how do i charge the suit with eu?
it crashes when i put it in a mfsu...
how do you use spoliers? so i can put the crash report here..
I had the same problem, you have to update your IC2 version to the absolute latest possible.
how do i charge the suit with eu?
it crashes when i put it in a mfsu...
how do you use spoliers? so i can put the crash report here..
I had the same problem, you have to update your IC2 version to the absolute latest possible.
I haven't had a chance to start building my suit(using a seed/mod setup which makes finding resources near impossible while having many great things near spawn), but I was planning on adding some UE mods to my setup again, just wanted to check, if I make sure the config setting
remains as is, I will still have to use GregTech recipes to craft these things, yes? I figure that is the case, but I am worried adding UE might mess up the config in that regard and force me to use UE recipes.
Also, just a thought since you now use Render Player API, you could even add custom animations and custom armor shapes. Or maybe, but don't quote me on this, alter the armor shape depending on what modules your armor has, or even what is in use for a more "transforming armor" feel.
Anyway, two must have weapons(for when you start making them and maybe need ideas), no suit of power armor is complete without a weapon which replaces your hand. A not fully literal, but still accurate definition of hand cannon is indeed a cannon which you have instead of your hand. No sane person would go fully literal on this one, as that is also going full retard. Second is a Big F---ing Gun of some kind. Likely a Positron weapon, as a reason to use UE's Atomic Science, as one would need Antimatter for ammo, but adding the option to use Uranium Cells(IC2 level), Nether Stars(vanilla level), or a special GregTech level nuclear battery with re-enriched uranium cells, plutonium cells, Iridium Deflectors, and Iridium and Vacuum Hardened Tungsten Reinforced Stone, and Sheldonite Dust, and a whole mess of expensive stuff, would be a good touch.
Also, just in case you haven't done so yet, you might want to make the suit lose power if affected by a ICBM EMP. As a form of defense against people with fancy power armor doing fancy power armor things, like wrecking your shit something fierce.
Just wanted to say, I started using the powersuit on my survival world, and its... Awesome. It's really well balanced, fun to tinker with, and amazing to use! I love the gliding function.
Anyway, two must have weapons(for when you start making them and maybe need ideas), no suit of power armor is complete without a weapon which replaces your hand. A not fully literal, but still accurate definition of hand cannon is indeed a cannon which you have instead of your hand. No sane person would go fully literal on this one, as that is also going full retard. Second is a Big F---ing Gun of some kind. Likely a Positron weapon, as a reason to use UE's Atomic Science, as one would need Antimatter for ammo, but adding the option to use Uranium Cells(IC2 level), Nether Stars(vanilla level), or a special GregTech level nuclear battery with re-enriched uranium cells, plutonium cells, Iridium Deflectors, and Iridium and Vacuum Hardened Tungsten Reinforced Stone, and Sheldonite Dust, and a whole mess of expensive stuff, would be a good touch.
Oh man, are you thinking what I'm thinking? This needs to be done. Samus Aran's Arm Cannon, with each beam as a separate upgrade module.
lol hey you can't forget melee! Some of us like the carnage they can sow across the battle field using hand to hand weapons!
this power suit and all these goodies are giving me reminiscence of Warhammer 40k Like the Space Marines or Tau battlesuit armors
lol hey you can't forget melee! Some of us like the carnage they can sow across the battle field using hand to hand weapons!
this power suit and all these goodies are giving me reminiscence of Warhammer 40k
Like the Space Marines or Tau battlesuit armors
Other bad ass weaponry would be a jet boosted fist or knuckle, some energy blade, man the list goes on. The potential is ENORMOUS with this mod.
Yep... gathering the materials I need to construct this monstrosity suit of awesomeness... I'm gonna be gathering stuff for a while since I have gregtech installed but then again that makes it all the more fun and challenging to get.
know what would be epic? Jump pack + Thunder Hammer Combo XD I remember using this in Warhammer 40k: Space Marine near the very end of the game and made a gory mess out of a chaos sorcerer, in literal terms I turned him into paste LMFAO
Other bad ass weaponry would be a jet boosted fist or knuckle, some energy blade, man the list goes on. The potential is ENORMOUS with this mod.
Would indeed be awesome could even go as far as to add decoration modules like the colour modules that change the colour of the armour ones that change the style of the armour so for instance ones that make it look like fallout power armour or WH 40k space marine armour.
Thanks for all the feedback! I think the following reply should answer most of the new questions/suggestions:
I haven't had a chance to start building my suit(using a seed/mod setup which makes finding resources near impossible while having many great things near spawn), but I was planning on adding some UE mods to my setup again, just wanted to check, if I make sure the config setting
remains as is, I will still have to use GregTech recipes to craft these things, yes? I figure that is the case, but I am worried adding UE might mess up the config in that regard and force me to use UE recipes.
If it's working as intended, the first time you run, it checks which mods you have installed and uses these defautls:
if you have neither IC2 nor UE installed, it enables vanilla recipes.
If you have UE installed, it enables UE recipes.
If you have IC2 installed but not Gregtech, it enables IC2 recipes.
If you have Gregtech installed, it enables Gregtech recipes.
So if this is your first time running with that setup, it'll enable both UE and Gregtech recipes. If you've already run with just Gregtech/IC2, it should have already generated a config file with "UE Recipes = false" or somesuch. It shouldn't override the config file.
Also, just a thought since you now use Render Player API, you could even add custom animations and custom armor shapes. Or maybe, but don't quote me on this, alter the armor shape depending on what modules your armor has, or even what is in use for a more "transforming armor" feel.
That's the reason for doing this, yes I actually don't even need RenderPlayerAPI to do the custom item model (shh) I was kinda just putting out feelers to see if a lot of people would complain about it being in there (and not being able to use Backtools). But, now that it's in, this sort of thing (which is all I really originally wanted) will be not only possible but relatively easy
Anyway, two must have weapons(for when you start making them and maybe need ideas), no suit of power armor is complete without a weapon which replaces your hand. A not fully literal, but still accurate definition of hand cannon is indeed a cannon which you have instead of your hand. No sane person would go fully literal on this one, as that is also going full retard. Second is a Big F---ing Gun of some kind. Likely a Positron weapon, as a reason to use UE's Atomic Science, as one would need Antimatter for ammo, but adding the option to use Uranium Cells(IC2 level), Nether Stars(vanilla level), or a special GregTech level nuclear battery with re-enriched uranium cells, plutonium cells, Iridium Deflectors, and Iridium and Vacuum Hardened Tungsten Reinforced Stone, and Sheldonite Dust, and a whole mess of expensive stuff, would be a good touch.
We already have a few icons for various weapons of such type in the spritesheet if you want to take a look ;D The exact behaviour of such is going to be a bit involved, coding-wise, though, so don't expect it to happen right away
Also, just in case you haven't done so yet, you might want to make the suit lose power if affected by a ICBM EMP. As a form of defense against people with fancy power armor doing fancy power armor things, like wrecking your shit something fierce.
That's definitely a good point. I'm not sure if the EMP is set up to check player inventories or not; I'll check. If not, it shouldn't be too hard to get that working.
Thanks! Time to start building my Alduin series mobile base. Or at least, gathering more resources so I might be able to begin building parts for it.
everything ive seen in this forum about not being able to charge with ic2 says to pdate to the latest, i just wanted to clarify whether or not this mod works for ic2 version 1.112, spryy for any inconvienence this may cause you
everything ive seen in this forum about not being able to charge with ic2 says to pdate to the latest, i just wanted to clarify whether or not this mod works for ic2 version 1.112, spryy for any inconvienence this may cause you
it will work with 1.112.198 which is the one linked to on the site for this addon but will not work with 1.112.172 which is the one in FTB (IIRC) you can manually update it if you want and then it would work.
Alternately I believe you could add the mod and then use it without charging the suit in the Batbox/MFE/MFSU and instead use the method of salvaging the batteries every time they are empty until FTB gets updated.
it will work with 1.112.198 which is the one linked to on the site for this addon but will not work with 1.112.172 which is the one in FTB (IIRC) you can manually update it if you want and then it would work.
Alternately I believe you could add the mod and then use it without charging the suit in the Batbox/MFE/MFSU and instead use the method of salvaging the batteries every time they are empty until FTB gets updated.
would you care to link me to said version i cant find it, do you mean site for addon by download page liked or???
edit* i found the link
Are the suit components supposed to hold almost no EU? I have an entire suit, with max Elite battery, and each piece is only holding 100k EU.
The lowest LV battery with as low settings holds 400 EU.. but I can still max speed sprint for -15 minutes on this.
Are the suit components supposed to hold almost no EU? I have an entire suit, with max Elite battery, and each piece is only holding 100k EU.
The lowest LV battery with as low settings holds 400 EU.. but I can still max speed sprint for -15 minutes on this.
Yes, the default EU->MJ ratio is 1:50. It's pretty silly. I also definitely need to tune the energy costs, as mentioned. What would you think is a reasonable cost?
I'm also thinking of making it an exponential scale rather than a linear scale; so that, say, 200% sprint boost will cost 10x as much energy as a 100% sprint boost, and 300% will cost 10x as much as that, rather than costing twice as much.
Alternatively, I'm definitely going to change it so that rather than having a 'battery size' slider, you can simply install more than one capacitor in an item. Maybe this sort of discrete 'more upgrades = more power' would be more intuitive for people.
Yes, the default EU->MJ ratio is 1:50. It's pretty silly. I also definitely need to tune the energy costs, as mentioned. What would you think is a reasonable cost?
I'm also thinking of making it an exponential scale rather than a linear scale; so that, say, 200% sprint boost will cost 10x as much energy as a 100% sprint boost, and 300% will cost 10x as much as that, rather than costing twice as much.
Alternatively, I'm definitely going to change it so that rather than having a 'battery size' slider, you can simply install more than one capacitor in an item. Maybe this sort of discrete 'more upgrades = more power' would be more intuitive for people.
I agree with the capacitor thing, more capacitors the more energy your suit can have in it's internal buffers.
I definitely think the exponential cost is a good idea. Just by the looks of it, it felt like the default MJ values were pretty close to what felt good. Default quantum holds 1 million each, and the gravisuit holds 10 million, as reference.
LV, around nanosuit level (100k), so 100K each
MV, quantum, 500k each
HV, higher tech than currently in IC2, 2M each
These could be stacked quite high, but it would always be better to use 1 of the higher tier vs an equal number of the lower tier (in terms of power) because your weight would be much higher. (5LVs, 500k eu, '5' weight VS 1 MV, 500k eu, '1' weight)
I honestly have no idea about the balance here, this is a really hard subject. It would really make choosing your upgrades wisely and sparsely until you can upgrade your capacitor, so there's that. (ie, running a jetpack on a LV capacitor would probably get you a few seconds of flight, lol)
Sprinting and jumping could be a viable option for someone with the LV capacitor, but only at 120-140% sprint speed, or you run into some serious energy problems. This wouldn't be a problem for someone with 2 HVs, they could go crazy and boost it to the max.
Thruster-upgrades (jet boots/pack/underwater) and the Energy Shield would be extremely energy hungry. This would push you to have a high energy infrastructure already built and producing, and have a high capacity energy storage. You would have to recharge your armor at the same frequency as the guy across the street with his LV, and use TONS more power, but you're Flash compared to him.
Using PowerCrystals Power Converters 2 math gives us a crazy big difference, but a reasonable one due to the logic behind the math. It's based off of the energy needed to smelt one object in a furnace. The applied conversion is 10 - 1800 for UE to IC2. But to be honest, his math seems flawed. Why? I tried using his LV UE Consumer with a basic Coal Engine. Friggin' thing exploded. One coal engine! Barely finished heating up before I hear a explosion, and get dirt in my face... Maybe it's fine, though. But I find the math iffy. I wish I knew exactly how many watts it takes for a powered furnace from UE to smelt one item. Because the actual conversion numbers were increased by a factor of 10. But hey, math is math, and UE is weird.
Also UE's power system is a bit funkey for the purposes of power conversion, and I have a feeling that the stock generator is 120V which is MV for UE
It is 120, but they're borrowing real world numbers (where 120 is actually pretty low for a load), so the LV/MV/HV comparison doesn't really work, since the EU system is made to be for a game from the ground up.