Well, the Canning Machine has faced a major overhaul, as far as I can see. It now has 4 modes and it's usefulness is now much, MUCH higher since it can empty liquid cells now, and the liquid can be later pumped out with buildcraft pipes
Apart from standard canning mode, and mode for filling the cells with the contents of its internal tank, there's the fourth mode "fluid enrich (cell or tank)". Here's the question, what the heck does that do? Of course, NEI shows no information about any recipes for this device, so it's a bit of a problem. The icon for this mode apparently shows 2 possible "recipes", but the hints it gives are nowhere near obvious. This icon has a Cell with some blue liquid, 2 items which I assume are CF powder and redstone, and there's also a Cell with red liquid, but none of those items work - redstone is not even accepted into any work slots.
Another question is about nuclear fuels, as I've stumbled into a curious problem. First off, in order to craft uranium fuel which you can then pack into fuel rods with Canning Machine, you need 6 pieces of Uranium-238 and 3 small pieces of Uranium-235.
Every Purified Uranium Ore Dust can be centrifuged into 5 U-238 and 2 U-235. You need BOTH of these to make regular Uranium Fuel Rods - each of them is useless on their own. The problem is that you will get much more U-238 than you get U-235 and while using Nuclear Reactor, you will build a large stockpile of it soon.
Of course, when you get access to plutonium, you can start mixing it with your U-235 to create MOX fuel rods, which I just assume are more powerful than normal uranium fuel rods. Plutonium can be aquired by centrifuging depleted fuel rods, however normal depleted uranium fuel only yields 1 small plutonium per rod. In order to obtain enough of it to make first MOX fuel rod, (while assuming you are NOT using any of your plutonium for RTG pellets for Radioisotope generator) you need to centrifuge 27 depleted uranium rods, which will require centrifuging 41 purified uranium ore dust (and the whole operation will leave you with a useless stockpile of 43 u-238). I don't know if something has changed with the world generator, but if it did not, then finding those 41 uranium ores will be a heck of a challenge.
I can guess what the answer's gonna be, but still gotta ask - is there any way of converting U-238 into U-235 or otherwise getting rid of imbalance between those materials?