Let me see if I can clarify a bit. Suppose I've got some Ethylene in ME fluid storage (from Extra Cells). What I'd like to be able to do is use small amounts of it (e.g. 144 L) in processing patterns that involve converting it to one type of plastic (polyethylene, PVC, PTFE, polystyrene, etc.) depending on what I need at the time. As far as I can tell, AE2 and extra cells do not offer me a way to do that. I think it's possible to set up an autocrafting pattern using cells of fluid, but I'd have to fill the cells manually in the fluid terminal, which somewhat defeats the purpose of having an autocrafting pattern, and I'd have to make larger batches of whichever type of plastic. I don't follow how a Thermal Dynamic servo would help with that.

[GregTech-5][1.7.10-FORGE-1355+][Unofficial but approved Port][Stable] Even GT5 Experimental is slowly getting stable.
Here the Code I mentioned for fixing the Collision Box of Concrete without giving up the Speed Buff.
Code@SubscribeEvent public void onLivingUpdate(LivingUpdateEvent aEvent) { if (aEvent.entityLiving.onGround) { int tX = MathHelper.floor_double(aEvent.entityLiving.posX), tY = MathHelper.floor_double(aEvent.entityLiving.boundingBox.minY-0.001F), tZ = MathHelper.floor_double(aEvent.entityLiving.posZ); Block tBlock = aEvent.entityLiving.worldObj.getBlock(tX, tY, tZ); if (tBlock instanceof IBlockOnWalkOver) ((IBlockOnWalkOver)tBlock).onWalkOver(aEvent.entityLiving, aEvent.entityLiving.worldObj, tX, tY, tZ); } }
First the Event based Stuff. I used a Simple Interface for the Blocks so the Blocks can decide themselves what they do to the thing that walks over them.
Code@Override public void onWalkOver(EntityLivingBase aEntity, World aWorld, int aX, int aY, int aZ) { if ((aEntity.motionX != 0 || aEntity.motionZ != 0) && !aEntity.isInWater() && !aEntity.isWet() && !aEntity.isSneaking()) { double tSpeed = (mSide == SIDE_BOTTOM && aWorld.getBlock(aX, aY-1, aZ).slipperiness >= 0.8 ? 1.05 : 1.3); aEntity.motionX *= tSpeed; aEntity.motionZ *= tSpeed; } }
And here the Code inside my Asphalt Block that speeds up the Player. Mostly without any Ice Hyperspeed thanks to checking the slipperiness of the Block below (important in case it is an Asphalt Slab), but it still adds to the Speed of the Quantum Leggings as intended.
Display Morepackage gregapi.block; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase; import net.minecraft.world.World; /** * @author Gregorius Techneticies */ public interface IBlockOnWalkOver { public void onWalkOver(EntityLivingBase aEntity, World aWorld, int aX, int aY, int aZ); }
There is ofcourse an Interface for this exact Function in GT6.
Let me see if I can clarify a bit. Suppose I've got some Ethylene in ME fluid storage (from Extra Cells). What I'd like to be able to do is use small amounts of it (e.g. 144 L) in processing patterns that involve converting it to one type of plastic (polyethylene, PVC, PTFE, polystyrene, etc.) depending on what I need at the time. As far as I can tell, AE2 and extra cells do not offer me a way to do that. I think it's possible to set up an autocrafting pattern using cells of fluid, but I'd have to fill the cells manually in the fluid terminal, which somewhat defeats the purpose of having an autocrafting pattern, and I'd have to make larger batches of whichever type of plastic. I don't follow how a Thermal Dynamic servo would help with that.
Ow, now i exactly know what you do mean... Ive mentioned servo, beacouse it could be configured to pull out of container exact amount of items at once with different extracting rate and size depending of its model - and that is only for items (in your setting fluid cells). Only one thing i have for now is only to steeering of redstone ON signal pulsed ticks directed at specified servo of fluiduct, but that kind of automatisation is very fragile to internal lags and could not be satisfying to always work correctly (simple detection of short redstone signal) or give exact amount of fluid. And I think here come the time when we need Greg... I suppose you dont tryied Fluid Regulator cover yet?
And about that -
I'm baffled that you'd buffer the steam output of a Large Heat Exchanger in a RC tank like that. Looking at the FTB wiki documentation for it, running it with 3999 coolant per second (just below the threshold for superheated steam) gives it a potential output of 319920 steam per second, which is beyond even the capacity of a large high-pressure fluid pipe (192000 L/sec). Aside from the "Pressure Pipes" mod (which I consider overpowered), I don't know what pipes from other mods can provide sufficient throughtput - I'm pretty sure none of the straight BuildCraft pipes are fast enough, not sure about the ones from the BC addon mods. If I were to use a Large Heat Exchanger for steam instead of one of the other gas/liquid fuel options, I think I'd feed the output directly into a large steam turbine instead (no pipes in-between).
- i think ive solved problem of mass production of steam: super-laminar fluiduct and array of retrivers at end device. Not checked directly, but will check that soon. All setting was tested during creating RotaryCraft jet fuel in fractination unit powered by microturbine, which in full speed with minimal needed torque going very fast with quite high amounts (internal tank has 240 000mB) - maximum fuel level never went over 19 000mB and nearly second later was 0, so mostly device was empty.
When I was using large steam turbine with large turbine item inside made out of fluxed electrum or mithril, it outputs about 1500V at 1A per tick with use of 2500 L of steam per second which is not much when connected directly to LHE. Imho therefore is need of connecting pipes and pumping steam out of LHE.
Let me see if I can clarify a bit. Suppose I've got some Ethylene in ME fluid storage (from Extra Cells). What I'd like to be able to do is use small amounts of it (e.g. 144 L) in processing patterns that involve converting it to one type of plastic (polyethylene, PVC, PTFE, polystyrene, etc.) depending on what I need at the time. As far as I can tell, AE2 and extra cells do not offer me a way to do that. I think it's possible to set up an autocrafting pattern using cells of fluid, but I'd have to fill the cells manually in the fluid terminal, which somewhat defeats the purpose of having an autocrafting pattern, and I'd have to make larger batches of whichever type of plastic. I don't follow how a Thermal Dynamic servo would help with that.
You can do this exactly with Extracells.
You code a machine/processing pattern with the exact amount of fluid in a container. Openblock tanks can do, Large Steel/TungstenSteel GT cells can do, and GT++ offers you 144L exact cells.
Then place your pattern into a fluid export bus to your GT Machine.
It will export the exact amount of fluid and items to craft using fluid on-demand.
You can do this exactly with Extracells.
You code a machine/processing pattern with the exact amount of fluid in a container. Openblock tanks can do, Large Steel/TungstenSteel GT cells can do, and GT++ offers you 144L exact cells.
Then place your pattern into a fluid export bus to your GT Machine.
It will export the exact amount of fluid and items to craft using fluid on-demand.
Fluid export bus? That does not have pattern slots. Perhaps you mean the fluid interface? Extra Cells 2 documentation does not make it clear that it can do that, but I tried placing one in creative mode, and it does have pattern slots, so I'm willing to believe it can do what you describe. I did not see the 144L cells in the documentation for GT++. However, I crafted a Network Tool and found that an AE2 network includes a passive power consumption of 1 AE/t per interface (and autocrafting GregTech items/blocks ends up requiring a lot of interfaces because there are so many different machines), so I think I'll try playing without AE2 this time around.
Here's the list of mods I'm planning to use now (aside from required library mods, which are not listed), just in case anyone wants to suggest amendments:
Batty's Coordinates Plus Forge
Better Foliage
Binnie's Mods
Biomes O Plenty
Carpenter's Blocks
Control Pack
Craftable Nether Star
GregTech 5.09 custom (including changes from pull requests 1228, 1261, 1264, and 1269)
IndustrialCraft 2 Experimental
Inventory Tweaks
Iron Chests
NEI Addons
NEI Integration
Nuclear Control
Thermal Expansion (mostly disabled, except Aqueous Accumulator)
Thermal Foundation (mostly disabled)
Waila Plugins
Edit: interesting side effect I discovered of having TF installed - it (or possibly CoFHCore) seems to have disabled the vanilla iron shears, so with TF tools disabled, it looks like the only shears I can craft are the Railcraft steel shears. This might be deceptive, though, since the wooden fishing rod no longer shows up in NEI, but I can still craft one.
I have one ask about circuits - how the heck I can create exquisite emereald or olivine. Normally its only available through sifter, there are other ways of enhancing crystals / dust, maybe mod, custom crafting recipe or something? Without that I'll be locked at ZPM voltage.
I have one ask about circuits - how the heck I can create exquisite emereald or olivine. Normally its only available through sifter, there are other ways of enhancing crystals / dust, maybe mod, custom crafting recipe or something? Without that I'll be locked at ZPM voltage.
AFAIK, sifter or luck with small ores are normally the only ways to get exquisite gems. Personally, I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to add some GTTweaker recipes to upgrade gems via the implosion compressor (or possibly make them from gem blocks). However, I notice in NEI that once you've made one Crystal Processing Unit from an exquisite emerald or olivine, you can shapelessly craft it into 9 raw crystal chips, and process those into more Crystal Processing Units instead of having to obtain more exquisite emeralds/olvine.
AFAIK, sifter or luck with small ores are normally the only ways to get exquisite gems. Personally, I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to add some GTTweaker recipes to upgrade gems via the implosion compressor (or possibly make them from gem blocks). However, I notice in NEI that once you've made one Crystal Processing Unit from an exquisite emerald or olivine, you can shapelessly craft it into 9 raw crystal chips, and process those into more Crystal Processing Units instead of having to obtain more exquisite emeralds/olvine.
Eureka! Indeed NEI cathes that ?bug?:
1x eq emerald = 1x raw crystal chip
1x raw crystal chip = 1x engraved crystal chip
1x engraved crystal chip = 1x crystal cpu
1x crystal cpu = 9x raw crystal chip
and circle closes! I wonder it is intended or bug.... Personally I thought about putting many emerald blocks into fusion reactor and fuse them with matter / plutonium / naquadah / radon / argon etc and so on hard achievable items or autoclaving stack of dusts in tritium or helium-3... But that glitch gives a chance... extremly small, but still. Thanks!
I heard someone broke an entire feature without adding a replacement for it. It is now no longer possible to place Covers onto the Sides of Pipes like it was possible before, because someone thought it was a nice idea to carelessly make the hitboxes the size of the Pipe and not fullblock sized like before.
It's one thing to have the Hitboxes smaller, but a compeltely different thing, if that change disables the ability to place a Cover behind or on the Sides of a Pipe, just because the hitbox of the pipe isnt large enough to show the options.
For example, would it be possible to make the hitbox full sized whenever you hold a Cover related Tool or a Cover Item in hand? That would fix this Issue and restore the ability to place Covers on any of the 6 Sides without having to de-obstruct them
This recent change really made GT5 Pipes an even larger PITA than they already were (due to the sheer existence of autoconnect messing up Pipes before you can even paint them).
Please make sure that there is good reasoning and careful additions to the Mod, rather than this careless "I want this, so that other useful thing has to be removed!1!1!".
You couldn't fit a square metre cover around the back of a pipe you couldn't get a wrench around, so if anything it's closer to how real pipes work like it is now
Somewhat late reply here, but I'm running into this now trying out the PR that makes GT5u pipes and cables behave more like they do in GT6 (i.e. requiring the use of a wrench to add connections).
One problem with your logic Chocohead: the new hitboxes are more of a problem on small (and presumably tiny) pipes than they are on large pipes.
Hello people's , can you help me with this problem?
I play FTB GT New Horizons modpack , he's have GregTech 5 , but i have crash with my save file.
What is block ? How fixed him?
Crash log :
PS: Sorry for my bad english.
Hello people's , can you help me with this problem?
I play FTB GT New Horizons modpack , he's have GregTech 5 , but i have crash with my save file.
What is block ? How fixed him?
Crash log :
PS: Sorry for my bad english.
QuoteThat class seems to only exist in GTNH's fork of GT5u (which I have not played, but I found it on GitHub), and the block is "Hermetic Casing", with an optional roman numeral after it, but that line is checking for an icon based on metadata that is normally supposed to only go up to 15. I have no idea how it could be 130 there, as that would correspond to "Hermetic Casing CXXX", which doesn't exist.
If I'm reading your crashlog correctly, it's a block in your hotbar (though I can't tell which slot). I'm not familiar with MCEdit myself, but it might be possible to use that to remove the corrupted Hermetic Casing from your hotbar.
Hi Blood and Greg
I was wondering if I could use and modify some of your textures for my modpack?
(Adding additional blocks/items with Quadrum, such as variants of ores, custom circuits and components ect)
You'll be given full credit for your mod, and for the usage of your textures, with links provided to your curseforge/official websites page.
Thank you.
-PhoePhoe -
Hey guys i would like to know if its ok to redistribute a build of GT5-Unofficial that has been modified for sponge compatibility and with the render fixes by codewarrior @ https://github.com/Blood-Asp/G…a5dadd5c8d2f81?diff=split for a mod pack im almost done with
originally i was using the gregtech-5.10.41.jar from curse but the rendering issues caused massive fps drops after a few cables were placed making it unplayable and the changes for sponge is just commenting out "new GT_Worldgenloader().run()" in postload and rolling my own in another mod
i do not want to upload it as a project or anything just include it as a override in my pack but curse requires approval from the authors and its kinda shady if i don't ask regardless
other then what i stated above nothing else has been changed
just a quick question, is it possible to run gt6 and gt5u concurrently without a complete overhaul for either mod?
I had the idea just now when I was thinking about my current mod loadout.
just a quick question, is it possible to run gt6 and gt5u concurrently without a complete overhaul for either mod?
I had the idea just now when I was thinking about my current mod loadout.
I just tried that as an experiment (using 5.09.31 and 6.05.48), and without any changes, Forge stops me with an error message saying "You have mod sources that are duplicate within your system" (because both mods use "gregtech" as the mod id, though iirc GT6 includes a secondary mod in the same jar with id "gregapi"). Even if you were to change the mod id for one or both of them, they both do so much to world generation that I think you'd still have serious problems, and need to do something along the lines of a "complete overhaul" for one or both mods.
Oh, I'm not concerned about the world generation because the pack I was thinking about doing this with is built around TFC.
Well, I think there are a few outstanding bugs with GT6 compatibility with TFC, (but I haven't checked recently):
GT6 tools are too fast compared to TFC tools
GT6 weapons don't multiply their damage to account for TFC's health rebalancing
At one point GT6 axes were doing strange things to TFC trees (no tree-capitation, even though both mods do it, but taking the durability anyway, etc.)
Plus more I can't think of off the top of my head.
yeah I've figured out most of the issues between them, my major issue right now in this pack is figuring out why I can't add spawn eggs to RLD dungeon loot correctly, but I have four more tests to do and any one of those could be successful. I get my GT stuff out of the twilight forest so like I said, worldgen isn't an issue.
Has TFC fixed their dimension-travel problems?
At one point it crashed and corrupted worlds if one travelled to the nether.
yeah, that problems' been fixed for a while. Advent of Ascension has its own problems, just never save in its dimensions.