Tutorial: The Amazing Mining Laser

  • To start off, I would like to say that I FRIKKEN LOVE the mining laser. It is the single most useful item ever created, though its use can be pretty complex at times. In this tutorial I will attempt to explain its workings, and hopefully you will learn something useful to your Minecraft experience. As MC or IC change, I will try to keep this updated as much as possible.

    Part One: Usage

    First off, lets go over some basics of how it works. Upon rightclicking, your laser will fire based on which mode it is in. Something to note, (most) laser bullets will travel forever until they hit blocks. For the purposes of this tutorial we will call the time in the air "flight-time" and time digging through the ground "ground-time". Once the laser bullet hits the ground, it will begin to burrow or perform whatever it does. As you probably know, you hold "M" and right click to change modes.

    Another imporant usage tip is to always fire along at least one axis of a block. If you don't, it can get pretty messy as the laser won't properly cut a hole.

    -Charging information to be here when I figure it out-

    Part Two: Modes

    Flight-time: infinite
    Ground-time: a reasonable value, around 16 blocks
    Energy use: 100 shots on one charge, very good
    Combat damage: it will take three hits to kill an average monster
    Notes: This is your bread and butter mode, and you should use it most of the time. Good damage, high range, and great energy usage make it the most well rounded and possibly the best mode to use.

    Flight-time: ~2 blocks
    Ground-time: 1 block
    Energy use: some absolutely obscene amount of charges
    Combat damage: punching is seriously better
    Notes: This mode is useless for pretty much everything except precision removal of blocks. In essence it is a super-pickaxe.

    Flight-time: infinite
    Ground-time: very high, maybe 32 blocks
    Energy use: 10 (9) shots
    Combat damage: BOOM headshot!! (1)
    Notes: The .50 cal of lasers, it will fly forever go through anything and annihilate all in its path. The energy usage is quite high, but its insane damage is definitely worth it.

    Flight-time: infinite
    Ground-time: dynamite explosion
    Energy use: 10 (9) shots
    Combat damage: 3 shots to kill
    Notes: Honestly, this mode sucks. It has a massive energy usage, but the damage is low and the ground-time is the equivalent of a stick of dynamite.

    Flight-time: infinite
    Ground-time: a reasonable value, around 16 blocks
    Energy use: 4 shots
    Combat damage: 3 hits
    Notes: This mode seems epic, but it really isn't. Its only use is to blast a hole in a wall or rape something into nonexistence. Not viable for combat at all, or anything else really.

    Hopefully now you have a good understanding of how the laser works, and can use it to its full potential!

    • Official Post

    Awesome explanation of an awesome tool. To contribute, some incredibly useful things I've found about the laser.

    • Low Focus mode is pretty useless in the general sense, though it's certainly a viable alternative if you run out of power on your mining drill and don't want to stop yet. But it has a huge advantage over even the diamond drill when you need to take out a block while flying with the jetpack, since the breaking power of tools is severely reduced while you're in the air.
    • Now I don't have to make a bow to take out creepers at range. Sure, the chainsaw can kill them in two hits before they explode, but sometimes I miss that second hit. I much prefer staying at range, just so long as I don't miss and hit anything important!
    • Long Range mode. What can I say? It's an all-in-one solution to some of the most annoying problems in Minecraft. Out of torches? Shoot straight up, bam, instant sunlight. Lost? Shoot straight up and rev up the jetpack. Need to get down below level 20 so you can find some diamonds? Put your jetpack in hover mode and shoot straight down.
  • Mining Laser recharges in MFE/MFSU.
    Numbers actual to IC2 v0.90 (2.09.2011):

    Takes 80k EU to fully charge. Energy usage:
    - Scatter (4 shots): 20k EU
    - Long Range (8 shots): 10k EU
    - Explosive (8 Shots): 10k EU
    - Mining (64 shots): 1250 EU
    - Low-Focus (800 shots): 100 EU

    "Flight-time" is not infinite. It is 64 blocks for all shots except Low-Focus (which is 3 blocks).
    P.S. Laser "ground" time depends on material "density". Means it goes through more soft materials, like dirt/sand, then hard materials, like Stone/Ore.

  • I tested Long Range shots on Dirt. One shot digg about 150 blocks. Don't forget that laser has a chance of block disappearing (Whith other words it hasn't 100% drop rate).

  • Don't forget that laser has a chance of block disappearing (Whith other words it hasn't 100% drop rate).

    Quote from Wiki

    All blocks destroyed by the Laser are dropped, with the exception of non-drop blocks like Glass or Leaves.

    Is it a mistake?

    Cutiemark crusaders - engineers, Yay!
    Blown up: Industrial Blast Furnace, Industrial Wiremill, Singularity compressor, Extractor.

  • Except when mining upward, I much prefer using a drill and sticky dynamite to mine. I just drill 2 blocks and toss in dynamite (rinse, repeat) to create a 3x3 tunnel.

  • 150? I assume you typo'd and meant 15, didn't you? Otherwise it would be quite a ludicrous bug.

    No, it isn't a mistake. It destroys A LOT of bloks(as i say before, about 150 blocks).

    what I'm exactly do. I placed 2 stucks of dirt in a row and shot at it. before shooting i deleted all dirt from my inventory. after shot i picked up all dirt. Then i place all dirt what i have agan to repeat the experiment. But i cant built that row again as i haven't got all blocks after laser shot. that's why i think laser haven't 100% drop rate. May be blocks drop into other blocks?
    BTW when i shoot in stone it destroys about 20 and i cant rebuild that stone row whith that amount of items i recieve after shoots.

    I will test that all again to comfirme.

    Really sorry fo my brainfuck english.

  • A single Long-Range shot destroys 24 Smoothstone, and AT LEAST 128 dirt blocks. Tested in a controlled environment, confirmed, put up on the wiki.

  • And what about block loss? I've tested it, and low-focus and mining modes are losing blocks too...

    Cutiemark crusaders - engineers, Yay!
    Blown up: Industrial Blast Furnace, Industrial Wiremill, Singularity compressor, Extractor.

  • *sad*
    I thought i can use laser as the main minig tool, but with the block loss it is not a good idea...

    Cutiemark crusaders - engineers, Yay!
    Blown up: Industrial Blast Furnace, Industrial Wiremill, Singularity compressor, Extractor.

  • Lowfocus is useless right now, may be rename in into combat mode, 250 energy 10 damage, 16~32 range still remove single block on impact.

    it will be usefull both for mining (harvest single block from celling) and combat (2 hits will kill any mob and unarmored players)

  • Explosive shots aren't entirely useless either, Mix it with an electric jet pack in the nether, One well placed shot will just obliterate the glowstone on the ceiling allowing you to pick up well over a stack of dust for little work, and hopefully little getting shot in the face by ghasts

    Proud IndustrialCraft user Since Minecraft beta 1.3 (Or 1.4, To many nukes to the face can cause memory issues.)

  • Honestly, I LOVE the low-power shot. It's great for one thing: REDSTONE. Even with a mining drill redstone takes an annoying amount of time to mine, but the laser is instant harvest. Though it makes me sad to hear that the block loss is intentional, because that makes this significantly less useful of a tool, now I'm scared to use it in the diamond layers for fear of losing diamonds.

  • Now i am using mining laser as a ranged-weapon to kill those creepy creepers ^__^
    AND, i've found out that explosive shot is useful for... Tree harvest! You can use it to blow up those huge trees, and this mode doesn't set them on fire!

    Cutiemark crusaders - engineers, Yay!
    Blown up: Industrial Blast Furnace, Industrial Wiremill, Singularity compressor, Extractor.

  • Hey, I'm using low-focus for mining! It's almost as energy-efficient as Mining mode (800 vs 1024 stone max), with WAY more precision.

    Mining blocks under your sight level (which you do most of the time...) is bitchy at best in mining mode, while with low-focus it's pretty much just like normal mining (Only helluvalot faster)

    Seriously, isn't it enough with 2 combat-oriented mode (long-range and explosive)?