it was to break the wire next to the MFE or by switching redstone output of the MFE.
2. So I installed a mod that breaks IC2? I am playing with IC2, Gregtech, Advanced Machines, Compact Solars, NuclearControl, GraviSuite, and MFFS. Do any of those break IC2? I don't know how I would find out which one breaks IC2 without sitting here swapping out each mod 1 at a time until I can remove gregtech machines with the wrench again.
3. So after all is said and done and I read guides and watched videos I still cant' get the electrolyzer to actually produce anything that takes a significant amount of EU. putting in 12 bauxite says it takes 256,000 EU and takes 100 seconds. Does that mean I have to maintain a constant 256k EU at the other end of the line for that 100 seconds? I have a MFE full (600k EU) outputting at 128/t (which is the max for electrolyzer) and after it takes 200k EU from the MFE it resets progress and tells me it's a "insufficient energy line". (The MFE still has another 400k EU stored)
1. Ah, see, but I did read the FAQ and the problem isn't the one listed in the FAQ. The problem is that the machine kept taking EU even AFTER I had removed the block from the world. The only 2 ways I found to fix it was to break the wire next to the MFE or by switching redstone output of the MFE.
2. So I installed a mod that breaks IC2? I am playing with IC2, Gregtech, Advanced Machines, Compact Solars, NuclearControl, GraviSuite, and MFFS. Do any of those break IC2? I don't know how I would find out which one breaks IC2 without sitting here swapping out each mod 1 at a time until I can remove gregtech machines with the wrench again.
3. So after all is said and done and I read guides and watched videos I still cant' get the electrolyzer to actually produce anything that takes a significant amount of EU. putting in 12 bauxite says it takes 256,000 EU and takes 100 seconds. Does that mean I have to maintain a constant 256k EU at the other end of the line for that 100 seconds? I have a MFE full (600k EU) outputting at 128/t (which is the max for electrolyzer) and after it takes 200k EU from the MFE it resets progress and tells me it's a "insufficient energy line". (The MFE still has another 400k EU stored)
1. Seems to be the old IC2-Bug with Cables. Or you did something else wrong.
2. Do you have 1.109 or the official 1.110? If one Mod is not updated to the 1.110 and has an IC2-API, then wrenching Stuff is broken.
3. You forgot to count cable loss. Do really that much people take EU-loss on Cables not as a serious Problem?
You probably have some loss in the cable, so by the time it has used 200k EU, the internal energy storage has run out. Try using cables with less loss (with a single MFE, you want 0 EU/p loss when processing bauxite), or add another MFE or a batbox to the line to cover the missing EU/p.