It's like making energy isn't suppose to be easy or something.
[IC2 Exp][1.7.10] Advanced Solar Panels v3.5.1 + Quantum Generator + Solar helmets !
I mean, it totally wouldn't highlight the balance differences between RF and EU using mods by looking at the costs of producing 250,000,000 EU/1,000,000,000 RF in the mods.
It's like making energy isn't suppose to be easy or something.
It's like making INFINITE energy isn't supposed to be easy. Because it's infinite, you get it out of nowhere in unlimited amount. Of course such source should be expansive in making.
BTW, I am still in need of solving a problem with mod! Strangely, advanced solar panels (of all 4 tiers) are unable to give energy. They generate it, but it is stored inside of them, although there are devices that demand the energy from them. I'm using 1.7.10 MC and 3.5.1 ASP. What can be wrong? Can it be the problem of IC2, not yours? It's really important =(
Shame, since your cheap EnderIO solar panels don't make EU, while these Advanced Solars do. Funny that, being an IC2 addon isn't it?
But, only to way convert EU: Solar panels -> Energy cable (from extra ulities) or Energy conduit (ender IO) -> transfer node Energy (Extra Ulities) -> Any cables (IC2) to powering IC2 items.
I found out about, there's only to way convert RF. Solars panel -> any cable (IC2) -> Transfer Node Energy (from Extra Ulities mod) -> Energy cable (from Extra Ulities) -> Any capacitors (from Ender IO)
It's good stuff Extra Ulities, thanks to convert transfer energy. (I'm new member with this post)
(I'm new member with this post
Approved. You are probably not a Spambot.
It's like making INFINITE energy isn't supposed to be easy. Because it's infinite, you get it out of nowhere in unlimited amount. Of course such source should be expansive in making.
BTW, I am still in need of solving a problem with mod! Strangely, advanced solar panels (of all 4 tiers) are unable to give energy. They generate it, but it is stored inside of them, although there are devices that demand the energy from them. I'm using 1.7.10 MC and 3.5.1 ASP. What can be wrong? Can it be the problem of IC2, not yours? It's really important =(
The problem is solved, sorry for disturbing
The Molecular Assembler has a maximum input voltage of 0 EU/t, which for experimental does nothing as explosions are disabled, but on classic it causes it to explode and leaves you unable to power it. Can you set it to 2048 EU/t or whatever you feel is balanced please?
And please adjust the Machine Sink Tier from the machine to his powerInput.. Because Classic does use the Function of the API (getPowerFromTier) and a Tier of an Full 32_Integer times 8 makes it simply a negative number which mean that it can not accept power at all.... Even with my hack it would instantly explode...
^^" -
Another small thing I've noticed is that the feet of the Molecular Transformer render above the cuboid in the centre
I'm sorry, but is it possible to add more than 19 recipes in Molecular Transformer? The thins is, when I added 20th recipe for ex: "oredict:blockGold:2; oredict:blockIron:2 912345" it did not work, it just ignores it
I'm sorry, is it possible to add more than 21 custom recipes in Molecular Transformer?
When I add 22th, it just ignores it (
But all of others (I mean from 1st to 21th) work perfectly -
Posts enabled
Why not craft nano or quant solar helmet?
the solar helmets dont charge armor or items, making them useless, bug?
If you can see the sun/are under only transparent blocks yes.
it is worth it in my opinion because the 11 hours you take to let it run is totaly worth it because when you get it, you can make more in a shorter time (idk if you can thou, i am new to ic2). and, if it is undderpowered for what it takes,THEN EDIT THE DAMN MOD CONFIG. now just stop this "not worth it" argument.
Array Index Out Of Bounds Exception.
Details can be seen in this video #mce_temp_url#
I was hoping that there will help with the solution.It works in single player and multiplayer. Electricity is not necessary.
P.S. Sorry for bad english.
Server #1
industrialcraft-2-2.2.736-experimentalServer #2
industrialcraft-2-2.2.767-experimental -
The server is not guilty! The bug is present in single player.
The server is not guilty! The bug is present in single player.
Then... something else must be doing something silly, or at least different to how Advanced Solars was designed. I could believe it being an IC2 change causing it, it has changed a lot to when the last version of Advanced Solars was released.