Greg, why uranium cells are inside of your tab? >D

[GregTech-6][1.7.10] Moved to Website [Closed]
- GregoriusT
- Closed
Because he override standart uranium cells behaviour.
Greg, will you add a compressor recipe for diamond dust --> diamond?
@NEI-Crash: if deleting the GregTech-NEI-Plugin doesnt help, then I would strongly suggest to update NEI.
@CompressingDiamondDust: No.
@SphaxTextures: Now that I have changed the Textures of Machine Casings, I wait until you finished that.
@SoarynDiscoussion: Someone else opened a Thread about that, so please talk there about it. -
and how about that-be бронзуа was and ore
^ бронзуа = bronze
This warning appears in server forge log.
Quote2012-11-24 09:14:13 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Mod GregTech_Addon attempted to register a gui network handler during a construction phase
This warning appears in server forge log.
Ooops. Outsourced Stuff into wrong Locations.
Guess what I did. -
Nice, but please change ITankContainer.getTanks() to return empty list if your device don't require liquids, because i can connect waterproof pipe to "Electric Craftingtable".
And it will be nice if you add tank for water into Grinder GUI (as in Forestry), with two another slots for liquid containers (and require some amout of energy to extact water from filled tin cell without losing of cell).
Do I understand correctly that this water thingy pretty much requires infinite water fix NOT to be installed and/or source blocks right next to it?
Aqueous Accumulator from ThermalExpansion have own logic (if it surrouneded by two block of water or more, it generate water). But this machine can be disabled in config if you don't want this block when you game with finite water.
Nice, but please change ITankContainer.getTanks() to return empty list if your device don't require liquids, because i can connect waterproof pipe to "Electric Craftingtable".
Yes, thats already fixed.
And it will be nice if you add tank for water into Grinder GUI (as in Forestry), with two another slots for liquid containers (and require some amout of energy to extact water from filled tin cell without losing of cell).
The Tank is kinda hidden, and is displayed inside the bottom left Slot, to show that it can work on internal Water. The Tank itself is only for Waterpiping and shouldn't be filled with Cells. I plan to add an electric Liquid Transposer, but with low priority as Thermal Expansion already has one.
simple but dumb question i turned the iridium prob: to 50% but i still dont find any iridium, on what layer do they generate?
still nice workand best addon for ic2, ic2 without it just to boring^^
simple but dumb question i turned the iridium prob: to 50% but i still dont find any iridium, on what layer do they generate?
still nice workand best addon for ic2, ic2 without it just to boring^^
they generate in layer 1-64 a think, but i could be wrong. Just slap down a quarry from Buildcrap and it should find you some. -
they generate in layer 1-64 a think, but i could be wrong. Just slap down a quarry from Buildcrap and it should find you some.IIRC they generate under layer 99..
50% -> 1 iridium per 2 chunks from height 1-99..yeah not that much.. -
Don't get V2.51b to run, as it needs minecraft 1.4.5 and/or newer forge version (which pretty much is the same)
but there is no IC2 for 1.4.5. Do I miss something?
Forget what I just said :p just saw that there is also an 1.4.5 open beta -
The Tank is kinda hidden, and is displayed inside the bottom left Slot, to show that it can work on internal Water. The Tank itself is only for Waterpiping and shouldn't be filled with Cells. I plan to add an electric Liquid Transposer, but with low priority as Thermal Expansion already has one.
But I would definitely need your Infinite Liquid Storage
Is red/yellow garnet from some other mod. If yes, which?
Derp. Didn't read closely enough.
EDIT: How do I yellow garnet lol? -
IIRC they generate under layer 99..
50% -> 1 iridium per 2 chunks from height 1-99..yeah not that much..You're right, the first (and only) iridium I have found so far was at around height level 85
But I would definitely need your Infinite Liquid Storage
Needs a bit time. Will be in next Version. You could then craft it directly out of a Quantumchest.