Could we get more usefull information and less bad jokes on the wiki?

  • I've been sifting through the wiki page for a few days and many articles seem to contain more jokes than information. Often they contain jokes *instead* of information.

    I'll give you an example.

    Contains line after line of meaningless jokes and it even says "Completely useless versus other players. " when in fact the Tesla coil will instantly kill any player that goes near it.

    Another example


    5 lines of bad jokes, 1 line of useful information and even then it doesn't say how much longer the vest lasts when compared to iron armor.


    5 and a half lines of jokes and the author didn't even bother adding how much protection the armor offers, how much EU the armor contains and how much its drained when you take damage.



    On this page people actually spent a lot of time adding different recipes where upon the admin *delete* the recipes to purposely leave the wiki page empty. So not only are they refraining from adding useful information but they delete existing information that other took the time to add in an attempt to help build the wiki site. All it means is that instead of people finding the information on the wiki where it belongs. They just google the information and find it on someone else's page.

    Lets let that sink in. People add information, admin removes information on his own wiki that people are helping him build for free. People took time adding that stuff to help *you* and people came to read the page because they wanted to find that information but *you* deleted it. Insulting the authors to added it and the visitors who came to find it. I mean come on who are you appealing to? Do you think people will be happy coming to a wiki page to find *less information*? Do you think they will pat you on the back for deleting the information that they came to find?

    I mean lets be honest. The jokes are bad. Really bad. And its even worse when a page contains jokes *Instead* of useful information and even ten times worse when useful information is deleted.

    This wiki needs a complete overhaul and several articles need to be rewritten in a professional matter.

    Yeah you might dismiss this as just some angry rant but I hope you take some of it to heart. Industrial Craft is a fantastic mod that even outshines minecraft itself. This mod deserves a wiki worthy of it and the first step is to give is some standards on the articles posted.

    Oh and a quick reply to "Feanturi"

    "They are secret and they will be secret, thats why you cant find them on the wiki"

    No the UU-Matter recipes are not a secret. They are all over the internet except the very wiki where they're supposed to be in the first place. The reason we cant find them is that you deleted them in some vain attempt to keep something hidden that cannot possible ever be hidden. The internet is too big.

  • Yes it is true, that some articles don't contain the necessary information, but I have yet to find one page that didn't tell me how to craft the stuff and try it myself. I see experimenting as some kind of feature in IC² and while sometimes the item is useless after all you also find some nice stuff while trying it out. For example testing yourself what energy source is better instead of reading mathematical breakdowns of materials used for each version like it is on the MC wiki, at least I think so.
    I really like the style of the wiki, because while you wait for your Macerator to finish grinding your first iron dust you can browse through the pages and just read some nice lines instead of only numbers like "Absorbs 7 points (3,5 hearts) of damage, has a total of 9001 durability. Crafting this armor is slightly less efficent than crafting bronze armor, but this effect might be outweghted by the added protection of 10% against Creeper explosions." on every page and some tries to soften up the read with a sometimes even more number-heavy trivia section on the bottom.
    Also if you insist on numbers to be posted there, what are they going to tell you? That bronze armor has 10% durabilty more than iron? Well bronze should be chosen over iron no matter if it has 5% or 20% more durabilty. Also please keep in mind that the community of vanilla MC is at least 100 times bigger, most likely far more than that, so you have more people who decompile the game to look up the correct values or spend hours testing out probailities instead of playing the game or writing addons for an awesome mod.

    And about the whole "admins delete information users put up on the wiki", please name it correctly as "admins delete information users put up on the wiki which is against the rules". Fact is it is not allowed to post the UU-Matter recipes, so it is fine to delete them after they were posted. Like in a message board where you are not allowed to post certain content, would you complain to the mod who deleted it argueing that it cost you a lot of time to make that post? Well if you do enjoy your ban there...
    And if you really need the recipes install one of the following mods: Recipe book, Craftguide, Not Enough Items or look it up on one of the many sources outside of the wiki. Putting it on the wiki page is going to spoil the fun of people who want to find it out themselves.

  • If people wanted to find out themselves they wouldn't be looking up the bloody UU-matter recipe page. The only people who care about all this "secret" bull seems to be the admins. People do not go to a wiki page in order to not find information

  • And if you really need the recipes install one of the following mods: Recipe book, Craftguide, Not Enough Items or look it up on one of the many sources outside of the wiki. Putting it on the wiki page is going to spoil the fun of people who want to find it out themselves.

    If you think that to an end, all recipes and all informations could delete because someone could see something to spoil his fun to find things out by himself. And for what is the wiki then still existing? Right for bad jokes...
    When that's the idea then, in my opinion, the complete wiki could be delete.

    But when the wiki should be the place where you can get informations about the stuff in IC then all of the informations whicht can help should be in there.

  • Well, you are new to ic, it seens.

    Many of the description was from and old (and amazing) op that alblaka wrote in the original MCforum thread forum. On that post, he did explain how to use everything in IC, but acting like an sellsman. Everyone that wast lazy and actually read the whole thing, understand how everything works in ic (on that time beeing, was for ic1) . It was hilarious.
    When the wiki was made, the whole thing was spread, and new additions to the mod were treated more seriously, without the "comercial" tone.

    Some things had remined as secrets, like the mining blueprint for terraformer (dont usse that, is chatastropic, i destroyed my house on my very first attemp)
    and all mass recipes. The iridium plates recipe was supossed to be secret too.

    • Official Post

    They got deleted cause they are meant to be semi-secret. Now that we have mods like recipe book or else there is not that much of a point for that, BUT i like the idea of them being secret, just grab 9 UUM and play arroun with it ;)
    It's way more fun like that anyways

    When the wiki was made, the whole thing was spread, and new additions to the mod were treated more seriously, without the "comercial" tone.

    I seriously miss that :/

    • Official Post

    It's a wiki.
    Either add the information, you complain about lacking, yourself, or don't raise your voice, period.

    @secret recipes:
    They're secret, that's my personal decision, blame me if you like to and consider threatening me (oh noes!) to not donate / not use IC².
    I admit it became quite pointless after everyone's using RecipeMods, but consider it an tradition of IC.

  • The mod itself is certainly worthy of donation but the wiki shows some severe mismanagement and bad attitude so it does split me on the issue.

    I'd donate for a way to pump and use the build craft oil in IC. I mean Build craft has some nice stuff but its all pretty badly implemented, badly balanced and all the things look like crap while the IC stuff is pretty intuitive and efficient and look great.

    But pumping and refining oil just feels so industrialcraft-ish

  • One issue Is that aside from the easy to do information that is disallowed (UUM), It requires either a developer, A person who decompiled the code and can figure it out, or someone who sets up a significant experiment, many of which are impossible to do in single player, to be able to determine how stuff works.

  • there are other options
    im sure it would not take much user effort to surpass the offical wiki

    u will also learn, with time, that well IC2 is lots of fun and an amazing mod
    the ... lets call it "staff" leaves much to be desired, i personally find that albs, featuri (sp?) and the alex guy all talk to people and act in what i consider to be an extremely rude manner. (the other IC coders dont seem to be like this)

    as a note to these 3 people, I get that dealing with people who cant read simple instructions can be extremely annoying however other developers have this same problem and are friendly and polite (eloraam, xeno(EE mod) and cougarJ(railcraft mod) are good examples). I only say something because i find this behavior leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

    for any extreme fanbois: yes yes i can leave if i dont like it or not use the mod or etc etc but thats not really the point is it....


    • Official Post

    You know, if you got problems with some peoples attitude, you usually talk to them, instead of going to a public place and ranting about them :3 Just a sidenote.

    Please quote the posts i was


    extremely rude

    to someone, always want to improve my character.

    As well, the official wiki IS near-exclusively community-based. But people are too lazy to actually contribute.
    Many ones don't know a "Wiki" is actually a colletion of knowledge gathered and combined by as many persons as possible and instead assume it's some sort of developer driven support side.

  • As well, the official wiki IS near-exclusively community-based. But people are too lazy to actually contribute.
    Many ones don't know a "Wiki" is actually a colletion of knowledge gathered and combined by as many persons as possible and instead assume it's some sort of developer driven support side.

    I did contribute a while back, on a few things that were easy to determine through experimenting, or from forum posts, like reactor breeding tick requirements, new teleportation equation, as well as a number of UUM recipies (which were obviously removed).

    The issue is that most of the information the wiki is missing either requires someone to do significant careful experimentation (which tend to be impossible for multiplayer testing due to dysyncs), Require someone to decompile and figure out the code(I had fun last time with base minecraft, with simple non-descriptive variables names and so on), or require a developer to actually enter it(The easiest, except ofc that it IS a wiki, like you said). There is likely a small amount that is obvious, and a small amount that is simply forbidden.(UUM, Nuke, Synthetic gunpowder, glowstone (I think))

    So its not just laziness.

  • I could not agree with this any better. And I really am liking the idea of starting formal with it. I mean, it is about high time that we get a better wiki section that will work like a good repository of information everything and anything related to the topics.

    I mean, it would be good to have it in forum style but there are those topics you just have to post with article types.

  • Why is there so much hatred of the wiki? The way I see it IC2 brings people together as this fantastic community and the wiki is a place for fun as much as it is information. If someone really wants definitive answers they can install the latest version of Industrial-Craft and experiment, in this sense the wiki is almost like a cheat guide.

  • Oh yeah, lets delete all articles in the wiki and all posts here in the forum, beacause every information is like cheating...

    Maybe would it better to say, if you don't like it, don't read it.
    Good i would have informations about transfering energy across a large distance, i look in the wiki and nothing. A question to the community? A lot of meanings how to do it or the relevant posts ist on side 460 of 954 that should be good way to get informations?

    Sorry but in my opinion that makes not sense.

  • Less bad jokes? No, that wouldn't be HAYOish at all... I mean, it's one of the things I love about the wiki, it adds some fun to reading it, because guess what? Huge walls of text are BORING. And, just because you can't keep UUM recipes because they're widespread in the internet, doesn't mean they have to be there in the official wiki if the creators want them to be secret. Do you want to see the UUM recipes? Just go to one of those sites which have them, It shouldn't be a problem, since they're so common.

  • Ok, apart of the "hayo" joke stuff (that I don´t find it wrong), and apart of the matter recipes (that is just a little portion of the wiki and really most people can find that info in any site).

    We can try improve other wiki places, like for example, a useful info will be translations.

    I can contribute to translate it to latin spanish (Spain spanish is just meh... and for the most spanish people are from South America and Central America).
    Is possible the official wiki can have a multi language support?

    Also this info can be used for a latin spanish translation in-game (Es Argentinean fit, Es Mexican will work too).

  • You know, if you got problems with some peoples attitude, you usually talk to them, instead of going to a public place and ranting about them :3 Just a sidenote.

    Ok... I'll bite...

    ...and that only works when the person is WILLING to listen- And here I don't see much listening, I think I'm seeing something more like defensive sarcasm.

    ...The IC2 wiki is actually THE reason that I installed a recipe book mod in the first place because I got tired of other users re-writing half of a wiki page (category), adding a 'To be completed...' at the bottom and not returning to finish it for 6 months. (...and yes, it is still 'To be Completed'...)

    So in that light... it was the poor condition of the wiki that caused me to 'discover' 95% of your 'secret' UU-Matter recipes inadvertently. I think that's been referred to as 'shooting yourself in the foot'.

    ...I go to the wiki for info, not bad jokes. ...If I wanted bad jokes then I'd call my uncle.

    I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.

  • I like the wiki how it is ... there are some holes here and there but mostly it helped me with loads of stuff. Also thanks for that great platform.