RTG seems to be a no brainer ATM....16 eu/t forever...so OP.
I've only today started playing on a 1.6 instance so haven't had time to play around with MOX fuel but from what I read on the forums It makes Plutonium even easier to get.
Regardless I am willing to sacrifice the efficiency of Uranium usage for the long term passive gain of RTG.
SO....I need a reactor that burns through Uranium as fast as possible to get that Plutonium.
Here's what i came up with so far:
Shameless grid for 27 uranium per cycle: http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…ulil2kw5pcrw1qjbqpa28qgw0
Feel free to make it better, explain how to use MOX fuel or even a reactor design for a MOX reactor to come in between this one and the RTGs.