One of the main reasons ideas get shot down on this board is because people seem to think it is a general suggestion board for Minecraft. Probably about 50% of the stuff on here is barely related to IC2, and should be a whole new mod. It seems the few good ideas (like the torch gun, *wink* *nudge*) get buried in "add space" and "moar tres" suggestions. Compared to these, lightning rods are a perfectly legitimate suggestion (apart from the fact they have been suggested so many times).

[Forum Suggestion] This forum is not a suggestion board for Minecraft
- bbqroast
- Closed
Suggestion forum is ALSO cluttered with dumb threads that aren't suggestions.
I suggest that we don't suggest how people should do suggestions...
I also say that if a (or series of) suggestion is REALLY STUPID, that person should just be banned for their stupidity and/or ignorance...
I also say that if a (or series of) suggestion is REALLY STUPID, that person should just be banned for their stupidity and/or ignorance...
If you're talking about some people in particular, I think I know the guys
there is NO CHANCE that some random noob will make genius suggestion that will be instantly implemented.
There is 0 suggestions from noobs that implemented in IC2.I suggest to REMOVE this section completely, it stupid and useless.
If you want to remove this section, you should also kick all users and make the forum invite only, otherwise you"ll get the only thing worse than stupid and useless suggestions cluttering the suggestion section- stupid and useless suggestions cluttering the entire forum.
also kick all users and make the forum invite only
Kick all users who registered just to suggest (SHOCK CONTENT) space dimenstion right after registration, ignoring hive rules and search button.Checked last page:
Electric piston lul what? wont happen.
Could illuminators not melt ice vanilla related, need hack or basemod - wont happen.
a remake of the end/new dimension- alternative endgame! HAYO - wont happen.
Some piston fun vanilla related, wont happen.
Micro Voltage Transformer hive rules - wont happen
Nuclear bomb recipe rejected zillion times - addon implemented.
Electrolytic Refining rejected multiple times already.
Alternate upgrade path for NanoSuit hive rules - wont happen.
Throwable Flare (mainly for diving .etc) cannot be implemented in current chunk format, not IC2 related.
Wrenching process instead of immediate effect and variable durability/energy on wrench. someone forgot about electric wrench...
A more realistic bronze recipe there is no realism in minecraft
Recyclers need a fix HAYO flaming thread
Iron Fences powered by the side of Magnetizers. will happen
Add configurable quantum helmet food costs rejected zillion times - will happen
Solar panel lag reduction idea addon implemented
Nuclear reactor/crop almanac loot NEI
Toolbox tweak wont happenNothing new, thash,thash,trash, this hive only for lulz.
Well, unless you have a magical noob detector, the only to prevent people from registering just to suggest a stupid suggestion is to make the registration invite only.
No place to post stupid suggestions - no stupid suggestions.
Dont need magic for this.For usefull individuals addon's section exists.
Electric piston lul what? wont happen. Original, not well thought out.
Could illuminators not melt ice vanilla related, need hack or basemod - wont happen. Original, small request, if not a coder you can't be sure if it's possible.
a remake of the end/new dimension- alternative endgame! HAYO - wont happen. Joke.
Some piston fun vanilla related, wont happen. Not IC2 related, but a valid mod suggestion.
Micro Voltage Transformer hive rules - wont happen Unoriginal, denied before.
Nuclear bomb recipe rejected zillion times - addon implemented.Unoriginal, denied before.
Electrolytic Refining rejected multiple times already. Iffy on original, denied before.
Alternate upgrade path for NanoSuit hive rules - wont happen. Not original, valid suggestion.
Throwable Flare (mainly for diving .etc) cannot be implemented in current chunk format, not IC2 related. Original, on topic and possible in some implementations.
Wrenching process instead of immediate effect and variable durability/energy on wrench. someone forgot about electric wrench...Unoriginal, unnecessary.
A more realistic bronze recipe there is no realism in minecraft Suggested before, unoriginal, unnecessary.
Recyclers need a fix HAYO flaming thread No, they don't.
Iron Fences powered by the side of Magnetizers. will happen Suggested before, unoriginal, completely needed.
Add configurable quantum helmet food costs rejected zillion times - will happen Suggested before, small tweak.
Solar panel lag reduction idea addon implemented I'm going to pass on this one, I have no clue.
Nuclear reactor/crop almanac loot NEI Original, small tweak, fun, less reliance on wiki/other mods, improved immersion.
Toolbox tweak wont happen Skipping this one too, I have no clue about it.The only suggestions I think are valid are Illuminators, Flare, Q-Helmet Config, And Almanac loots.
No place to post stupid suggestions - no stupid suggestions.
Dont need magic for this.
What will they do instead, PM Al? Sounds like fun for him... -
They are noobs. If they have a stupid suggestion, they"ll post it anywhere if there isn't a specialized section- support, engineering, anywhere.
why using copyright wars arguments?Stolen copy != moneyloss.
No suggestion hive != suggestions at other places.Nanomanz
icemelt not IC2 related, check thread for techinfo, and coder answer about it. -
there is NO CHANCE that some random noob will make genius suggestion that will be instantly implemented.
There is 0 suggestions from noobs that implemented in IC2.I suggest to REMOVE this section completely, it stupid and useless.
Not quite true, I think I had like 12 posts back when I made my first suggestion, a block that could alter crop's growth aspects, and it got added to the To-do-list; while it has not been added yet, it's not impossible to be a noob with a suggestion that gets approved.
Kick all users who registered just to suggest (SHOCK CONTENT) space dimenstion right after registration, ignoring hive rules and search button.Checked last page:
Electric piston lul what? wont happen.
Actually, I wouldn't mind a piston that could throw sand into the air. But maybe more suited to another mod.
Could illuminators not melt ice vanilla related, need hack or basemod - wont happen.
I was inquiring if it was possible, it wasn't. Still a valid suggestion.
a remake of the end/new dimension- alternative endgame! HAYO - wont happen.
That was a joke trying to point out the culture surrounding IC2.
Some piston fun vanilla related, wont happen.
Not an electric piston, the guy was inquiring as to why pistons
wouldn't push cables. A good type of suggestion to be locked and
archived for future users. Still valid.
Micro Voltage Transformer hive rules - wont happen
Won't happen due to balance reasons, still valid. But I think it has been suggested a lot of times before. And he had a good point, why do we need the most expensive cable in the game to effectively wire up lights to a battery?
Nuclear bomb recipe rejected zillion times - addon implemented.
Electrolytic Refining rejected multiple times already.
Alternate upgrade path for NanoSuit hive rules - wont happen.
Couldn't find thread.
Throwable Flare (mainly for diving .etc) cannot be implemented in current chunk format, not IC2 related.
Wrenching process instead of immediate effect and variable durability/energy on wrench. someone forgot about electric wrench...
A more realistic bronze recipe there is no realism in minecraft
Recyclers need a fix HAYO flaming thread
Iron Fences powered by the side of Magnetizers. will
A good suggestion.
Add configurable quantum helmet food costs rejected zillion times - will happen
Why rejected? This is the type of thing that should be configurable, I for one would like to disable food healing altogether for the helmet.
Solar panel lag reduction idea addon implemented
No, this is different. He was thinking the lag was from packets (I remember Kane constantly talking about how all the packets in the wires from solar panels caused lag) and was suggesting a way of solving the issue. As it happens, according to Alblaka ENet has little trouble handling packets. Still valid.
Nuclear reactor/crop almanac loot NEI
No, the books would provide information about how to use the items, not just how to craft them. Stop making assumptions about threads..
Toolbox tweak wont happen
Why not? Actually a good idea. Many other mods implement portable chests of some sort for specific items. Why shouldn't IC2 have one for its tools? A majority of the users here will have never touched the toolbox, simply because it's so useless.Nothing new, thash,thash,trash, this hive only for lulz.
Actually a lot of these are valid threads making a good point. Some of them are impossible (sadly) and some of them should really be implemented. So stop acting like the posts here are all shit. It seems we shoot down a lot of genuinely good ideas.
The only way to stop these suggestions is to completely isolate yourself as Eloraam has done. But I'm sure DW20 and many others still get spammed with suggestions for RedPower to pass on to Eloraam. Not a good idea in the slightest.
Really we need to delete bad threads immediately. Just get them out of the way.
What about just updating Suggestion Compedium thread?
If people looked there, ideas already mentioned there wouldn't be
postedspamed. -
Because anyone who doesn't use the search function probably won't read stickies
If people looked there, ideas already mentioned there wouldn't be
postedspamed.Remember the T****t guy from a while ago, the one that managed to post, in the wrong forum, a suggestion already done by GregTech and said that it should be added to T****t instead of saying it should be added to IC2? So long as guys like that exist, there will always be people that bypass all required reading to spam retarded suggestions that have been made before.
I often notice that a newby suggestion culminates in a flamethread or bashthread.
These suggestion should just politely be closed by a central authority (Like a Global mod, developper, or equivalent).Some people will not listen to the input of other players, that's why a thread often ends when Alblaka or RichardG gives a final word on it (Locking aside.)
I say to just lock the threads and setup the forum to delete any thread locked for 2 weeks.
A compendium is useful for the developers themselves and involved members, random suggestion-spammers often don't bother to look.You can't expect a forum to keep itself clean. You will either need to do it yourself or avoid letting troublemakers in.
If the forums were to become so hostile as to make it invite-only it will become a really quiet place overtime, as well as damaging the IC2 name.
We surely don't want ICF to become: 'The forums where input is not appreciated.'
*exaggerated, but it's to make a point*