just to know, is allowed to use any recording on the server? its is silly asking, but since you put something like that on version 2.0, and i am not seeing any more videos from mr10players, just to know, since i will definitely will play some on it, i already logged for a bit seconds today, started raining and all, (night get on me and that little nice shack was too cute to be blowed by a creeper, so i log off),and i recorded it for keepers.

[1.6.4] Gregtech hardmode server
just to know, is allowed to use any recording on the server? its is silly asking, but since you put something like that on version 2.0, and i am not seeing any more videos from mr10players, just to know, since i will definitely will play some on it, i already logged for a bit seconds today, started raining and all, (night get on me and that little nice shack was too cute to be blowed by a creeper, so i log off),and i recorded it for keepers.
I stopped making videos on the server until 1.7, because of work, and I didn't want to be mid-project when the update happened. Also, procrastination of procrastination! (I procrastinated work by making videos, and I'm making excuses to not to that now XD). -
just to know, is allowed to use any recording on the server? its is silly asking, but since you put something like that on version 2.0, and i am not seeing any more videos from mr10players, just to know, since i will definitely will play some on it, i already logged for a bit seconds today, started raining and all, (night get on me and that little nice shack was too cute to be blowed by a creeper, so i log off),and i recorded it for keepers.
Yup, as I gave mr10 permission you are allowed to do recording on the server. I put that message on the 2.0 so that all new joiners can take it into account. -
It'd be cool if there was a mod where someone could click a button and a little UI light would come on for all other players to let them know someone was recording. I suppose TS/Mumble tip-offs would work, too.
That would actually not be too hard to code I believe.
Vanilla 1.6.4 already has the scoreboard sidebar GUI, so it might be possible to make an entirely serverside mod/plugin for it. (for example, quietly /playsound a few notes, pop up the sidebar with a list of players currently recording for 10 seconds, and send a chat message stating who just started recording)
Such a mod exists. Check the Direwolf videos, see the two icons in the top right. The name of the mod escapes me though...
Also Morpheus! The Morpheus mod would save us from the Cursed rain!
Or you could just make a dissipation charge.
Are there any Problems with recording people? I wouldn't say something in the Chat, that I couldn't put on the Interwebs aswell. I'd use /tell in case something secret would be given away otherwise.
I wouldn't say anything that I wouldn't want screenshotted or recorded, either, but it's nice to have the option to imply (additional) consent by not logging off or shutting up when recording starts. I'd like to stress that this is not a big deal at all, just a minor convenience. I know I'm technically being recorded at all times not just by the server log, but also every online player's logs.
(edit: one further thought, I have no problems censoring my language during recording in the event someone keeps a G-rated YouTube channel)One somewhat larger concern: I had understood that 1.6 -> 1.7 ported Gregtech wasn't going to be compatible with 1.7 native GT. True or false, or true but not in a progression-breaking way?
on 1.7 mc on itself can record game play, its diferent from recording using fraps like i do. Why do i got the impression of people freaking out of bein recorded, i wont launch something very personal without any kind of license, i do want to record the people base at the server, to if alowed shown around , it can inspire outer people, or give ideias, on a personal side, is incredible to see what your place looked like before. But for now ,since i am new, and it seens i cant enjoy the full server, because my ping is huge (there is always a delay when i break a block, i will die alot to creepers) ,what i most want to do is ask question to people more experienced than me, but i dont feels to do so, prob i would only bein annoying to them.
I did record something already, but did not edited yet, i learned the hard way to not bite more than you can chew, i have my LP to finish, a friend server to play, and kirara 1.0 also, but time got shorter. -
Planning on joining the server (waiting to be pmed back). Anything I need to know before joining?
Are there any Problems with recording people? I wouldn't say something in the Chat, that I couldn't put on the Interwebs aswell. I'd use /tell in case something secret would be given away otherwise.
I would say no, but it is nice to tell people that you are recording them so they can adjust and even help the recorder.
One somewhat larger concern: I had understood that 1.6 -> 1.7 ported Gregtech wasn't going to be compatible with 1.7 native GT. True or false, or true but not in a progression-breaking way?
True, in a world reset kinda way. GT 1.7 will not be backwards compatible with 1.6.
on 1.7 mc on itself can record game play, its diferent from recording using fraps like i do. Why do i got the impression of people freaking out of bein recorded, i wont launch something very personal without any kind of license, i do want to record the people base at the server, to if alowed shown around , it can inspire outer people, or give ideias, on a personal side, is incredible to see what your place looked like before. But for now ,since i am new, and it seens i cant enjoy the full server, because my ping is huge (there is always a delay when i break a block, i will die alot to creepers) ,what i most want to do is ask question to people more experienced than me, but i dont feels to do so, prob i would only bein annoying to them.
I did record something already, but did not edited yet, i learned the hard way to not bite more than you can chew, i have my LP to finish, a friend server to play, and kirara 1.0 also, but time got shorter.
That is very weird, I player a bit last weekend and with the no-zombie mod by me the blocklag should be fine.
Planning on joining the server (waiting to be pmed back). Anything I need to know before joining?
1.7 will mean a restart and this will be soon(tm) so I would wait with building the great pyramid until we have switched over. -
Server has been restarted, it looks like an Unidye crystalizer threw a nullpointer exception breaking things.
[Addon][1.6.2+] Unidye - Get more awesome for your IC²!
True, in a world reset kinda way. GT 1.7 will not be backwards compatible with 1.6.Right, I expect Kirara 1.0 will not copy over to the new server. My concern is that when Greg releases ported GT, we'll start a world, then Greg will release new 1.7 GT that will require a restart (or at least starting tech from scratch). Isn't that what Greg said when he announced 4.08s was the final 1.6 version?
Probably all 1.7 reworks will be on the initial build. There will be enough time to release those.
Probably all 1.7 reworks will be on the initial build. There will be enough time to release those.
I would assume that as well. Just a direct port of current GT to 1.7 wouldn't make much sense if porting+making the intended changes together take less time over all.
Also, a LOT of mods aren't updated to 1.7 anyway and many that are are unstable. IIRC Forge itself is having some issues or at least used to not too long ago.
just wondering if 1.7 will be couple of days or couple of months?
I'd say weeks.
Server crashed again with the same nullpointer. Crystalizer is now disabled.