Playing in my legit IC2_experimental 1.6.2 world (with a ton of mods, including LS), I figured out what things you don't want to do (bitter experience):
1. Don't click with Atomic Disassemblers ANYWHERE near your machinery. You'll cry a lot.
2. Don't use Atomic Disassemblers with charge > 32. You risk to loose your life (on >= 64 max damage = 24 = 12 hearts, on 32 - 12 - 6 hearts).
3. Watch your healthbar when using Atomic Disassemblers. ALWAYS.
4. Don't punch enemies with Atomic Disassemblers. Yes, it will kill mobs instantly, but at the same time it will drain 16 000 EU. After 8 or so hits, you will significantly lower your mobilepower and will need to run to your base AGAIN.
5. After dying more than 6 times, consider switching config option "atomicDisassemblersEnableDamage" off.
What the heck happened just now? WHHHAAAAAAAT?
Client> 2013-09-19 19:11:58 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] Giving mak326428 1 of Electric Lighter
Client> 2013-09-19 19:12:01 [INFO] [STDERR] net.minecraft.util.ReportedException: Ticking player
Client> 2013-09-19 19:12:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at
Client> 2013-09-19 19:12:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServerListenThread.func_71747_b(
Client> 2013-09-19 19:12:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(
Client> 2013-09-19 19:12:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(
Client> 2013-09-19 19:12:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p(
Client> 2013-09-19 19:12:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at
Client> 2013-09-19 19:12:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at
Client> 2013-09-19 19:12:01 [INFO] [STDERR] Caused by: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
Client> 2013-09-19 19:12:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextEntry(Unknown Source)
Client> 2013-09-19 19:12:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.util.HashMap$ Source)
Client> 2013-09-19 19:12:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.util.HashMap$ Source)
Client> 2013-09-19 19:12:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at makmods.levelstorage.registry.FlightRegistry.tickEnd(
Client> 2013-09-19 19:12:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.SingleIntervalHandler.tickEnd(
Client> 2013-09-19 19:12:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.tickEnd(
Client> 2013-09-19 19:12:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onPlayerPostTick(
Client> 2013-09-19 19:12:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer.func_70071_h_(
Client> 2013-09-19 19:12:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP.func_71127_g(
Client> 2013-09-19 19:12:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at
Client> 2013-09-19 19:12:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at
Client> 2013-09-19 19:12:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at
Client> 2013-09-19 19:12:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at
Client> 2013-09-19 19:12:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at
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That must be random.
If anybody has a guess what happened, tell me. Would really appreciate it.
I hereby officially declare: Electric Lighters and Flight Registry are not relative in any way, shape or form. Not in the slightest.
And why CME? Usually in Minecraft it happens when some fellow modder forgets to check for !FMLCommonHandler.instance().getEffectiveSide().isClient(), however I have a TickHandler there which is registered only on Server (simulating) side. And ticks() function returns EnumSet.of(TickType.SERVER). There is no way it can happen. Just no way. Only if in java, following some voodoo magic you can call 1 function in the same time (which is theoretically impossible without threads and even in later case it is highly improbable it can happen)
EDIT 3: i am adding breaking particles for Atomic Disassembler. After making one tunnel, it sends ONE (instead ~1000, which was planned initially) packet, but the problem is that packet's size is ~66 kilobytes). And that's really not that bad. I'll go with it.