Suggestion: A multiblock advanced miner that requires a large mining drill (made from different types of materials, with both speed, durability and what resources it can mine taken into account for those materials) that takes damage over time and requires similar maintenance to that of turbines. Also have it mine a larger area than a regular one and it can extract liquids directly through an output hatch without a need for a pump (but make it require an advanced pump in the recipe). Another suggestion for it would be the ability to extract methane from coal ore using water (or sodium bicarbonate/chloride to make it more efficient) in an input hatch and you could add methane to the output of of coal ore in an industrial grinder and is a more efficient way of extracting it than the miner but at the cost of automation (also using sodium bicarbonate/chloride as an optional efficiency booster). This way you can get a lot of methane for the gas turbine, which at the moment, has no efficient way of producing the fuel required on a large scale.

[GT-Suggestions] I still look at this Thread when I got out of Ideas for new things, yes really I do that. Even though I don't edit this Post anymore.
- GregoriusT
- Closed
Suggestion: A multiblock advanced miner that requires a large mining drill (made from different types of materials, with both speed, durability and what resources it can mine taken into account for those materials) that takes damage over time and requires similar maintenance to that of turbines. Also have it mine a larger area than a regular one and it can extract liquids directly through an output hatch without a need for a pump (but make it require an advanced pump in the recipe). Another suggestion for it would be the ability to extract methane from coal ore using water (or sodium bicarbonate/chloride to make it more efficient) in an input hatch and you could add methane to the output of of coal ore in an industrial grinder and is a more efficient way of extracting it than the miner but at the cost of automation (also using sodium bicarbonate/chloride as an optional efficiency booster). This way you can get a lot of methane for the gas turbine, which at the moment, has no efficient way of producing the fuel required on a large scale.
Genius! Except I suggested that already, without the MultiBlock ^^. But +1 anyway, I wanna get Methane from Coal, or at least Firedamp Gas (which is mostly Methane, a bit of Hydrogen and things like Buthane), and I want a GT Miner being more efficient than a quarry, able to run even faster but consuming way more energy and with a drill taking damage you have to replace
Allow Drain covers to collect "Rainwater" (Different from normal water) at a rate of 50 mB/t , which can be used on water turbines.
Water turbines are similar to steam/gas turbines, but except that it only accepts rainwater from above, and outputs normal water on bottom.
Ratio would be 50mB of rainwater = 10 EU (for 100% efficiency). Thus 10 EU/t for every machine box collecting water during rain.Uhh, even a huge 100 store house won't be able to generate more than few hundreds of watts of power from a whole year of rainfall using just gravity.
Now we've got normal Gregtech, Immibis's Too Easy Gregtech, can we get just easy Gregtech which leaves other mod's recipes alone, and just adds ones for Gregtech. (Tin buckets, bronze, quarrys etc.)
Now we've got normal Gregtech, Immibis's Too Easy Gregtech, can we get just easy Gregtech which leaves other mod's recipes alone, and just adds ones for Gregtech. (Tin buckets, bronze, quarrys etc.)
Uhhm aside from the fact that Sengir made it no longer possible for me to disable his 3+1=4 Bronze (due to using an own Device for that Recipe), and that the BC Quarry is configurable, while the UE Stuff is essentially even a Buff, I nerf nothing else of other Mods.
greg, you need to add a potato cannon that uses hydrogen cells for propellant…opment-page/page__st__300
Knocks enemies a long distance and a bit into the air, so they get Fall damage. -
Uhhm aside from the fact that Sengir made it no longer possible for me to disable his 3+1=4 Bronze (due to using an own Device for that Recipe), and that the BC Quarry is configurable, while the UE Stuff is essentially even a Buff, I nerf nothing else of other Mods.
Really? Oh yeah, I guess most of them are. Still would like one config option to disable all major IC2 recipe removals (Quantum armor, Tin buckets, stuff like that). -
Quantum Armor isnt disabled per default, I just add a Config to disable it.
Pepper plant for your Pepper spray?
Uhhm aside from the fact that Sengir made it no longer possible for me to disable his 3+1=4 Bronze (due to using an own Device for that Recipe), and that the BC Quarry is configurable, while the UE Stuff is essentially even a Buff, I nerf nothing else of other Mods.
Add a config to unregister forestry bronze from the oredictionary (if possible), so only forestry can use that cheap bronze ?
Impossible, all forestry recipes use ore dictionary name in recipes. If you unregister forestry bronze from ore dictionary, forestry bronze will be useless.
And why you want disable forestry recipe for bronze? Because It cause exploit? Best way to fix it - disable Industrial Centrifuge recipe for Bronze Dust if cheap bronze recipe is available.
And why you want disable forestry recipe for bronze? Because It cause exploit? Best way to fix it - disable Industrial Centrifuge recipe for Bronze Dust if cheap bronze recipe is available.
Which would be always, as sengir now forces the 3+1 = 4 .
Well, another workaround would be halving the output per bronze dust (1 bronze dust -> 3 tiny copper dust + 1 tiny tin dust) and making GT bronze recipes not dictionarized and use only IC² bronze (this includes plates). -
Which would be always, as sengir now forces the 3+1 = 4 .
I'm always disable forestry recipe for bronze when i play with IC2 (because forestry bronze can be crafted without dusts). So it's modpack makers problem, if they want to made hardcore modpack, they are disable this forestry craft. -
Its only forced if it is enabled in the forestry recipes. So nothing has changed for me at all.
Greg, can you make it so that conveyor modules can export directly into BC pipes?
Can't it generate energy using the Magical Energy Absorber ?
to be honest im not entirely sure i jsut assumed that you couldnt becausel iquid xp is a somewhat small mod (i think) but yeah if its installed it should ... idk ... add a liquid input for liquid xp and liquid essence -
to be honest im not entirely sure i jsut assumed that you couldnt becausel iquid xp is a somewhat small mod (i think) but yeah if its installed it should ... idk ... add a liquid input for liquid xp and liquid essence1 Bucket of LXP = 20k EU on the Magic Energy Converter.
1 Bucket of LXP = 10 XP orbs (30 levels are roughly worth 86 buckets) -
1 Bucket of LXP = 20k EU on the Magic Energy Converter.
1 Bucket of LXP = 10 XP orbs (30 levels are roughly worth 86 buckets)
glad to know -
Daily (re) suggestion :
Config to disable camouflaged ores.
Make camouflaged ores not hide faces completely as it is bad for ruby/sapphire/iridium mining, instead reduce the amount of "ore pixels".
Change core textures to have "richer" textures that has more "ore pixels"Edit :
Advanced Machine Box, "extends" the machine facing the dotted side, allowing more "faces" to be used for automation, like covers and energy input. [except reactor vents].
Like the Tesseract Generator does, but cheaper, uses no energy (actually it shares the internal storage of attached machine) and doesnt have terminals. -
Edit :
Advanced Machine Box, "extends" the machine facing the dotted side, allowing more "faces" to be used for automation, like covers and energy input. [except reactor vents].
Like the Tesseract Generator does, but cheaper, uses no energy (actually it shares the internal storage of attached machine) and doesnt have terminals.
I like this one, kinda turning every machine into a cheap multiblock. It sounds like it'd be a pain in the butt to make work.