Some sort of Swiss Army knife type tool that you could put a few different tools in and use any of them automatically would be useful to have.

[GT-Suggestions] I still look at this Thread when I got out of Ideas for new things, yes really I do that. Even though I don't edit this Post anymore.
- GregoriusT
- Closed
A toolbox perhaps ^
A toolbox perhaps ^
I don't like IC2's toolbox,it's way too useless.
IC² Toolbox is impractical for its functions. It should open a new GUI instead.
Lets just make it a metagame called "Toolbox simulator" with a GUI that has tools scrolling down randomly at high speeds
Solidified UUM, working like UUM from IC2 non-experimental, available by injecting liquid UUM into a Vacuum Freezer with extra cost in energy or liquid UUM for one piece.
Tier 4 Tech: Electrical Plasma Drill, which uses high amounts of power to induce plasma inside rocks, instantly fragmenting them.
Caution advised when using against metallic rock. [Instantly melt the ore into nuggets]Tier 2-4 Tech: Geothermal Miner, which uses different types of drills and pipes to drill deeper and deeper into the minecraftia's bedrock. Geothermal wells must be made on geologically active areas generated randomly on the world, otherwise they will have dramatically reduced generation.
Requires constant supply of water to produce steam, which will be used to generate energy.
Every block dug deeper costs more and more energy, but also increases the heat provided by the geothermal well. Tier 2 uses the diamond drill to dig up to 2000 blocks. Tier 3 uses the iridium one to dig up to 5500 blocks. Tier 4 uses the Electrical Plasma Drill to dig up to 12000 blocks.
Steam generation = (Depth^1.1) / 50 , EU cost per block dug = Depth^1.2 * Drill modifier [1 for diamond, 0.9 for iridium, 0.8 for electrical plasma] -
Large area ore scanner.
This thing is designed specifically to help in searching of Gregs new ore clusters.
Scanner would have 2 modes of searching: for low value ores 1-5; and for high value ores 6+
Range of scanner would be about 5x5 chunks.
Because vanila and most of other mod ores are generated randomly but quite evenly on large areas, scanner would show pretty similar values, unless it detected Gregs cluster. Than scanner should show significantly larger value. -
Tier 4 Tech: Electrical Plasma Drill, which uses high amounts of power to induce plasma inside rocks, instantly fragmenting them.
Caution advised when using against metallic rock. [Instantly melt the ore into nuggets]Tier 2-4 Tech: Geothermal Miner, which uses different types of drills and pipes to drill deeper and deeper into the minecraftia's bedrock. Geothermal wells must be made on geologically active areas generated randomly on the world, otherwise they will have dramatically reduced generation.
Requires constant supply of water to produce steam, which will be used to generate energy.
Every block dug deeper costs more and more energy, but also increases the heat provided by the geothermal well. Tier 2 uses the diamond drill to dig up to 2000 blocks. Tier 3 uses the iridium one to dig up to 5500 blocks. Tier 4 uses the Electrical Plasma Drill to dig up to 12000 blocks.
Steam generation = (Depth^1.1) / 50 , EU cost per block dug = Depth^1.2 * Drill modifier [1 for diamond, 0.9 for iridium, 0.8 for electrical plasma]I know this has been suggested before, but I just wanna say that this is a great refinement of the concept and I hope it gets implemented soon.
Anyway, I had my own idea: Glowsticks.
Basically these would act as a throwable torch, in that when you right click with them they fly into the air and wherever they land produces a glowstick block with the light level of glowstone.
As for how to make them, I'm not totally sure what would be best, to be honest... they should be easy to mass-produce, though. (therefore preferably not made of something like glowstone...Although, that could be a high-yielding alternative recipe) I was thinking that, you could combine water with compressed air/oxygen, to get hydrogen perioxide. (I'm sure there are other uses for perioxide) This is combined with a plastic rod or plate, to produce an Unfilled Glowstick. Then, use a series of steps in the chemical combiner to make something approximating this compound, preferably using cheap and easily renewable materials, such as carbon, water, and compressed air. (Hydrogen is kinda expensive eu-wise, though I suppose you could use that as well) This should give you a pretty good amount of Diphenyl Oxalate cells, which are then combined with the Unfilled Glowstick from before, to produce let's say 4-8 glowsticks. -
+1 for glowsticks, but the suggested method seems somewhat cumbersome.
Any chances to get a lower-end steam-to-eu generators? Something one could use as an alternative to nukes between small single-block reactors and bigger ones. Nerf their efficiency a little bit (don't allow to use the fancy turbines in them?) and have not-as-efficient steam generators. I'd just like to see a bit more gradual change in used technology instead of massive jumps. With 5 tiers of machines it'll happen to other things, would be nice if it happened with enegry generation too
Any chances to get a lower-end steam-to-eu generators? Something one could use as an alternative to nukes between small single-block reactors and bigger ones. Nerf their efficiency a little bit (don't allow to use the fancy turbines in them?) and have not-as-efficient steam generators. I'd just like to see a bit more gradual change in used technology instead of massive jumps. With 5 tiers of machines it'll happen to other things, would be nice if it happened with enegry generation too
Agree. Y no low tier steam turbines greg? -
i was going to sugest this, but GregoriusT started his own e-net, so this might just be ignored after all...anyway, after playing with kirara 1.0 and seeing some videos of galacticraft, you prob saw that its machines have a side, where it only atach to cables, i find it a very good ideia, it would be usefull if gregtech have a similar behavior, but not just copying it, changing it to a more gregtech way of stuff, my sugestion was to change the behavior of all machines to not interact with e-cables by default, it would be necessary a special cover to it interact with the cables, each cover tiered and maded with material from the tier of energy, the LV would be only one possible to by made by hand, with a crafting maybe of a steel plate+rubber ring+insulted tin cable with a cutter and screwdriver, that cover would be aplied to LV machines for obvious reasons, and only on that side , e-cables would atach, avoiding unwanted connections on cables, so we could have diferent cables surounding the machine, but only on a side it would connect, also we could make that diferent tiers dont fit on a diferent/lower tier,as a three dotted cable dont fit on a two dotted input, i had this ideia after the energy flow circuit wich can be used as cover to only accept cables. It would not affect multiblocks, energy storages and generator, because those machines have a part destinied to behave like that. On another possibility we could just negate connections to cables, and create a plug cabe for every tier, so you would use that plug to feed machines with power. It was that, my great sugestion, but GregoriusT will make something alot more brilliant than that, so it end just like a memento.
A Greg Troll. Large 4x4 mob that looks like greg and throws giant troll face fireballs (ghast+wither+greg+troll).
What's not to love?
Replace advanced alloy on reinforced glass with sapphire (or aluminium glass (aluminium oxide), produced artificially).
you can let GT make that recycler doing something different in GT,and producing scrap and small pile of scrap and tiny pile of scrap.And that recycler have a storage that tells you how much scrap in it.(Liquid scrap of something??)
for example,one item has 25% producing a full scrap in IC's normal setting
you can let GT make one item produce one (1000mB) scrap
one tiny pile of ** produce 1/9(111mB) scrap
one small pile of ** produce 1/4(250mB) scrap
one blacklisted item produce 1mB scrap or nothing(can be set to nothing by config),and the production chance of blacklish items will be nerfed(/2 again,if it's 25% then it will be 12.5%)
and the chance of producing scrap can be changed by config file.
The Liquid scrap suggestion as I said.
The Addition of the suggestion is,you can change the amount how much Liquid Scrap can be produced for one item,the others can be automatically calculated.Also you can change how much Liquid Scrap can be produced to one Scrap item.
Or it's time to overhaul IC2 matterFab again,to allow both item and liquid in -
I would also like the addition of liquid scrap in some form, mainly since it allows for easier burning with a semi-fluid instead of a generator.
IC² Toolbox is impractical for its functions. It should open a new GUI instead.
I thought it did that?
I thought it did that?
Unless it has been reworked since it was implemented, it doesn't.
Suggestion for an alternate new autocrafting table system.
Tier 1:
- Only operates on rising edge / falling edge (as specified in GUI), i.e. you need a redstone clock to operate this.
- Operations are capped at 5 Hz (1 Hz, or Hertz = 1 operation/second), each operation 1 item
- Consumes 5 EU per operationTier 2:
- Can be operated on rising edge / falling edge / on state (as specified in GUI).
- Operations are capped at 20 Hz, each operation 1 item
- Machine can charge electrical tools when placed in a separate slot.
- Consumes 40 EU per operationTier 3:
- Can be operated on rising edge / falling edge / on state / off state / ignore signal (as specified in GUI).
- Operations are capped at 20 Hz, each operation 1 or 4 items
- Machine can charge electrical tools used in crafting directly.
- Machine can auto-output to pipes and other machines.
- Consumes 240 EU per operationTier 4:
- Can be operated on rising edge / falling edge / on state / off state / ignore signal, and redstone control can be set to fuzzy mode, where on can be considered as above a certain redstone strength and off as below the redstone strength, through a screwdriver-activated GUI.
- Operations are capped at 20 Hz, each operation 1, 4 or 16 items
- Machines can charge electrical tools used in crafting directly.
- Machine can auto-output to pipes and other machines.
- Machin can charge electrical tools used in crafting directly.
- Machine can repair non-electrical tools with materials provided. E.g. if machine uses a Bronze Hammer, whenver the Bronze Hammer gets below 5/6 durability it will consume 1 bronze plate to fully repair it.
- Machine can auto-output to pipes and other machines.
- Machine can accept fluid input directly.
- Consumes 1200 EU per operationTier 5:
- Can be operated on rising edge / falling edge / on state / off state / ignore signal, and redstone control can be set to fuzzy mode, where on can be considered as above a certain redstone strength and off as below the redstone strength, through a screwdriver-activated GUI.
- Operations are capped at 20 Hz, each operation 1, 4, 16 or a full stack
- Machines can charge electrical tools used in crafting directly.
- Machine can auto-output to pipes and other machines.
- Machin can charge electrical tools used in crafting directly.
- Machine can repair non-electrical tools with materials provided. E.g. if machine uses a Bronze Hammer, whenver the Bronze Hammer gets below 5/6 durability it will consume 1 bronze plate to fully repair it.
- Machine can auto-output to pipes and other machines.
- Machine can accept fluid input directly.
- Machine can output fluids directly if necessary. (E.g. carbon + hydrogen)
- Machine can be used as an Assembler, and a E-Furnace.
- Consumes 4800 EU per operation.