Greg, do you consider adding some form of GUI to the machine boxes (input/output/storage) and to the solar covers (showing how many energy is being outputted)? It's really hard now to distinguish between plain, LV, MV & HV solar covers...

[GT-Suggestions] I still look at this Thread when I got out of Ideas for new things, yes really I do that. Even though I don't edit this Post anymore.
- GregoriusT
- Closed
Greg, do you consider adding some form of GUI to the machine boxes (input/output/storage) and to the solar covers (showing how many energy is being outputted)? It's really hard now to distinguish between plain, LV, MV & HV solar covers...
I got a way to distinguish between these solar panels :
Add 4 colored pixels to their textures at the corners : green, yellow and red for LV, MV and HV solar panels, respectively.For machineboxes, use portable scanner.
Another suggestion (for 1.6.2+) :
Juggernaut armor,
Made with nano suit and some Osmiridium plates (Osmium and Iridium mixed in alloy smelter).Each part of the armor will increase player's health and armor.
Since item atributes are a bit buggy (aka not showing extra health directly), it should work like this :Helmet : Increase/add effect 22 (health boost) by 4 and armor by 4.
Chestplate : Increase/add effect 22 by 7 and armor by 7
Leggings : Increase/add effect 22 by 5 and armor by 5
Boots : Increase/add effect 22 by 4 and armor by 4Total : effect 22 (health boost) 20, totalizing 80 extra hitpoints and 20 Armor points (diamond equivalent).
Boots will have Haste III by default. Able to recharge tools.Another variation would be "metabolic suit", which gives players haste (mining speed) and speed (movement), by 20 and 4 respectively.
20 armor, will recharge tools.Suggestion 2 :
Increased difficulty : will reduce natural regeneration by 4. [If a server admin wants to disable it just do /gamerule naturalRegeneration off]New mob : Radioactive Creeper (Nukreeper), will blast off with a explosion power of 1/2 nuke.
It spawns at night, but only below Y 55. It is a radioactive mutation of normal creeper. Its spawn rate is rare, and it has 80 hp.
If it gets charged (lightning), it will have 4 times the explosion power. -
Can help but notice, surely 4x half a nuke is 2 nukes, which is insane for a creeper.
Suggestion 2 :
Increased difficulty : will reduce natural regeneration by 4. [If a server admin wants to disable it just do /gamerule naturalRegeneration off]…uanamans-hunger-overhaul/New mob : Radioactive Creeper (Nukreeper), will blast off with a explosion power of 1/2 nuke.
It spawns at night, but only below Y 55. It is a radioactive mutation of normal creeper. Its spawn rate is rare, and it has 80 hp.That dude should then have an industrial siren attached to it so you wouldn't blow up your base
If it gets charged (lightning), it will have 4 times the explosion power.
Quick, someone make an underground weather mod!
Radioactive Creeper (...blah blah...) 1/2 nuke (...blah blah..) 80 hp.
Damn you!! Just when the nightmares have finally stopped!! -
So noone liked the zinc ferrite suggestion as additional uses for zinc?
So noone liked the zinc ferrite suggestion as additional uses for zinc?
The Problem with it was, that the Wikipedia Page on it listed no uses for it. Not even one single good use.
Well, it's corrosion resistant so it might find use in machines where that is occuring. Perhaps it would be a material to use for those big multiblock electrolyzers-centrifuges that were hinted ages ago?
So noone liked the zinc ferrite suggestion as additional uses for zinc?
Well, it's corrosion resistant so it might find use in machines where that is occuring. Perhaps it would be a material to use for those big multiblock electrolyzers-centrifuges that were hinted ages ago?
For corrosion resistance, there are better materials IRL that would also be easy to integrate into GT.And from a gameplay perspective: it's not much of an iron replacement if it contains 3/4 part iron...
The Problem with it was, that the Wikipedia Page on it listed no uses for it. Not even one single good use.
corrosion resistant, so to make advanced machine blocks.
Also, zinc oxide,, its not meant to be a replacement for iron, more like additional use for zinc.
The Problem with it was, that the Wikipedia Page on it listed no uses for it. Not even one single good use.
Zinc-Steel alloy is used on civil construction as a strength resistant material. It is used as a tight net to hold rocks when building containment walls.
Maybe Zinc Ingot + Steel Ingot = Zinc-Steel Ingot, used for stuff that requires higher material resistance.
Not to mention that chrome, titanium and silicon are also alloyed with steel for the same reason (however zinc is cheaper).
Silicon when alloyed on higher percentages it improves magnetic behavior. Might be useful for electromagnetics?Suggestion :
Dye-powered Obscurator.
Since obscurator consumes silly amounts of power to obscurate single blocks, how about making it consume dyes when available ?Obscurator when coloring a CF block, will try to use available dyes in the inventory, all 16 colors are required to do so.
It will first try to consume from spray cans, if not it will try to use normal dyes, if not able then it will use energy.Suggestion 2 :
Titanium tools/armor.
Faster than diamond, lasts longer than diamond, protects more than diamond (22 armor points, 4, 6, 7, 5), high enchantability.Titamium tools/armor.
Faster than titanium, lasts longer than titanium, procets more than titanium (23 armor points, 5 ,6, 7, 5), higher enchantability.
Titamium is produced by mixing 1 titanium ingot with 1 thaumium ingot in the alloy furnace. Titamium is also used on Magic Energy converter recipes.Titamium, if inserted to a magic energy absorber, will absorb 100 atmosphere vis, transforming into Imbued Titamium Ingot.
Imbued Titamium tools/armor
Faster than titamium, lasts longer, protects even more (24 armor points, 5, 6, 8, 5), highest enchantability.Imbued Titamium ingots/plates can be used for high-techmaturgical stuff.
I was thinking about a generator like this:…lpage&v=DLSNZWilLAU#t=45sSkip to 0:45
I was thinking about a generator like this:…SNZWilLAU#t=45sSkip to 0:45
Oh god, that would be hilarious!
You'd have to decide on a place to get infinite fire from, though... I can think of burning netherrack, blazes, torches (lol) and nitor, netherrack might be nice as a low-yielding infinite heat source for a steam boiler (the new upcoming bronze boiler, maybe?) and entrapping a blaze for infinite energy in some kind of mob dynamo sounds delicious. Nitor just sounds rather cheap, unless the generator cost was comparable to or greater then a solar, and had the same or lesser yield... Or maybe it could even be a variation/upgrade of solar panels?
Oh god, that would be hilarious!
You'd have to decide on a place to get infinite fire from, though... I can think of burning netherrack, blazes, torches (lol) and nitor, netherrack might be nice as a low-yielding infinite heat source for a steam boiler (the new upcoming bronze boiler, maybe?) and entrapping a blaze for infinite energy in some kind of mob dynamo sounds delicious. Nitor just sounds rather cheap, unless the generator cost was comparable to or greater then a solar, and had the same or lesser yield... Or maybe it could even be a variation/upgrade of solar panels?
"infinite heat source" ? Geothermals, just like i suggested some pages ago.
Nitor, given the generator will slowly consume aura vis to keep the nitor supplied, and a living blaze seems to be fine.
I said infinite fire source, not infinite heat source.
We've already established that your geothermal idea is awesome, and there's a very good chance that Greg will implement it. This is a new kind of generator, which exploits various sources of infinite fire rather then the heat of Minecraftia's core. Also, I like the slow draw of vis idea... It would have to be cheaper then an absorber/converter or more efficient to be practical, though.
EDIT: Maybe a generator, some thaumium/platinum, and some circuits/other odds and ends will give you a Fire Dynamo, which will exploit various forms of infinite fire for fun and profit, at various yields and environmental costs.
A block of burning netherrack underneath it (or simply placing a block of netherrack in the slot, whichever is easier) will create a trivial 1 eu/t, but with the relatively mundane environmental cost of occasionally causing fire nearby.
Somehow trapping a blaze inside of it (maybe it will automatically trap any blazes it finds in a smallish radius?) will give a much better 5 eu/t, but causes the generator to require occasional maintainance, or the blaze will escape.
Nitor gives a lower 2-3eu/t, but will drain the local aura with 25-50% less yield per vis then an absorber, but has considerably cheaper and simpler recipe. -
Your Reactor Manager is already in the game and called "Advanced Regulator", if used with a Reactor it can refill 9 Slots per Regulator. If you then add an electric Translocator to that contraption, you can easyly pull the depleted Cells out of the Reactor. No need to add a special "Nuclear Reactor Control Block" to the Game if it's already possible to do so with generic Devices.
Really? You mean that machine that has all of the randomly coloured GUI elements and weirdly-labeled buttons that nobody knows how to use? Sure, I'll hook it up to my Nuclear Reactor, just to watch it NOT pull out the components at the right damage value, and meltdown 2 seconds before I can shut it off. What fun.
Unless you've realized that severe error and made it where the machines can now extract components that are at or below the said damage value of the object selected to be extracted? -
Really? You mean that machine that has all of the randomly coloured GUI elements and weirdly-labeled buttons that nobody knows how to use?No, I am talking about the Advanced Regulator, not about the Inventory Manager.
Greg, I think the important part of his suggestion he's trying to get at was the fact that there really isn't a good way to extract components that are about to melt. The only good way is to use redstone timers, which aren't exactly the safest or most versatile option...
Translocators can do that if used properly. Its hard to accomplish, but they can do that.
No, I am talking about the Advanced Regulator, not about the Inventory Manager.
But still, I remember using several hours of my time, a few months ago, to set up one of those DDoS-reactor designs, with your machines moving the stuffs, but it did not extract the coolant cells at the right time. It didn't even extract them at all, they just sat there melting.