Well... I just got one idea for another TC-GT transmutation. Organics transmutation, where you can transmute water into oil or nitro-glyceryl. Uses lots of potentia, tenebrae and vacuos essentia. Would use an oilberry as catalyst.

[GT-Suggestions] I still look at this Thread when I got out of Ideas for new things, yes really I do that. Even though I don't edit this Post anymore.
- GregoriusT
- Closed
Hello Greg, please can you add config options for "disabling specific materials"?
For example: In my moded minecraft i have only NEI, IC2, GT. I don't want add oregen for inaccessible materials like Thaumcraft shards, Astral Silver, Mithril and many more. I want to remove all this inaccessible things from game. I don't want any tool, gear, dust, rod, spring, screw, plate, ingot, fluid, ore,... from this materials. But i can't, in configuration is impossible to remove all. In Recipes.cfg i disable all what i can, but this only removes recipes from machines. In standard crafting table are the recipes always. For removing crafting recipes i can use Minetweaker, but i can't remove all like "molten Mithril", which is still in IC2 Universal fluid cell.
I want NEI without inacessible things, but all of this is lot of work for removing inaccessible things and i need to use another mod.Please add a config for not adding stuff from unwanted materials. A simple "true false" configuration file for each material, which adds gregtech, will be enough.
Thanks -
or maybe a config to disable compatibility for every mod with compatibility code in GT.
While it seems simple, it is not that simple. It is just not really possible to remove anything using a Config, without causing the Side Effects of rather important Stuff going missing.
Also all Compat is kept universal and is intentionally not Module based in order to have Stuff work properly. This has become an All-In-One-Mod with additional Compat Features to work well with almost every other Mod per Default.
i guess it's just annoying to have NEI clutter due to GT items from a metal which you can't get anyway. there are several solutions to this problem, you could instead of removing compats for noninstalled mods also just remove the items from NEI, like the NEI addon whose name i can't remember right now that removes stuff like a thpusand drums and 30 pages of microblocks. that remembers me of something i previously thought of, maybe you could create something like placeholder tool parts and show all the recipes with them, and then remove the other tool parts from NEI.
just remove the items from NEI, like the NEI addon whose name i can't remember right now that removes stuff like a thpusand drums and 30 pages of microblocks.
I think that Mod is called "NEI" and has a Subset Function to disable all the unwanted Items.
Also there are far worse things than the clutter of Default GT. Imagine having GT Debug Mode on, because that shows ALL the GT Items. I have 300 Pages of NEI due to that (in default windowed MC). There is something called Search Function and it doesn't even lag (like it did in MC 1.5).
it does, just not strong enough to notice it if you have a good computer. also, if youo search for steel, you still get 2 pages, i think. and there is actually an addon for NEI which removes clutter due to portable fluid containers filled with every liquid existing, ~10 microblocks per nlock in the game, i looked the name up, it's called InpureCore. something like that could/in my opinion would be nice in GT, too, i think, if you can still see the recipes somehow. btw, having things that are worse than the current subject is no argument to leave it as it is. imagine thast would happen with the problem of the very old, damaged bridges in Germany: But there are kids starving in Africa! Okay, so let's do nothing and wait for the bridges to break. Also, the subset function let's me disable mods(and maybe single items, i don't know). The point is that i don't really need to see the 10 pages with materials(fullscreen), as long as i can get the recipes. If you don't like it, then say it that way, and don't say something else is worse.
Greg, you still haven't implemented Stargates(I think)! There's even Naquadah now, so why no Stargates?
Greg, you still haven't implemented Stargates(I think)! There's even Naquadah now, so why no Stargates?I would guess that stargates aren't exactly easy to create, and neither
that one can create them very fast. Also I guess that Greg doesn't work
on GT 24/7. If my second and my third guess are true, then you have
your answer. -
I would guess that stargates aren't exactly easy to create, and neither
that one can create them very fast. Also I guess that Greg doesn't work
on GT 24/7. If my second and my third guess are true, then you have
your answer.
Yeah, but Greg planned lightningrods since day two(Day one was just the lightningrod anyway). And it's my job to remind him as often as humanly possible without getting banned. -
I would assume that the main problem with lack of stargates is that there really isn't anything interesting enough to go through them.
I vaguely remember Greg has mentioned planning to have a whole GT-dimension at some point. I would guess if that dimension ever gets added, stargates will be too. Having them just as yet-another-portal isn't all that interesting.
>Stargates rather than Generic
>isn't all that interesting
Are you implying Stargates aren't more interesting than generic portals? Besides, who wouldn't want to use a giant, short-time opening stargate with massive energy needs? -
So Greg
Pls add a meta toolset for cooking :I I need:
Juicer (Mortar for Fruits -> Juice), a Pot, a Saucepan, a Skillet, a CuttingBoard, a MixingBowl and a Bakeware, then we have all the Harvestcraft tools so I can disable them and just use your Meta tools yo
So you want a uranium cutting board over a wooden or plastic one?
Of course not all those mats
But could be funny tho :I
We haz plutonium knives for cutting bread, so why not.
As for now I could add some additional oredict entries:
val mortar = <ore:toolMortarandpestle>;
mortar.add(<gregtech:gt.metatool.01:24>); // Mortar
val cutboard = <ore:toolCuttingboard>;
cutboard.add(<gregtech:gt.metatool.01:34>); // Knife
val bowl = <ore:toolMixingbowl>;
bowl.add(<minecraft:bowl>); // MC Bowl
val bake = <ore:toolBakeware>;
bake.add(<gregtech:gt.metatool.01:46>); // Rolling Pin
val juice = (ore:toolJuicer);
juice.add(<gregtech:gt.metatool.01:14>); // Softhammerbut there're 3 crafting tools missing or I couldn't find an equal solution (Pot, Skillet and Saucepan aren't gregyfied :I) so those would be nice to have greg
A neutronium cutting board that will suck everyone into it and make a singularity and then a black hole
Neutronium is not THAT dense.
btw, is it intended that neutronium meta-tools don't drop anything when used? i noticed that when playing around on the Kirara 2.0 test server.