maybe as modes in the gui of the centrifuge?
"wait for cells"
"ignore if cells avaible"
Mode setting in GUI would be pretty needed considering shift-clicking tends not to work well with the machines (cells go in place of materials).
maybe as modes in the gui of the centrifuge?
"wait for cells"
"ignore if cells avaible"
Mode setting in GUI would be pretty needed considering shift-clicking tends not to work well with the machines (cells go in place of materials).
One obvious alternative: Halve the centrifuge outputs when Forestry is installed.
Meh, I would have to change two Numbers for that. Imma dubbling da Input.
Why do all want this OP-Cheap bronze?
Mainly because bronze is highly used, in advanced alloys and forestry machines.
Note, that you can use Brass (twice as much and very easy to get with the Zinc of the Nether) as Bronze-replacement in Adv-Alloy.
Request: Please, Can you add ingame online autocheck warning for newer versions of the mod? like many other mods does (railcraft, forestry, NEI plugins, etc) ..
So that it Bugs you everyday about an update?
Suggestion :
Allow ALL centrifuge recipes which needs cells not necessarily require them. Then any cell byproducts wont be produced.
This is good for people which doesnt want some cell byproducts. [For example Si and O2 cells are useless to me]
Its not that hard to just put them into an Extractor to empty them. Also, did you know about Adv-Circuits being able to use Silicon Plates? I guess you now have a use for all that Silicon.
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Request: Please, Can you add ingame online autocheck warning for newer versions of the mod? like many other mods does (railcraft, forestry, NEI plugins, etc) ..
So that it Bugs you everyday about an update?
I like update notifications, but when multiple mods add a messages to chat - it becomes almost useless, due to tl;dr. I want to create a configurable update checker to allow to group all update data into one message, one http request, with option to leave only log notifications, etc. I hope to make it public in next few weeks.
Like I said before, just download Gregtech every week on say a Thursday, there you go you have an update
Its not that hard to just put them into an Extractor to empty them. Also, did you know about Adv-Circuits being able to use Silicon Plates? I guess you now have a use for all that Silicon.
Heh I've been taking advantage of the other optional resources gregtech adds to do things instead of wasting certain other resources. Silcon plates alone... can make a lot of solar panels which can then be turned into lv, mv and hv panels from compact solar panels.
I said Thorium.
Thorium to uranium, not plutonium to uranium; the plutonium is in there BECAUSE it's more advanced. Greg seems to like the idea of different nuclear cells having a loss of energy when you convert between them, and I especially agree with that for this recipe, since you're taking Thorium, which is renewable with a blaze farm, and converting it into normal uranium... Which can then be converted into plutonium in turn, so that may be somewhat difficult to balance around, depending on Greg's overall opinion on the idea.
What i read was saying to combine thorium and plutonium to make depleted uranium(which would also be a waste, but since *Plutonium makes more Eu than Uranium* it would be a waste. Btw, Greg, i saw on etho's channel that still lava makes a tungsten cell. Fixed?
Make a mod to remove all http connections
Make a mod to remove all http connections
Wrong way. Mod authors should see mod's popularity if they want. It's a good motivation to move forward.
But http requests shouldn't be laggy and should have an option to disable. We should respect paranoia of some users
Note, that you can use Brass (twice as much and very easy to get with the Zinc of the Nether) as Bronze-replacement in Adv-Alloy.
Not in Forestry machines though.
Its not that hard to just put them into an Extractor to empty them. Also, did you know about Adv-Circuits being able to use Silicon Plates? I guess you now have a use for all that Silicon.
What about a mode where it ignores compressed air cells? They are incredibly easy to make after all. If this is added it should also be on the electrolyzer.
Btw, Greg, i saw on etho's channel that still lava makes a tungsten cell. Fixed?
You know that FTB uses Version 2.03? Tungsten Ingots didnt even exist back then.
Wrong way. Mod authors should see mod's popularity if they want. It's a good motivation to move forward.
But http requests shouldn't be laggy and should have an option to disable. We should respect paranoia of some users
That would kill my Online Capelist, and many other Mods features.
Not in Forestry machines though.
How many Forestry Machines do you really need? One overpowered Farmer of each kind, maybe a second Peat Bog, the few basic Machines, and thats it.
What about a mode where it ignores compressed air cells? They are incredibly easy to make after all. If this is added it should also be on the electrolyzer.
These Cells can even be emptied in a Shapeless Recipe. Also, if a Material has too many byproducts, then I skip the Air Cells first as they are currently almost useless.
These Cells can even be emptied in a Shapeless Recipe. Also, if a Material has too many byproducts, then I skip the Air Cells first as they are currently almost useless.
They are not. Think adding world generation via gate will makes the player needing a lot of O2
Make The End and the Nether require scuba helmet + compressed air cells to breathe normally and you'll be loving those cells.
In the Nether, take constant low level damage from the heat and fumes unless in full hazmat with compressed air cells, or in quantum armor. In The End, start drowning as if under water.
I just wanted to say that I really appreciate what this mod does, despite the hate you probably get for it. Trying to balance the mess that is IC2 is a tough proposition, but you are doing well so far (at least as far as that goes.) Kudos and keep up the good work!
Make The End and the Nether require scuba helmet + compressed air cells to breathe normally and you'll be loving those cells.
In the Nether, take constant low level damage from the heat and fumes unless in full hazmat with compressed air cells, or in quantum armor. In The End, start drowning as if under water.
That's too much nerfing lol. Making it for new dimensions is enough. (to me).
Make The End and the Nether require scuba helmet + compressed air cells to breathe normally and you'll be loving those cells.
In the Nether, take constant low level damage from the heat and fumes unless in full hazmat with compressed air cells, or in quantum armor. In The End, start drowning as if under water.
That's not fun.. it's a pain ; and most likely will let more people complain about the unnecessary addition of the add-on to the game..
Eh, I use the compressed air cells to get the Na2S208.. If people are complaining about having too many compressed air cells in their chest, maybe you want to change the recipe to include one/two more compressed air cells instead of empty cell?
can you add a changelog? i cant find any anywere.
What i read was saying to combine thorium and plutonium to make depleted uranium(which would also be a waste, but since *Plutonium makes more Eu than Uranium* it would be a waste. Btw, Greg, i saw on etho's channel that still lava makes a tungsten cell. Fixed?
Depleted uranium can be easily re-enriched in a breeder reactor, yielding a normal uranium cell.
Uranium cells can be crafted with 1 UUM to create a plutonium cell.
If the conversion was 8 thorium + 1 plutonium = 8 uranium, this means that, if you did not use the above plutonium enrichment, you would be spending 8 + 4 = 12 uranium cells worth of fissionable materials to create 8 uranium cells, which if you take into account uranium's 25% chance of becoming depleted, you would actually be getting, on average, a number approaching close to 11 or so of uranium in your reactors. So you'd really only be loosing 1 uranium cell worth of EU if you used the uranium cells as-is.
However, if after breeding the uranium, you spend 8 UUM to turn all of the cells into plutonium... Now you've got 8 plutonium for the price of 1 plutonium, 8 thorium, 8 coal dust (or 16 if the process starts at near-depleted instead), 8 UUM, and a breeder reactor.
That now means that you've got 4 * 8 = 32 uranium cells worth of fissionable material, for basically 133,333,328 EU, assuming default config. (I'm also, by the way, not factoring in the cost of potential EU along the way, since I know that this is bigger then that) Which looks like a big number, but 8 cells of plutonium will yield 160,000,000 EU with an efficiency of 1. 8 plutonium cells with 7 efficiency can produce 1,120,000,000 EU.
And, by the way, I would also like to mention that this is renewable, with any source of blaze powder or coal.
So yeah, slightly different proposal; surrounding 1 plutonium with 8 thorium would yield 8 - 10 'enriched thorium' or something, which would have the exact same stats in a reactor as regular uranium, but without the ability to be upgraded by UUM to plutonium. This would allow you to waste some EU, in order to get the left-over EU five times faster. In addition, if the recipe gave you only 8 cells, then perhaps the enriched thorium cells could have a percentage chance, based on the reactor's current heat level, of yielding a depleted uranium cell after being depleted. in a 0 heat reactor, perhaps this could be 5-10% or less, but would scale up by, say, 5% every 1500 - 3000 reactor heat, perhaps up to a maximum. This would mean that, if one can properly manage the heat level within their reactor, they could greatly multiply the amount of EU they get out of their thorium, which would thus also multiply EU out of coal even more!
Miscalculate the heat level, however... Well, I'm sure you're all familiar with what happens then.
Also, if this seems too imbalanced, perhaps another way to nerf it would be to make enriched thorium give more heat then uranium, despite having the same EU yield?
mixing the gold and silver dust should give gregtech electrum not TE electrum bend
That's not fun.. it's a pain
; and most likely will let more people complain about the unnecessary addition of the add-on to the game..
Eh, I use the compressed air cells to get the Na2S208.. If people are complaining about having too many compressed air cells in their chest, maybe you want to change the recipe to include one/two more compressed air cells instead of empty cell?
It sure would be interesting to have some constraints to the exploration of these other dimensions though wouldn't it? Gregtech touches so many other mods, why not add in a few Mystcraft dimensions. Space biomes with asteroids and no air, for example. You could add a machine that consumes compressed air cells and allows you to breathe normally within a certain radius or within an enclosed space, so you could colonize the asteroids.
KammerSc: Why not?
It sure would be interesting to have some constraints to the exploration of these other dimensions though wouldn't it? Gregtech touches so many other mods, why not add in a few Mystcraft dimensions. Space biomes with asteroids and no air, for example.
He will implement it by its own way, as he already said it. With some "Gates" using EU and we don't know what to create some sorts of wormhole.
You could add a machine that consumes compressed air cells and allows you to breathe normally within a certain radius or within an enclosed space, so you could colonize the asteroids.
I guess he'll do. That could also be a sort of Electric beacon (So many O2 can surely help you at running, mining etc ... ^^)