A pickaxe is a wrench right? Break a machine with a pick
An expensive mistake: Turn an MFSU into an advanced machine casing
A very expensive mistake: Use an iridium drill to break a mass fabricator
A pickaxe is a wrench right? Break a machine with a pick
An expensive mistake: Turn an MFSU into an advanced machine casing
A very expensive mistake: Use an iridium drill to break a mass fabricator
Long game: Make crop sticks
Go away: Break 5 weeds
Stop it: Break 25 weeds
LEAVE ME ALONE! Break 100 Weeds
Wait what? Have a crop turn into a weed
Golden rubbish: Have Aurelia turn into weeds
Long end: Scan at least 1 of every crop's seed bag
Over Tap -> tap all of the rubber out of tree
Bronze age -> make an bronze ingot
Refined scrape - > recycle scrape and get scrap
One man's treasures is another man's junk ->recycle a diamond get scrap and get something useless from a scrap box
Energy to waste -> Recycle uu matter
To lazy to hunt -> Replicate meat
Recycle uu matter
UU is a liquid. Good luck getting that into a recycler.
Kill a mob with a nuke
This tastes funny: Drink a beer with nausea
My stomach hurts: Drink 5 beers with nausea
My body hurts: Die from a drink
Fill your whole inventory with diamond blocks.
"Creative mode is the next step!"
Fill your whole inventory with diamond blocks.
Thank you for the information.
"Radiating Steam"
Build a 5*5 reactor
"The Poor Man's MFE"
Craft a CESU Unit
"I believe I can Fly"
Reach the limit of a Jetpack
I meant to do that: Make a reactor melt down
Cancer Man: Die from radiation
These should be called
"Nuclear Safety Inspector"
Homage to Homer Simpson.
Oops: Accidentally activate an industrial TNT by breaking it
ic2 wiki has been translated into chinese by me,and i have already post it on chinese MC bbs.(http://www.mcbbs.net/thread-468863-1-1.html)
so i hope there will have a chinese version in wiki.industrial-craft.net
I hope i can get the reply as soon as possible
and i hope you can understand what i say....
i'm sorry about that three reply before,i don't know my reply have to pass the examine of Administrator....really sorry,i know it's annoying
dude, this thread here is for suggesting in-game achievements, not for asking for something like a new version of the wiki in a certain language. I don't really know where to put that either, but maybe you could make a thread in the suggestions subforums.
There's a subforum for the wiki here: http://forum.industrial-craft.…php?page=Board&boardID=26
put ic2 on curse so people on curse can enjoy your mod that is all i ask for
Achievement get: Post something in the completely wrong place on the forums without searching first if something like that was already asked somewhere else.
Achievement get: Post something in the completely wrong place on the forums without searching first if something like that was already asked somewhere else.
Aroma1997 got "Achievement get generalized: Post something in the wrong place on the forums."
I know it's a joke, but this is for in game achievements.
break mfsu get
achievement: Does this remind something to you