[GregTech] How many X do I need to supply an Y? How many X does the creation of Y need? And more. (If I forget to manage things here, then please drop a PM to me about that forgotten Question)

  • Negative EU gain. Do NOT use electric heater.

    Ou. I tried. :)

    uh... should be 640k EU as your heat source is free. The problem is how fast you can produce biogas.

    Yes, but how much more energy i can get from heat than just using stirling generator? I mean do i get more power from biogas than i will get from biogas? Or this stuff is only good for storage and jetpacks?

  • How much steam is consumed in Steam Turbine?
    How much of each liquid fuels … in Diesel Generator

    Or more practically:

    Ho much GT EU at generator output can I generate from 1L of fluid fuel:
    diesel/RC fuel
    CH4 methane, C2H6 ethane, C3H9 propane, C4H12 butane …

  • You have to multiply these by the generator inefficiency!

    Steam .5EU/L
    Diesel 128EU/L
    Ethanol 128EU/L
    Hydrogen 15EU/L
    Methane 45EU/L

    Those others don't seem to exist in my game, guessing I'd have to have a mod I don't have. Check config/Gregtech/Recipes.cfg

  • Why don't you check the wiki pages for those machines?

  • Steam .5EU/L
    Diesel 128EU/L
    Ethanol 128EU/L
    Hydrogen 15EU/L
    Methane 45EU/L

    There is no fuel burn time anymore in recipes.cfg since Gregtech 5 and no ratios.
    These are internally hard-coded.
    I can't see outcome IC2-EU or GT-EU anymore into NEI.
    I can only see Buildcraft energy in NEI for 1Bucket item of fuel, that is 25000 ticks burn time or 60RF/t.

    Processing 1000l (1 Bucket) of Diesel from 1000l Oil (1 Bucket) into a basic distillery cost 32000EU at recipe level, (not accounting for all the infrastructural losses.

    So lets take best case:
    A basic diesel generator (LV), directly connected to a basic distillery (no cable)
    Basic diesel generator is 90% efficient.
    It will internally generate 115200EU out of 1000l of diesel fuel (90% efficient)
    Due to cable/machine loss at LV, it will consume 34 internal EU for 32EU output.
    That is 108423EU usable by the distillery.
    With this 108423EU amount, the distillery will be able to process 3380l of diesel.

    4380l of Oil will be consumed to net output 3380l of diesel fuel (70% efficiency or 30% loss)

    With an MV setup:
    An Advanced diesel generator (MV), directrly connected to an advanced distillery (no cable)
    Advanced diesel generator is 80% efficiennt.
    It will internally generate 102400EU out of 1000l of diesel fuel (80% efficient)
    Due to cable/machine loss at LV, it will consume 132 internal EU for 128 EU output.
    That is 99296.97EU usable by the distillery.
    With this 99296.97EU amount, the distillery will be able to process 99296.96EU / ( 32000EU * 1.5 ^ ( 2 machine tier - 1 recipe tier ) penalty ) = 2070l of diesel

    3070l of Oil will be consumed to net output 2070l of diesel fuel (67% efficiency or 33% loss)

    Edited once, last by leagris: [FIX] Units where wrong ().

  • I corrected my post with accurate units. Thank you.

    So in Gregtech: 1000l of Diesel Fuel can produce 128000EU.
    In real-life: 1000l of Diesel Fuel contains (10,000w of 1l) * 1000l = 10,000,000w (Watts)

    So, at 100% conversion level, 1GTEU is 1000000w / 128000EU = 7.8125w

    On a more realistic scale, 1GTEU would be like 3w real-life.

    An LV 32EU Machine is like a 75w real-life Machine.

    (bugged myself on other considerations)

  • What is energy consumption rate for multismelter?

    I'm almost 100% that it's 1A at whatever voltage energy hatch you give it. The number of items that can be smelted is a function of the heating coil material and the amount of time to perform one operation is a function of the voltage. If you're smelting lots of items at a time the multi-smelter is not only the fastest way to smelt, but also the most efficient.

    I haven't done tick testing but from playing GT5 I know that an HV operation is 6 seconds. Let's assume you have kanthal coils (12 items max) and HV. 512 EU/t * 6 seconds * 20 seconds/t = 61.44 kEU. An average of 2 smelts a second for 5.12 kEU each.

  • What is energy consumption rate for multismelter?

    The number of items processed at once is 6 * the coil level.
    The time taken is 512 / 2^(tier - 1), so LV is tier 1 which means 512 ticks, MV is 256, HV is 128, and so on.
    EU/t is 4 * (2^(tier - 1))^2 * coil so LV is 4, MV is 16, HV is 64, and so on, and multiplied by the coil level, so if you have coil level 1, LV is 4, level 2 is 8 and level 3 is 12.

  • I've got a question about gregtech chemistry. It seems according that system 1 dust is equals to 1000 mb of fluid and substances sometimes react according their stoichiometric coefficients but total amount of substances before and after reaction are always same.
    This is examples from GT5:

    Ca + C + O2 x3 = CaCO3 x5
    S + H2O x2 = H2SO4 x3
    N + C + H2O x2 = C3H5O9N3 x4
    H2O x3 = O2 + H2 x2

    According that system gregtech chemically accurate reactions will be:

    SiO2 + H2 = Si + H2O
    Mn3O4 + H2 = Mn + H2O

    Everything is correct? :S

  • Time for some boiler info.
    The old GT5 High Pressure Coal Boiler could produce 48,000 L of steam per charcoal.
    The new GT6 Burning Box + Boiler can produce 80,000 L of steam per charcoal at max efficiency.

  • I wonder, how much water/tick GT boiler takes? Distilled water is hard to produce and it costs a bunch of energy using electrolyzation or distillation either and IC2 distillery towers are really slow.

  • How many Coke Ovens would I need to keep a Large Bronze Boiler running, assuming that I am using Wood Logs to generate the charcoal and creosote, and feeding the boiler with both?

  • How many Coke Ovens would I need to keep a Large Bronze Boiler running, assuming that I am using Wood Logs to generate the charcoal and creosote, and feeding the boiler with both?

    According to post #4 of this thread, 1 bucket (1000L) of creosote burns in a large boiler for 15 ticks, and according to the FTB wiki, charcoal will burn for 20 ticks. If you put 4 logs in a single coke oven, that will take 7200 ticks to make 4 charcoal and 1000L creosote, which will power the boiler for 95 ticks, so as near I can figure, you would need 7200/95=75.8 coke ovens to keep a large boiler running constantly (though that's not taking into consideration how long it might take for the fluid and items to be piped to the boiler, so you might actually end up needing a few more).

  • According to post #4 of this thread, 1 bucket (1000L) of creosote burns in a large boiler for 15 ticks, and according to the FTB wiki, charcoal will burn for 20 ticks. If you put 4 logs in a single coke oven, that will take 7200 ticks to make 4 charcoal and 1000L creosote, which will power the boiler for 95 ticks, so as near I can figure, you would need 7200/95=75.8 coke ovens to keep a large boiler running constantly (though that's not taking into consideration how long it might take for the fluid and items to be piped to the boiler, so you might actually end up needing a few more).

    Wow, thank you very much!
    I would need 7904 sand (123,5 stacks) and 9880 clay (154,375 stacks) to build those.
    Seems that I will need another way to keep it running...