MM you just made my day by adding the plasma cannon

~0.7.0-534~ MachineMuse's Modular Powersuits
Just encountered a bug with the power tool when using the pick axe module (not tested the axe and shovel module nor tested it with the aqua affinity or diamond upgrade yet) it does not seem to draw power from any of my armour or the tool itself but still functions as it should as long as enough power is available to do the specific action.
So if I have it set to use 1KJ to mine then have 1KJ in my tool it will mine perfectly fine but if I have 500J available then it will function as it should if it is out of power this happens at all the power usage levels I've tested it at.
The plasma cannon (which is awesome BTW) does draw power as it should however.
Hmm... noticed a bug myself the universal electricity recipe for the HV capacitor seems to not work tried crafting one with the required materials but it won't make it.
Thanks for the bug report on the pickaxe;
I'll look into it.Fixed!For the UE recipe, it requires a full battery. Sorry :s
Thanks for the bug report on the pickaxe;
I'll look into it.Fixed!For the UE recipe, it requires a full battery. Sorry :s
doh... I should have figured.also... having a blast with the plasma cannon >=3
The plasma cannon... Wow that thing is awesome. The only thing I could find is that shots fired into the air seem to go a ways and stop, and persist for a long time. I shot multiple non charged shots and followed them up and they all congregated at about y 150~.
Otherwise hnnnng. This is the mod I've always wanted. I've got modding skills and experience but this is outrageously good. -
indeed so glad I got an energy shield damn enemies keep sneaking up on me and I blast them at close range with the plasma cannon... instant death for them... though the surrounding environment is suffering LOL!
Damn it MM you need a banner bad... I wanna display it so much since this is such an awesome mod even though it's still in the works
For those of you without massive factories to produce the needed capacitors and containment fields for the plasma cannon, we recommend our new inspiring blueprint: Melee Assist. Punch harder and farther!
The plasma cannon... Wow that thing is awesome. The only thing I could find is that shots fired into the air seem to go a ways and stop, and persist for a long time. I shot multiple non charged shots and followed them up and they all congregated at about y 150~.
Otherwise hnnnng. This is the mod I've always wanted. I've got modding skills and experience but this is outrageously good. they dissipate after 10 minutes (7200 ticks) at least? There's 2 different checks on them, the default entity lifespan and my own thingy. Maybe they are dying on the server side and not on the client side... I did set the tracking radius rather high...Also, thanks for the praise! It feeds my constant and incessant need for validation and keeps me motivated
indeed so glad I got an energy shield damn enemies keep sneaking up on me and I blast them at close range with the plasma cannon... instant death for them... though the surrounding environment is suffering LOL!
Damn it MM you need a banner bad... I wanna display it so much since this is such an awesome mod even though it's still in the works
lol, yes, it is a bit destructive if you turn up the explosivenessAs for banners...Hm... how 'bout this one my artist made :3
Edit: looks a bit weird on this background...maybe it needs a black background or something to make it fit. -
Yeah a blackish background would work or... a dark purple
Like this maybe?
Nice that looks better
yeesh, 20kb filesize limit? how am I even gonna make that...
Can anyone give me the link to the required IC2 build? I don't know where to get it...
Edit: It would be nice if there was a module that like the vajra from gravitation plate (cheap recipes suck) which breaks blocks instantly.
Can anyone give me the link to the required IC2 build? I don't know where to get it...
Edit: It would be nice if there was a module that like the vajra from gravitation plate (cheap recipes suck) which breaks blocks instantly.
Added a link to the OP.
Also fixed some bugs (the lifespan thingy seems to be working again, let me know if there's still issues)
Also the tools now scale with overclocking from 8x-25x instead of 2-20. Cause I mean, who would bother making them worse than iron, right?
Holy shit! I like it!
And I will tell even more. I like that it's open source!
Where is my SVN... (go to code some stuff)
I really wish this mod wouldn't use it's own batteries and convert the 2 different types of energy with the batteries, and for it to use EU if you have IC2 installed.
LV batteries: RE battery, single use battery, lithium ion battery
MV battery: energy crystal
Hv battery: lapptron crystalMaybe an ev battery if you have gregtech
Love the keybinding UI, good job
Is jetpack hovermode already in? if it is i don't see how to activate it.
Also, not sure if it's intentional or not, but if you use the sprint assist module to accelerate to the maximum then start jetpacking you get to a really ridiculous speed, like (ballpark estimate) 80+ blocks per second and minecraft fails to load chunks fast enough
Oh and how does the glider wings module work? doesn't seem to do anything for me.
Love the keybinding UI, good job
Is jetpack hovermode already in? if it is i don't see how to activate it.
Also, not sure if it's intentional or not, but if you use the sprint assist module to accelerate to the maximum then start jetpacking you get to a really ridiculous speed, like (ballpark estimate) 80+ blocks per second and minecraft fails to load chunks fast enough
Oh and how does the glider wings module work? doesn't seem to do anything for me.
Not sure if its intentional but the Jetpack module sprint thing is really fun and cool and it does something similar with the jump assist.
The glider just jump in the air and hold shift you will descend slowly and be able to move forward at a reasonable speed.
Love the keybinding UI, good job
Is jetpack hovermode already in? if it is i don't see how to activate it.
It's not; it's going to be a bit more complicated since I don't want to use sneak as the 'down' button; ever tried to sneak-click a machine in midair?Instead, 'flight control' is going to be a separate module, and I'm going to make the basic jetpack harder to control.
Also, not sure if it's intentional or not, but if you use the sprint assist module to accelerate to the maximum then start jetpacking you get to a really ridiculous speed, like (ballpark estimate) 80+ blocks per second and minecraft fails to load chunks fast enough
Oh and how does the glider wings module work? doesn't seem to do anything for me.
Read the tooltipKeybinds for now are just on/off switches - the actual controls are still the same.
huh, just installed this mod and set the config up to use IC2 recipes and have been messing with it, (Really really really cool by the way) but I cant seem to charge anything. I've got a full mfsu set up and when I stick the tool in there nothing happens. Its got the basic battery module set to fullest tinker and I just drained it messing with the plasma cannon module, but now I cant charge it. Is there something specific im missing?