Hey guys,
Just curious if a decision has been made regarding a bug fix release for 1.7.3? I'd like to use a few things (Specifically teleporters) in my 1.7.3 lets play, and I'm curious if I'll be able to. I've seen a few comments around the forums where the devs say they have fixed certain bugs (Induction furnances and BC pipes, for example) as well as teleporters exploding and missing recipes in the 'next release'.
I of course understand if you aren't, 1.7.3 is depreciated at this point, and I would totally understand if you didn't want to support that version of the game
I also realize that MCForge isn't updated to 1.8.1 yet.
I am not asking for release dates -- Just want to know if there will or will not be a bug fix release that supports 1.7.3 so I can plan out my Lets Play
Thanks in advance, please don't ban me :). Love this mod!