It does have a single block mode already though

[OFFICIAL] Machine/Craftingrecipe Suggestions
It does have a single block mode already though
It does?! My whole life was a lie... So you're telling me I've wasted considerable amounts of CF attempting to make the right shape, and plenty of time along with it? Fuuuuuuuuuu...
Can the crafting and/or machine recipes that use cobblestone be changed to use any cobblestone from the Ore Dictionary?
There is a mod that changes all stone and cobblestone to unstable cobblestone. Its registered in the ore dictionary as cobblestone, but I'm unable to use any of the cobblestone in IC2 recipes without converting it back to vanilla cobblestone. I'm sure it can't be the only mod that adds different kinds of cobblestone, but its particularly troublesome to convert
I apologize if this is the wrong place to put this. But since it was a recipe request I felt this was the best thread for it.
It doesn't make sense to smash your tough hammer on a wooden workbench. Why doesn't it break down in hundreds times of powerful smashes? An anvil should definitely be better (though take efford to extend the nei plugin
A few ideas:
Lithium Batteries: tier 3 storage, tier 1 output. For mass-power storage at lower tiers.Iridium reactor plate: same as basic reactor plating, but weak (25%) reflector that doesn't degrade.
circuit breaker: Block version (not a replacement) of the eu-splitter cable. Has a GUI with a lever for turning on and off power. Extra points if it hums when on and has a *bang* when shut off. for crafting, a basic machine with an eu splitter cable and a lever.
Can we switch to one type of cell? Currently, some crafting recipes use universal fluid cells, while others use empty cells.
Can we switch to one type of cell? Currently, some crafting recipes use universal fluid cells, while others use empty cells.
I thought empty cells were already removed in favor of ufcs in the MC 1.8.9 and beyond versions of IC2. -
In 1.8+, normal Cells are removed in favor of Universal Fluid cells.
In 1.7 and before, I can't think of any recipes, that use Universal Fluid Cells. -
In 1.8+, normal Cells are removed in favor of Universal Fluid cells.
In 1.7 and before, I can't think of any recipes, that use Universal Fluid Cells.
Ok, I should have checked the new versions first. I play on MC 1.7.10. My mistake -
Add something like this instead of current Reinforced Stone creating:
Construction foam + Crushed obsidian => Reinforced foam (fluid enrichment recipe)
Iron Scaffold + Reinforced Foam => Reinforced Stone (container-filling-like recipe)Current way maybe is interesting, but it is not used.. I've watched few letsplays and everywhere players just built walls of scaffolds, turned them to reinforced stone and then used something like Psi spells to break it rapidly. So I got conclusion that current system is useless.
I had this idea during work on my addon, but this can be in IC2 itself as well. -
Current way maybe is interesting, but it is not used.. I've watched few letsplays and everywhere players just built walls of scaffolds, turned them to reinforced stone and then used something like Psi spells to break it rapidly. So I got conclusion that current system is useless.
That's because people are doing that to use them for crafting recipes, if you're making a reactor shielding, it's much better than the old system.
That's because people are doing that to use them for crafting recipes, if you're making a reactor shielding, it's much better than the old system.
Better than old craft from 4 alloy plates, but it not best possible way
Frankly said, I have never built reactor shield... My reactors do never explode.
Also I would personally like radiation pollution of land instead of explosions. In the simplest case it could be changing biome to new one where grass and leaves are orange or brown and poisoning entities with radiation. Then we could have a new terraformer card that clears land from radiation. But I know IC will never have this. -
Frankly said, I have never built reactor shield... My reactors do never explode.
There's more to Minecraft than building purely functional things, if you have a reactor it's a waste to act like it's a normal generator, even if with the setup it has it effectively is.
Also I would personally like radiation pollution of land instead of explosions. In the simplest case it could be changing biome to new one where grass and leaves are orange or brown and poisoning entities with radiation. Then we could have a new terraformer card that clears land from radiation. But I know IC will never have this.
There's no reason it couldn't be, but it's the kind of thing an addon would more likely implement as it's a lot more destructive than a normal nuclear explosion. Kinetic Windmills were an addon after all until they were merged with IC2 though, so it doesn't mean it will never happen by any means.
A small thing, but it bugs me:
For consistency's sake, please add a macerator recipe for Steel Plate -> 8 Tiny Pile of Iron Dust.
Currently (2.6.130-ex110) the steel plate can't be macerated into 8 tinydust like every other existing plate, including the useless ones. The Steel Ingot macerates into Iron Dust, and the Dense Steel Plate macerates into 8 Iron Dust. It seems like it was an oversight, since everything else works the same.
Haven't been here for a loooong time
I hope nobody suggested it yet, I tried the search tool but it's a bit wonky. Anyway, I'm playing industrialcraft-2-2.6.188-ex110 (I checked changelog from this version up, and can't see the thing I'n proposing) and I'm using Advanced Miner in Silktouch mode.
Aaaaand... I have lots of ores I can't process because no IE2 machine wants to do anything with them but smelt them (coal, diamond, redstone, lapis). And smelting yields absolutely no bonus. So I use more energy for silktouch and then even more for smelting and end up with exactly the same amount of resources I would get if I didn't use silktouch in the first place. So why bother at all?
I suggest the following:
Coal ore - macerating, yelds 2 per ore.
Redstone ore - macerating, yelds 4/6? per ore.
Lapis ore - macerating, yelds 4/6? per ore.
Diamond ore - macerating yelds 18 dust, compressor yelds 1/2 diamonds.
Any other ores I've forgotten - similar recipes.
Amounts for discussion, but they have to be higher than what falls out of ores on average.
(BTW is my memory bad or did the "old" IC2 have those or something like that?)
Better suggestion:
Dusts = macerator.None Dust = Extractor.
Redstone i would suggest 10-20
Lapis same?
Emerald/Diamond make it 3.
Edit: These are the values from IC2Classic.
The current storage boxes and tanks' recipes are too cheap. I think at least some iron is needed in the wooden, a dense plate is needed in the bronze/iron ones, an advanced alloy or dense steel plate is needed in the steel ones. But for iridium ones I think the current recipe is OK because it's expensive enough to get 126 slots or 1024 buckets.