Gee all this talk about having a star use iron as fuel... lol you know what neutron stars are made out of right? Iron... very, very highly condensed iron. It sometimes is what is left over after a super giant star goes super nova and blows itself up in a violent explosion. Of course there are only two results of a super nova happening, the core which has become so dense can't support the material around it so it either implodes and becomes a blackhole or it blows off all it's layers leaving behind it's core which becomes the neutron star.

[GregTech-6][1.7.10] Moved to Website [Closed]
- GregoriusT
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I meant the dwarf "eats" the other star
Gee all this talk about having a star use iron as fuel... lol you know what neutron stars are made out of right? Iron... very, very highly condensed iron. It sometimes is what is left over after a super giant star goes super nova and blows itself up in a violent explosion. Of course there are only two results of a super nova happening, the core which has become so dense can't support the material around it so it either implodes and becomes a blackhole or it blows off all it's layers leaving behind it's core which becomes the neutron star.
neutron stars are not made of iron, they are made of neutron degenerate matter, ie a nucleus of Z = 0 and A = 10^n where n is some large number. Iron cannot exist in nuclear degenerate matter, as electrons cannot be confined in such a small volume along with protons, it is energetically favorable for them to undergo electron capture in those conditions, resulting in the formation of neutrons and neutrinos.
edit: If you do attempt to stick a bare iron nucleus onto nuclear degenerate matter, there would be enough gravitational potential energy to form enough electron/positron pairs that the electrons would combine with the protons, then the positrons would later annihilate any electrons that got attracted to the slightly positively charged neutron star.
the black hole or neutron star are formed almost entirely from the core, stars that result in black holes also blow off the outer layers.
Back on the topic of the polywell fusion reactor:
The pipe things would be for water/steam and for fuel intake/waste output.
Like Macerators filling atm the only way i could think of is
Chest->Translocator -> Buffers, but then how do I give stuff to Macerator #2 if Macerator #1 already has stuff?
(Yeah could use grinder, sorry, bad example again ^^")If you want to distribute Materials to up to 5 Macerators, then you need one Large Buffer and 4 Advanced Translocators.
The Large Buffer in the Middle is right ontop of a fifth Macerator, and fills it with Stuff, while the 4 Translocators are grabbing Stuff out of the Buffer, to fill the 4 other Macerators. That way all 5 Macerators are equally filled (+/- a Stack)
Anyway, I'm fine with a "no" or such so I at least know, just weird not getting any kind of comment ^^"
There will be a better way to do so, just not now.
@FusionTopic: I will add both types of Fusion.
@1.4.5: Hrrm, I will make a 2.08e-Release instead of 2.09a, and then I will port to 1.4.5. with the Version Number 2.50a.
Fusion Reactor + Redstone = Stops emitting Energy
Buffers/Translocators/Sorters are now able to keep track with Induction Furnaces. -
Ahhhh didn't even think of using translocators on buffers ^^" thanks :3
Ported to 1.4.5 (also the other small Mods)
Fixed isBeaconBlock for Machine Casing Type Blocks, as these shouldnt do that. -
Dude your fast! thx for the quick update
XyCraft added Aluminum ore, kinda hoping you tie it into GT either as being macerated into dust or exchangeable.
Would you allow Talonius to modify his Reactorplanner in such a Way that it supports Plutonium Cells, Helium Cells and the other additions made by you? The in-game planner erases melted components (they take too much time to replace) and doesn't provide additional informations like Talonius planner do. Your planner is great, but an open Minecraft slows paq8l down. (I just want to compress my RAWs to a smaller size to have more free space on HDD)
XyCraft added Aluminum ore, kinda hoping you tie it into GT either as being macerated into dust or exchangeable.
If its registered as "oreAluminium" then it will work. If not, then please tell me about the real OreDictName of it (The Logfile will tell you)
Would you allow Talonius to modify his Reactorplanner in such a Way that it supports Plutonium Cells, Helium Cells and the other additions made by you? The in-game planner erases melted components (they take too much time to replace) and doesn't provide additional informations like Talonius planner do. Your planner is great, but an open Minecraft slows paq8l down. (I just want to compress my RAWs to a smaller size to have more free space on HDD)
Of course he is allowed to if he wants that. I have no Idea how he coded it, so ask him.
By "fusion" did you mean the reactor or actual fusion?
Hi Greg, any plan to add new ways to get chrome?
Hi Greg, any plan to add new ways to get chrome?
There are already many Ways to get it. The easiest is to use Redstone for getting Ruby Dust, and then for getting Chrome Dust of it.
2012-11-21 10:22:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] Gem Name: gemBlueXychorium !!!Unknown Gem detected!!! Please report to GregTech Intergalactical for additional compatiblity. This is not an Error, its just an Information.
2012-11-21 10:22:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] Gem Name: gemXychorium !!!Unknown Gem detected!!! Please report to GregTech Intergalactical for additional compatiblity. This is not an Error, its just an Information.
2012-11-21 10:22:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] Gem Name: gemGreenXychorium !!!Unknown Gem detected!!! Please report to GregTech Intergalactical for additional compatiblity. This is not an Error, its just an Information.
2012-11-21 10:22:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] Gem Name: gemXychorium !!!Unknown Gem detected!!! Please report to GregTech Intergalactical for additional compatiblity. This is not an Error, its just an Information.
2012-11-21 10:22:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] Gem Name: gemRedXychorium !!!Unknown Gem detected!!! Please report to GregTech Intergalactical for additional compatiblity. This is not an Error, its just an Information.
2012-11-21 10:22:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] Gem Name: gemXychorium !!!Unknown Gem detected!!! Please report to GregTech Intergalactical for additional compatiblity. This is not an Error, its just an Information.
2012-11-21 10:22:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] Gem Name: gemDarkXychorium !!!Unknown Gem detected!!! Please report to GregTech Intergalactical for additional compatiblity. This is not an Error, its just an Information.
2012-11-21 10:22:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] Gem Name: gemXychorium !!!Unknown Gem detected!!! Please report to GregTech Intergalactical for additional compatiblity. This is not an Error, its just an Information.
2012-11-21 10:22:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] Gem Name: gemLightXychorium !!!Unknown Gem detected!!! Please report to GregTech Intergalactical for additional compatiblity. This is not an Error, its just an Information.
2012-11-21 10:22:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] Gem Name: gemXychorium !!!Unknown Gem detected!!! Please report to GregTech Intergalactical for additional compatiblity. This is not an Error, its just an Information.^-- detected the Gems but I think I know why its not working with the ore.
GT Aluminium, XyCraft Aluminum
Misspell or really two different things? -
GT Aluminium, XyCraft Aluminum
Misspell or really two different things?Let's look at Wikipedia for the correct spelling...
Hrrmmm both are valid Names, BUT "Aluminium" (how I spell it) is more often used and "Aluminum" (how Soaryn spells it) is obsolete! I am right!
Also the Ore is not even registered, so guess why there wasn't even an "Unknown Ore"-Message. Since Soaryn said, that I should wait for Xycraft to roughly finish its Tech-Tree, I will disable special Support for its resoures.
I'm going to have alot of "Aluminum" sitting around, owell thanks for lookin GT.
This may be a simple question but I dont mod, can "Aluminum" ore be generated without being registered?
I'm going to have alot of "Aluminum" sitting around, owell thanks for lookin GT.
This may be a simple question but I dont mod, can "Aluminum" ore be generated without being registered?
Yes it can. I have a Workaround for that, but as I wait for the TechTree of Soaryn to be a bit more "visible", you will have to enter a secret Code into the Config to enable Xycraft-Compatiblity, as of 2.50b.
you will have to enter a secret Code into the Config to enable Xycraft-Compatiblity, as of 2.50b.
Oh yeah, everyone it's [DATA EXPUNGED], that will give GregTech full compatibility with all of XyCraft World.
Oh yeah, everyone it's [DATA EXPUNGED], that will give GregTech full compatibility with all of XyCraft World.
Yes, [DATA NOT FOUND] will give full support. There are up to 4294967296 possibilities and only one of them is right.
Tweaked a few things. -
[/quote] neutron stars are not made of iron, they are made of neutron degenerate matter, ie a nucleus of Z = 0 and A = 10^n where n is some large number. Iron cannot exist in nuclear degenerate matter, as electrons cannot be confined in such a small volume along with protons, it is energetically favorable for them to undergo electron capture in those conditions, resulting in the formation of neutrons. [/quote]
I could see electron degenerate matter used extremely end game tools and armor.
Of course that would have to be a very thin layer of armor or else the player would be crushed to death.