This bugs in 5.08.33
This bug has been fixed or not?
Time 16.12
Overheating reactor with thorium rods

[GregTech-5][1.7.10-FORGE-1355+][Unofficial but approved Port][Stable] Even GT5 Experimental is slowly getting stable.
The broken heat calculation of thorium rods is long fixed. At last in the 5.09 branch. Didn't look at the 5.08 branch for a long time.
You could not remember when and where to have this fixed in version 5.09?
It should be that commit:…099ec526738868567ffb6e5b6
But the other commits for the reactor items are also relevant:… -
Thank you so much.
Breaking Brittle Charcoal in 5.09.22 doesn't give any charcoal. I already tried every tiers of pickaxe and pickaxe with silktouch, but I didn't get anything.
Breaking Brittle Charcoal in 5.09.22 doesn't give any charcoal. I already tried every tiers of pickaxe and pickaxe with silktouch, but I didn't get anything.
You need to use an axe rather than a pickaxe to break brittle charcoal. -
It has the ability to sort by equal parts inventory using pipes?
Example: take the tube at one end of a funnel through which the set will be supplied items 20 Location 4 chest (entire length), you need to evenly distribute the items coming through the funnel, and not only in one chest.есть возможность сортировки равными частями по инвентарям с помощью труб?
пример: берем трубу, на одном конце устанавливаем воронку через которую будут подаваться предметы, на 20 блоков расположено 4 сундука (по всей длине), необходимо поровну распределить предметы поступающие через воронку, а не только в первый сундук. -
It has the ability to sort by equal parts inventory using pipes?
Example: take the tube at one end of a funnel through which the set will be supplied items 20 Location 4 chest (entire length), you need to evenly distribute the items coming through the funnel, and not only in one chest.есть возможность сортировки равными частями по инвентарям с помощью труб?
пример: берем трубу, на одном конце устанавливаем воронку через которую будут подаваться предметы, на 20 блоков расположено 4 сундука (по всей длине), необходимо поровну распределить предметы поступающие через воронку, а не только в первый сундук.
Round robin for tubes. -
Round robin for tubes.
will not work. already tried -
It has the ability to sort by equal parts inventory using pipes?
Example: take the tube at one end of a funnel through which the set will be supplied items 20 Location 4 chest (entire length), you need to evenly distribute the items coming through the funnel, and not only in one chest.есть возможность сортировки равными частями по инвентарям с помощью труб?
пример: берем трубу, на одном конце устанавливаем воронку через которую будут подаваться предметы, на 20 блоков расположено 4 сундука (по всей длине), необходимо поровну распределить предметы поступающие через воронку, а не только в первый сундук.
Есть аддон для БК: Additional Buildcraft Objects, там есть трубы round robin. 1 вход и несколько выходов в которые поочередно отправляются пачки предметов, если сундуки располагать по одному на каждый выход. В вашем варианте так не выйдет, так как на первом сундуке стоит тройник: 1 вход и два выхода (сундук и дальше по трубе), предметы будут поочередно попадать то в сундук, то проходить дальше. На следующем тройнике будет тоже самое и лут распределится неровно по сундукам. Я лично давно не играю в БК и аддоны, но 2 года назад всё прекрасно работало. -
Dear Blood Asp or PaladinOne, could you help me with this?
GT increasing the Load time a lot is well known. In your case i guess you have not the best PC. The only thing i can say, is that Muramasa is currently working on optimizing the materials and item generation code, so expect some improvements there. -
Есть аддон для БК:
Есть мод gregtech пусть он свои трубы ремонтирует. -
Testers needed
So I’ve been working reworking the GT materials list by optimizing item creation, configurable item creation, adding the ability to add custom materials and change the properties of custom and existing materials. This of course, as you can imagine, needs some extensive testing to make sure there isn’t any issues/broken recipes.
Use the attached build if you want to help test, but please DO NOT use this with any existing worlds that you care about. This isn’t because I suspect there to be issues, but in-case problems are discovered. Please wait for official builds from BloodAsp if you do not intend on testing. This new system should be 100% backwards compatible with the old one, so all existing GT Materials components(Ingots, dusts etc) should not be affected or disappear unless you had a existing unused/modded component in a world. If you have a material component in your world which is disabled by default, don't worry, it won't "damage" the item. Re-enabling the component should fix them.
When this new system goes live, modpack makers/server owners will need to enable these components in the MaterialComponents config as needed. Previously enabled Modded Materials are automatically enabled if the required mod is loaded, but can be enabled manually in the MaterialComponents config.
Also, this build includes most of the changes in 5.09.23 including ore for UndergroundBiomesConstruct and Galacticraft stones and the merge of GalacticGreg into GT5U. These should also be tested too which would be very helpful.
Please note:
A lot of unused material components have been disabled to reduce load times (around 20% in my testing for GT with a big 154 pack) and clean up NEI, so don’t panic if you suddenly don’t see things like Double Ingots/Plates. These (And all other components) can be re-enabled in the MaterialComponents config.If you find any problems/issues with materials/recipes, the new ores or anything in general, then please report them here.
One thing that caused a shitload of loading time wa Thaumcraft Compat, I had a check that made sure not to overwrite original TC Aspects, HOWEVER that check asks for Aspects and that is fucking laggy as hell. When I removed that check I got about 5 minutes less loading time!
One thing that caused a shitload of loading time wa Thaumcraft Compat, I had a check that made sure not to overwrite original TC Aspects, HOWEVER that check asks for Aspects and that is fucking laggy as hell. When I removed that check I got about 5 minutes less loading time!…ef8d3335aec566dcfc387a26b
Is that all nessary? I directly took the changes from the GT6 API.
My first test showed an improvement of 11sec. 1:57 --> 1:46. Well, i tested in the small kirara modpack(61mods) and with an fast PC. -
Uhm. is forge 1614 (aka latest version) also broken for multiplayer? or only the version-range mentioned in the main page?
Uhm. is forge 1614 (aka latest version) also broken for multiplayer? or only the version-range mentioned in the main page?
Forge 1614 is just good for multiplayer. We are using it since months.