Hey guys I am curious, What do you guys use to power your bases from early to end game?
obviously it should be "Generator-> ??? -> Fusion reactor" but what do you use in between?

[ic2 and gregtech] What generators do you use?
- Fallen_dead
- Closed
I usually tend to use generators for quite a while once I start a new world, at least
till I can afford a pump and two to three thermal generators and some windmills. I don't
really like being depend on one energy source for longer then neccesary, hence building
two.Once I gathered enough resources, I build usually an electrolyzer, a few centrifuges and
a few diesel generators and gas turbines and supply both with whatever excess I have.Once I get around having a magic energy converter, I try to rid myself on all the mercury
having gathered up in the mean time, making a nice energy boost.One chamber reactors are also a favorite as soon as I can afford them, 100 eu/tick extra
for a few uranium do not hurt.Then I usually go about switching my centrifuges to run off steam instead of main power and
try go get a decent wind power park up as well. If I have the resources that around the time
I try to get some biofuel going for the diesels as well.once that's all set I focus on some lightning rods and maybe a dragon egg syphon (if affordable)
to power things. -
Usually straight up to magmatic (with a conventional generator as backup). After that I start making several Advanced Solars and upgrade those to Ultimates.
Debating whether I'm going to replace that conventional generator with a nuclear reactor.
PS. Haven't really started GT yet, so since the lightning rod I haven't really followed what has changed since then.
I usually go for Semifluids and find a bit of oil, then as soon as i got a stack or two of Copper i make a small nuclear reactor. Without Steam, Small ones are so OP early game.
Small ones are so OP early game.
Hmm lol, not really. Just compare these to Geogen and you'll see how wrong it is ...
RP2 Auto-harvesting Rubber Trees/Normal Trees + Centrifuge + IC² Biofuel (I dislike Forestry) Factory anyone ? I know, that's an expensive contraption but ... it also generates stuff
Hmm lol, not really. Just compare these to Geogen and you'll see how wrong it is ...
RP2 Auto-harvesting Rubber Trees/Normal Trees + Centrifuge + IC² Biofuel (I dislike Forestry) Factory anyone ? I know, that's an expensive contraption but ... it also generates stuff
Yeah, Geo Gens are just so OP ;p
Which reactor plan do you use?
Yes i agree that Geo generators are OP but only if you spam them.
In past builds I would limit myself to about four. -
I tend to use Watermills at first. Good way to start up after generators.
Then I make ridiculous hydro powerplants with watermills!
1-> 8+ geogen array + 16 magmatic engines that feed 1 MFSU
2-> Replaced 3 geogen with 3 thermal gen
3-> Added 0 chamber nuclear reactor that feed another MFSU that go directly go to the power backbone
4-> Added 1 steam turbine that is connected to power backbone
5-> Because I foolishly added overclockers to blast furnace, there is insufficient power and I need to add another MFSU to geogen array, but although the power system have provided 1120 EU/t there is insufficient power
6-> Everything is connected to AE network that draw power directly from geogen array, consuming 70 unit of power -
After the Coal Generator, i always build Geothermal Generator and a Pump from BuildCraft which pumps Lava for Generator.
Next i build MFE, Industrial Centrifuge and 2-chamber Nuclear Reactor. It have simple plan with some Uranium Cells and Overclocked Heat Vents.
So now i can build Industrial Electrolyzer and start build Industrial Grinder with Industrial Blast Furnace. When i have it, i make Rock Cutter and searching for uranium.
After i have 8 plutonium, i build this plan for Nuclear Reactor: http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…sfljmzz7nh7cppssvcw321clc (it does NOT have infinite generation time, it needs cooldown). -
Solars. A lot of solars. And maybe a few reactors.
GeoGen (1, with a Lava Lake, not from the Nether since it's OP)--> Automated IC² Biofuel Factory with GT --> Small Nuclear Reactor --> Upgrading the Reactor with chamber and a MarkIII-IV --> Boiler with Diesel for continuous supply + all the rest (Nuclear is often my way to get UUM, while Boiler pover my base) --> Automated BiofuelS Factory also generatin wood and sappling itself (RP2 Frames. Ok, I never did it yet, since I'm not in vacation yet but ... I'm sure it will be more classy than my previous way: 1400 Solar Pannels ...)
Moral: Never ever overclock your blast furnace because your normal nether OP geogen array would not cut it
It takes 8 geogen 1 turbine and 1 0 chamber reactor to feed 4 MFSU capacitors to supply the blast furnace with 2048 EU/t while leaving a small leftover energy for other machine
And liquiduct make a great strip lighting when filled with lava -
Only really overclock your indutrial machines when you have EU equivalent to a fusion reactor ;p
Moral: Never ever overclock your blast furnace because your normal nether OP geogen array would not cut it
It takes 8 geogen 1 turbine and 1 0 chamber reactor to feed 4 MFSU capacitors to supply the blast furnace with 2048 EU/t while leaving a small leftover energy for other machine
And liquiduct make a great strip lighting when filled with lavaMoral: ONLY overclock 32 eu/t machines 1-2 times unless you have some fusion reactors.