update to V1.64

[AddOn v1.43/v1.64] Advanced Machines V3.2 Beta 2
update to V1.64
read the thread. If you look at the bottom of page 44, you'll see a status update.
Slowest updater in the world
You created an account just to insult the person whose update you want so badly?
Wow, that's gonna help. -
Slowest updater in the world
Really rude bro
Prepare for a world of flaming! Everyone here knows enough to be paitient when it comes to add-ons that have to be updated. We know that quality means more time needed to be spent on updating, besides we know that these modded do have a life besides IC2 and Minecraft.Can someone get someone in here that has the banhammer?
Really rude bro
as much as i hate to agree with kane_hart XD i do... (i feel dirty now, ima go take a shower XD)
Slowest updater in the world
SERIOUSLY!? First and foremost. The mod maker has NO obligation to you or anyone else here. He makes this add on for FREE, on his own time and without asking for anything in return.
Second, if you bothered to read the last few posts, he specifically states that he completely rewriting the mod code from scratch so that pleebs like you don't have to wait long for updates when MC and/or IC update their code.
Finally, to create an account simply to complain that it's taking too long shows cowardice, disrespect and immaturity. You probably already have an old account here already and just created this one to be a troll.
You don't deserve the right to download this mod once it is available.
Hey Zip, ignore all these noobs that yell at you to get the mod out faster. I can't believe the nerve of some people. It kind of reminds me that in the present generation, people are used to getting everything faster and instantly, no matter what it may be. It could be the latest game console or just something as simple as a add-on for a game. Before i go off on a tangent, i'll stop myself right here. Good job on the add-on over all. Im waiting on this add-on so that I can rebuild my nuclear reactor in my new 1.1 world but untill then I can be patient unlike some people here.
Do you need any help with the update? I'm sure I could get someone to help if you needed.
That wanst me it was my sister............ I also am sorry what she wrote.....
Riiiight... so your sister is a Minecraft fan too?
Tell her to create her own account - and don't share your login password with her.
You do understand that anything that's done under your login is your responsibility?But I know bullshit when I hear it, don't you worry.
she jacks into my account since she hates me alot so she messes up everything i have like my world, she burned up all my diamonds...
she jacks into my account since she hates me alot so she messes up everything i have like my world, she burned up all my diamonds...
and? it's your account and your responsibility. there's this nifty "logout" button up there. -
What im curious about, is the fact that 1.64 has the new upgrade system, how are you going to balance the new machines if at all with this system? Will it cost the same amount of power to use each machine as before? Will there be upgrade slots too?
Ugh....really? Do us all a favor and change your damn password and log out when you're not at the computer, given that you really do have a sister that spites you.
i did... and yes i have a sister
Moving on,
Since the standard IC2 machines have upgrades that make these obsolete. Can I make a suggestion?
Add an internal queue so that the machines can store more than one stack and still retain their spin up feature.
Moving on,
Since the standard IC2 machines have upgrades that make these obsolete. Can I make a suggestion?
Add an internal queue so that the machines can store more than one stack and still retain their spin up feature.
I like. Reminds me of the DM Furnaces from EqEx, give 'em a queue and they'll smelt on their own.