Can you build the Solar SPAMatron in a superflat world? And also, do booze barrels work when moved by frames?

The Ultimate Industrial Frame Engineering Challenge(s) - TUIFEC
any idea on how we score points on the designs after its finished with all the requirements or is that the big secret
and any idea when the cable fix for IC 2 is coming cant do a propper test if my matter generators fail everytime i move the machine -
any idea on how we score points on the designs after its finished with all the requirements or is that the big secret
Alblaka will choose the first one, who Posts a proper Design, so hurry up.
Alblaka will choose the first one, who Posts a proper Design, so hurry up.
Mine can already break blocks in front of it, craft solar panels, redstone torches, cobblestone, glass fibre cable, tin cable and MV transformers, place them behind it in the correct pattern. All that's left is putting everything together, waiting for it to fill up its internal buffers so Alblaka doesn't have to wait for ages before it does anything, and test it.Until the enet works on frames and cables can be deployed, I'll have everything needed for cables set up except for putting them in the assembler, all the wiring for the machines done but they'll be running on lapotrons, and a chest of UUM instead of the mass fabricator (with a wire leading up to it)
Mine can already break blocks in front of it, craft solar panels, redstone torches, cobblestone, glass fibre cable, tin cable and MV transformers, place them behind it in the correct pattern. All that's left is putting everything together, waiting for it to fill up its internal buffers so Alblaka doesn't have to wait for ages before it does anything, and test it.Until the enet works on frames and cables can be deployed, I'll have everything needed for cables set up except for putting them in the assembler, all the wiring for the machines done but they'll be running on lapotrons, and a chest of UUM instead of the mass fabricator (with a wire leading up to it)
You can deploy Wiring for the Solarpanels but it consists out of MV-Transformers.
Just to be clear: Can we use a stationary factory? (For the SPAM-a-tron) If so, well, I'm pretty much done. If not... Let me rework my design
Just to be clear: Can we use a stationary factory? (For the SPAM-a-tron) If so, well, I'm pretty much done. If not... Let me rework my design
Nope. Al says that would be too easy. :p
Hey Mistic, long time no see :p
Allright... Then this will be a little more of a challenge, lemme see what I can make of it :p
Can you build the Solar SPAMatron in a superflat world? And also, do booze barrels work when moved by frames?
Yes, dunno.
Now that miners can be moved, whats the likelyhood that side tube access will change to drill slot instead of scanner slot to allow miner deployment/retraction via tubing?
I'm about to scale up my operation from 1 to 4 miners, and I'd love to make them deploy simultaniously.
Additionally, it MUST contain screenshots showing up the progress of the working piece.
English please? -
English please?
You could have expressed that in a more polite way.You must take screenshots of your progress, to show up how you have designed and built the entry. As well, this can be used for tutorials, later on.
I will be waiting for working with frames before building something. And learn RP computer language too.
Are we allowed to increase linksize?
Yes, though it's not THAT hard to create a module-based contraption.
I have to say, though I am not going to contribute an entry I am really looking forward to the innovation which will occur here lets see the good stuff Industrialcrafters!
Does the Solar SPAMatron have to produce the cables out of UU-Matter aswell?
EDIT: Somehow, deploying cables used to not make me crash, but now it does. Hmm... -
I would actually advise against using cables in general, MV tranfromers, though harder to make, will at least ensure you keep a proper voltage running through your setup, if you use cables of whatever kind, your max workable output is 40 blocks (For the loss for both Glass fibre and Tin is 1 EU/40 blocks). Not a whole lot for an infinite solar-spam-o-tron.
I would actually advise against using cables in general, MV tranfromers, though harder to make, will at least ensure you keep a proper voltage running through your setup, if you use cables of whatever kind, your max workable output is 40 blocks (For the loss for both Glass fibre and Tin is 1 EU/40 blocks). Not a whole lot for an infinite solar-spam-o-tron.
With a computer you can place both cables and storage units, spacing them how you prefer (you could even tell it to space the units based one the Fibonacci sequence but to restart at F9 ) :D. I would like to compete but I'm currently working over a similar but not related project.
I apologize for my English. -
That is an intresting way to introduce myself to the forum, but so be it:
Here is what I got so far:
This is the engine module. It is basically the same design I found on youtube, with a frame and some solars for Bluetricity generation.
You find the video here . Three of those attached together make the whole thing move.
I could not quite make my mind up where and how to generate EU to use all the industrial stuff with. In the end I decided to go for a water mill machine automated with the help of red power. What you see above is a concept study, but it should point out the basic Idea:
1. Use RP Pump to draw water into a tank.
2. Use RP Deployers to fill buckets and Tubes to direct them.
3. Feed full buckets into water mills.
4. (...)
5. Profit.
Why water you ask? Because I thought it would be cool to have a ship that can suck some kind of "Fuel" out of its Environment. Which leads me to the third module that I added so far:
This shows a retractable nozzle to lower into water, to pump all the good stuff up. So you don't have to land if you want to generate some EU.
To Do List:
1. Build in the Refinery complex and mining modules.
2. Wire it all up.
3. Build bridge and bedroom for the pilot.
4. Build the computer, program it and wire it.
5. Wait for E-net to be fixed.
6. Debug Engines. You would not believe how often I had to check every single block to see if they are attached properly or block my movement.
7. Take off and profit.
Oh and Alblaka: How deep into detail would your screens have to be?
Cheers, everyone!