GregoriusT if i follow what you said right, you're adding a check now or has this check has been implemented for a long time? your reply kinda confused me. i know nothing about making mods, so I'm probably sounding dumb here, but is it possible perhaps the tin and copper buckets fork off the vanilla bucket making your mod disable them? At any rate, not a big deal, just a curiosity.

[GregTech-6][1.7.10] Moved to Website [Closed]
- GregoriusT
- Closed
Derp, didnt notice that kane wanted it on a server. Well, just take the empty world that I told you how to create and copy its data into a new world folder on a server.I know nothing about servers, but I'm pretty sure you can't get there ingame. He is talking about something like Mystcraft except have a machine that only makes void (Lag Free) worlds. (I would actually like that, I get a lot of lag from a flat world (crap computer))
Its enough for the Check (Its already in the Game since I remove all the Buckets instead of just the Bronze/Tin editions), that the Output equals Bucket (now matter how much Buckets you get) and the inputs shape is the 3 ingots in a "V"-shape.
The Check only works for GregTech-Supported Ingots (so Ingots which are available in MC, IC² and GregTech).
The removal of the Bucket Recipes happens in the same Function, which enables reverse Macerating of Tools, Armor and some other things.
Display Morepublic static void applyUsagesForMaterials(ItemStack aMat, ItemStack aOutput) { if (aMat == null || aOutput == null) return; ItemStack tMt2 = new ItemStack(Item.stick, 1), tStack; ArrayList<ItemStack> tList; if (aOutput.stackSize < 1) aOutput.stackSize = 1; boolean bSawdust = aOutput.isItemEqual(GT_MetaItem_SmallDust.instance.getStack(15, 1)); if (!aMat.isItemEqual(new ItemStack(Item.ingotIron, 1))) { if ((tStack = GT_ModHandler.getRecipeOutput(new ItemStack[] {aMat, null, aMat, null, aMat, null, null, null, null})) != null) if (tStack.isItemEqual(new ItemStack(Item.bucketEmpty, 1))) GT_ModHandler.removeRecipe(new ItemStack[] {aMat, null, aMat, null, aMat, null, null, null, null}); if ((tStack = GT_ModHandler.getRecipeOutput(new ItemStack[] {null, null, null, aMat, null, aMat, null, aMat, null})) != null) if (tStack.isItemEqual(new ItemStack(Item.bucketEmpty, 1))) GT_ModHandler.removeRecipe(new ItemStack[] {null, null, null, aMat, null, aMat, null, aMat, null}); if ((tStack = GT_ModHandler.getRecipeOutput(new ItemStack[] {aMat, null, aMat, aMat, aMat, aMat, null, null, null})) != null) if (tStack.isItemEqual(new ItemStack(Item.minecartEmpty, 1))) GT_ModHandler.removeRecipe(new ItemStack[] {aMat, null, aMat, aMat, aMat, aMat, null, null, null}); if ((tStack = GT_ModHandler.getRecipeOutput(new ItemStack[] {null, null, null, aMat, null, aMat, aMat, aMat, aMat})) != null) if (tStack.isItemEqual(new ItemStack(Item.minecartEmpty, 1))) GT_ModHandler.removeRecipe(new ItemStack[] {null, null, null, aMat, null, aMat, aMat, aMat, aMat}); } int aOutItem = aOutput.itemID, aOutDamage = aOutput.getItemDamage(), aOutAmount = aOutput.stackSize; if (GT_Mod.instance.mToolArmorMaceration) { if (null != (tList = GT_ModHandler.getRecipeOutputs(new ItemStack[] {aMat, aMat, aMat, aMat, null, aMat, null, null, null}))) for (int i = 0; i < tList.size(); i++) GT_ModHandler.addPulverisationRecipe(tList.get(i), new ItemStack(aOutItem, 5*aOutAmount+(bSawdust?0:0), aOutDamage)); if (null != (tList = GT_ModHandler.getRecipeOutputs(new ItemStack[] {aMat, null, aMat, aMat, aMat, aMat, aMat, aMat, aMat}))) for (int i = 0; i < tList.size(); i++) GT_ModHandler.addPulverisationRecipe(tList.get(i), new ItemStack(aOutItem, 8*aOutAmount+(bSawdust?0:0), aOutDamage)); ... ... // A crapton of diffrent Recipes, which are typical for Tools and Armor. I had to cut it as I wouldve hit the 10000 Character Limit ... ... if (null != (tList = GT_ModHandler.getRecipeOutputs(new ItemStack[] {aMat, tMt2, null, null, null, null, null, null, null}))) for (int i = 0; i < tList.size(); i++) GT_ModHandler.addPulverisationRecipe(tList.get(i), new ItemStack(aOutItem, 1*aOutAmount+(bSawdust?2:0), aOutDamage)); if (null != (tList = GT_ModHandler.getRecipeOutputs(new ItemStack[] {aMat, null, null, tMt2, null, null, null, null, null}))) for (int i = 0; i < tList.size(); i++) GT_ModHandler.addPulverisationRecipe(tList.get(i), new ItemStack(aOutItem, 1*aOutAmount+(bSawdust?2:0), aOutDamage)); } }
Could you make a better version of the heating cells? I find the ones in IC2 now a bit sad.
If you want to make a "flatlands" biome make a huge tunnel bore with frames when rp2 is out lol
If you want to make a "flatlands" biome make a huge tunnel bore with frames when rp2 is out lol
Yeah, thats much easier with the new TUBEFRAMES. Or the CABLEFRAMES, or the REDSTONETUBEFRAMES. Just build a Drillhead and move forwards, without having to shake the Drillhead everytime you wanna go forward, and it solves any Gravel/Sand Problems, with the old Designs. (I got all the Information from Dires SMP LP)
Greg? I'm still getting this issue with the newest version :
Yeah, thats much easier with the new TUBEFRAMES. Or the CABLEFRAMES, or the REDSTONETUBEFRAMES. Just build a Drillhead and move forwards, without having to shake the Drillhead everytime you wanna go forward, and it solves any Gravel/Sand Problems, with the old Designs. (I got all the Information from Dires SMP LP)
definitely. arguably too easy
Doesn't even require insane logic anymore
Just a caterpillar drive and a timer... -
once RP is out, I will probably move almost entirely into the end, with just a mystcraft portal back to the overworld for whenever I need iron or more uranium.
once RP is out, I will probably move almost entirely into the end, with just a mystcraft portal back to the overworld for whenever I need iron or more uranium.
Hope you like them enderman. You will be seeing a lot of them at your new home. -
does anyone know why i would get this error? i know its gregtech related. if absolutley neccesary i could make a vid of it happening.
does anyone know why i would get this error? i know its gregtech related. if absolutley neccesary i could make a vid of it happening.
What version of NEI are you using? I can see NEI involved in the error
What version of NEI are you using? I can see NEI involved in the error
The current its the only one to work with TE and the new forge. -
Can i use machine casing for decorating or its lagging enough?
The current its the only one to work with TE and the new forge.the 1.4.3.** family does not work with gregtech, more presicelly NEIplugins for IC2 and gregtech. For example, it crash when you get the usages for redstone or lapis (scroll to the machines section to crash).
I'm using version version because it work with plugins (and forge 430 to avoid id mismatch problem).
As you have planned to add methane and other stuff as liquids...
Although i know you don't like BuildCrash (as you call it) much... many people do use it, for other mods like RC and TE. GT integration also would be nice.
Also newest Thermal expansion has liquiducts, a very nice liquid tubing, better than BC ones.Suggestion for Liquids :
Allow Translocators/Buffers to move liquids (Gui option to move only liquids), make all GT machinery which uses water/lava (or any other liquid) have internal liquid tank,
New Generator : Liquid fuel generator, which effectively burns any (compatible) liquid that goes in it , with a nice output of 100 EU/t. -
I removed an Industrial Blast Furnace (without casing) with the omni tool. It changed to the advanced machine block texture and changed its name to "You ran into a serious bug, if you have legitly acuired this block please report it immediately"
As you have planned to add methane and other stuff as liquids...
Although i know you don't like BuildCrash (as you call it) much... many people do use it, for other mods like RC and TE. GT integration also would be nice.
Also newest Thermal expansion has liquiducts, a very nice liquid tubing, better than BC ones.Suggestion for Liquids :
Allow Translocators/Buffers to move liquids (Gui option to move only liquids), make all GT machinery which uses water/lava (or any other liquid) have internal liquid tank,
New Generator : Liquid fuel generator, which effectively burns any (compatible) liquid that goes in it , with a nice output of 100 EU/t.AFAIK, Ind. Electrolyzer and Grinder have internal water tank and Ind. Centrifuge has internal lava tank..
Gotta love the Centrifuge in regards to Lava. It feels broken though. I have an EnderStorage Liquid Transposer setup moving Lava from the Nether to my house, to then be spun through 4 Centrifuges and basically give me a free stack of Copper every half-hour or so. On the other hand, this feels OP, so as soon as I paid for the materials for my fifth Nuclear Reactor I stopped doing this.
Also. The Chemical Composition tooltips for GregTech items give me SO many ideas. I'm waiting for a mod that allows for the creation and manipulation of gasses, which could then be put into Cells with a Liquid Transposer and used for awesomeness. I might start working on that myself, to be honest.
Greg, have you considered nerfing liquid containers capacity?
Would be nice to have either cell, can and capsule capacity reduced to 0.250 of bucket, or stacking of them reduced to 16 items.