So, I posted a couple of weeks ago one of the two updates to Advanced machines (in the main Addons thread). Firstly, for those who want it, I will link to the two updates, hopefully to help new people who are visiting and want the "working" versions of Advanced Machines.
Arsenic87 created a straightup "fix" that allows advanced machines to work with 1.23. It changes nothing about their behaviour except to make them work. His post is here. I recommend it for everyone. There is a bukkit version available as well.
cpw (me) created a more "advanced" advanced machines, incorporating the two changes that I most desired in advanced machines 1.23: ore dictionary support (so you can macerate redpower ores in your rotary macerators) and a redstone fix that allows you to run hot redstone beside the machines rather than having to put a lever on them to power them on. This fix is available here, as well as a bukkit version of same (by me as well).
Now, to the main point of creating this thread. I would like to continue zippinous's excellent work in his continued absence. I have a couple of more fundamental ideas than the two hotfixes above which would require me to overhaul the mod fairly radically. Specifically, I think I want to create "tier 3" combo machines.
The idea is to create something thats a combination induction+macerator+recycler. The principle is that you feed it raw ore, as you do a macerator today. It not only crunches down your ore, but captures a new thing: something like stone dust or something. This isn't a real item but rather accumulates to create scrap. So you feed it 2 iron ore. It will give you 5 iron dust (because it's a more efficient macerator) but also 2 "stone dust". These 2 stone dust aren't real, they accumulate in the machine to some set number, like 10, before coagulating into a piece of scrap, which is realised in the machine's inventory. Additionally, the iron dust will automatically be processed by the furnace component into iron bars. So the outputs from a bunch of ore would be a portion of a piece of scrap and 2.5x the bars from ore. This is just an idea for a way to generate a tier 3 machine. I can't think of a reasonable tier 3 compressor or extractor- but I think that this might be quite neat. I think the production of scrap and bars would scale with "speed"- so a newly turned on machine doesn't produce as much as a fully "charged up" machine.
Anyway, thoughts? Should I take over like this? I feel really bad for zippinous and I don't want to usurp him as mod owner, but I want to try and contribute something and I had this as an idea for something that seemed feasibly tier 3 ish.
Finally, I would like to leave this post here as a placeholder for easier discovery of arsenic87 and my fixes for advancedmachines as it stands right now.
Edit: fix up derpy URL links. Sorry
Edit: For those of you concerned that these ideas will affect candidacy of this addon's content for IC2, here's a relevant quote from the original AdvMachines thread:
Just to mention it by the way, these machines will NOT be implemented into IC² itself.
The "accelerating machine" idea was exclusively meant for Smelting as "the" base operation, not for the 3 workshop machines.
However, i won't mind this addon sticking around in here
Everyones own choice.