[Addon v2.0_experimental for MC 1.6.2] LevelStorage v1.2

    • Official Post

    Really, is it faster than MPS's?

    Even if it is, how much more expensive is LevelStorage's flight compared to MPS's?

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • Even if it is, how much more expensive is LevelStorage's flight compared to MPS's?

    LevelStorage's flight is much cheaper than MPS's (both recipe & power consumption).
    I don't rememember the numbers, but I think mine is ~25 EU/t while flying, something like that...

    I'll rebalance it. Maybe make eu-cost higher other than adding a crazy recipe..

    • Official Post

    Make it config. That way people can choose what's not OP to them.

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • There is a new generator coming up in LevelStorage.
    You will be able to contain an entire micro-sun in your base...
    And there will be supa-dupa fancy rendering to it.

    The name of this generator starts with "Thermonu...."

    • Official Post

    There is a new generator coming up in LevelStorage.
    You will be able to contain an entire micro-sun in your base...
    And there will be supa-dupa fancy rendering to it.

    The name of this generator starts with "Thermonu...."

    Let me guess, "Thermonuclearfusiongenerator"
    You could call it "StarPower Generator", as it uses the power of an artificial star (sun) to generate energy.

    • Official Post

    ThermonuONITOR! Some kind of improved thermometer, more letters, MOAR POWER

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • Let me guess, "Thermonuclearfusiongenerator"
    You could call it "StarPower Generator", as it uses the power of an artificial star (sun) to generate energy.

    YAY! After messing with OpenGL for 2 days, now I know basics of it! HOW AWESOME, IS THAT?!?!!
    I have rendering code for the star, now the deal is how you get a star?
    Like how do you craft it?...

    BTW, this thing is going to make you need hydrogen SO MUCH.
    Like when you have hydrogen there, you're okay and getting tons of power, but when you run out of it, there is a boom going on.
    Big boom. Like really big boom.

    And there will be no way you can turn it off/on.

    Also, the thermonuclear generator will be a multi-block. (legit multiblock (like AE's MAC, RC's Blast Furnace), not a GT-style one)
    You place the star in the center, surround it with 6 energy-ejectors and place reinforced (or supa-dupa reinforced) stone around it.
    Pretty expensive overall, mby even 100 iridium plates per structure (but it's worth it, you can get up to 8192 * 6 EU/t from it)

    • Official Post

    Do you know how our lovely sun and the fusion process works?

    Let me fix up some things :
    Our current Nuclear power plants already are thermonuclear generators. (IC² fission thermonuclear generator)

    Star Stages :
    You can't simply "Place" a star. You would have to create one, that would be extremely dangerous and kinda impossible, i'd say.
    Yours would be a "fusion reactor" after all, no excuses. You can name it to Artificial Star Thermonuclear Generator

    • Assuming you could do that, you would have to supply ABSURD amounts of hydrogen (deuterium) and apply an intense gravitational field to contain the hydrogen in a tiny space.
    • After that you would have to "cook" the star (deuterium), until it starts the fusion reaction and can keep up itself.
    • Then, it will keep fusing hydrogen to form heavier elements, until it runs out of fusionable material.
    • Hydrogen will fuse together to form helium, then into carbon and oxygen, furthermore into neon, magnesum, silicon and sulfur. In the last stage, it turns into iron.
    • After that the star completely ceases fusion reactions, stopping the energy production.
    • Once the fusion process stops, the star will begin to collapse, which ends up on a supernova explosion.
    • The supernova explosion will generate energy to fuse iron into something else, generating the heavy elements, which are expelled by the explosion.
    • If the star is big enough, a neutron star or a black hole is created.

    Edit : I'm too lazy to explain why each process happens, google "star cycle".

  • Brilliant ideas. They'll all find implementation.

    What I am thinking of:
    1. Create a registry of fusable materials and their weight (hydrogen = 1, helium = 2, etc. thus making helium : hydrogen ratio 2 : 1)
    2. A star TileEntity will have an List of Elements stored inside of it.
    3. Star will form an element of the next tier of what it has inside of it. (it will not make Be until it is done with processing of all the Hydrogen into Helium)
    4. Materials as Fluids (gas Helium, gas Hydrogen, etc.)
    5. You have to give a lot of energy to the star before it can actually work.
    6. ... to be continued

    I think I'll be able to pull it off during this weekend.

    Too lazy to create a new post :
    ITER, the future experimental fusion reactor, is planned to confine plasma (a star) in 8500 cubic meters.
    What you are trying to design is an "iron man mini arc reactor", if compared to the real one :3
    I would suggest to have a big multiblock structure, allowing the star expansion as material is inserted and the retraction as the material is fused.

    Note : Artificial stars are not able to explode in a supernova due the lack of mass, although you could make that happen... just for fun. ~SpwnX

    @big multiblock:
    Big multiblocks are laggy. I won't do that.

  • Got an idea... you don't cook the deuterium, you need pressure to start the fusion, so you might need an explosion, which should be safe with your supa-dupa reinforced stone...
    not only an explosion but a big explosion, even nuclear explosion... wait, that's it, you'd have to trigger a nuke or two in there to start a fusion... how about that?
    - Shad0w

    Iff yu find misstaks, you may keep them! (Or tell me if neccessary...)

  • Got an idea... you don't cook the deuterium, you need pressure to start the fusion, so you might need an explosion, which should be safe with your supa-dupa reinforced stone...
    not only an explosion but a big explosion, even nuclear explosion... wait, that's it, you'd have to trigger a nuke or two in there to start a fusion... how about that?
    - Shad0w

    IIRC heat is what is needed to have nuclear fusion happen, because it increases the kinetic energy of the particles, and therefore causes them to collide at extremely high speeds.

  • Ouuu, ok, my fail. I only thought i remembered sth about theories of triggering a hydrogen fusion bomb by an oíntegrated nuke... but basically a nuke creates a lot of heat too, doesn't it?
    Still, looking forward to micro suns... but I think you schould make it deactivatable... Its sort of bad if you can't just shut it down... NEVER. You should add something which really takes a ton² of energy... and maybe even material to turn it off.
    - Shad0w

    Iff yu find misstaks, you may keep them! (Or tell me if neccessary...)

    • Official Post

    To trigger a fusion bomb, you need a fission bomb, for both heat and pressure.

    Stars fuses elements due the massive gravity that increases both pressure and heat.
    A star also collapses due the same reason, as the massive gravity can cause protons and electrons to combine into neutrons, making a neutron star (or a blackhole, when the gravity is insane).

    Edit : Regarding "artificial suns", you are able to turn it off, by just not feeding hydrogen. Nothing bad will happen but then you would have to heat it up again.
    Another note is that anything past hydrogen -> helium is not possible for artificial suns, as it requires even more pressure (gravity) and heat.

  • LevelStorage 1.0.4rc1 has significantly increased launch time with NPEs all over regarding getting LS's Adv. recipe/XP stuff. Its almost as horrible as Greg's Ore dict search. Making my pack loading twice as long. :I

  • I found 3 serious bugs in multiplayers, first one is when u use the Atomic Dissembler, u will quit the server directly, but the hole which was made by dissembler is still exist. Second one is when u use time accelerator, ur minecraft client will crush. Last one is about Antimatter Universe, when u try to use Antimatter to enter universe, u will quit the server, and if u use it in the singleplayer, it will shut down the internal server or crush ur client.

    • Official Post

    I have to ask you to adjust your OreDict Entries a little. ^^

    You registered the entries for crushedChromiteOre and purifiedCrushedChromiteOre. While the prefixes are not bad, adding a postfix to it is a bit confusing. I'd directly suggest to make it like the following, to make it easier to filter for Items:


    So why did I turn around the order of purified and crushed, the point in that is, that purified would be a sub-prefix of crushed, so that every kind of processed Ore is in one and the same Category. I removed the "Ore" postfix, because that way it is much easier to make the stuff Material based.

    I will add that to the Oredict from IC2 Side aswell.

  • LevelStorage 1.0.4rc1 has significantly increased launch time with NPEs all over regarding getting LS's Adv. recipe/XP stuff. Its almost as horrible as Greg's Ore dict search. Making my pack loading twice as long. :I

    Hmm... My IV system caches recipes only once, so there shouldn't be much lag or anything else. I'll see what I can do.

    Wait a second, in that (1.0.4rc1) version I forgot to remove debug from IV-parsing... It went through 64*parsersLength*2 instead of just parsersLength*2, which is no good.

    EDIT 2: Could you provide a log?

    My plans on LevelStorage these days:
    Massive overhaul (balance, make some mechanics more smooth, etc.)

    Balance is no good.
    Atomic Disassemblers are OP a bit (mainly energy consumption). I could get a stack of diamonds while mining with 128-tunnel-length for ~2millEU and ~4 deaths. Inventory was just simply insufficient to hold all the ore that thing mined. It WAS better than quarries...
    I made recipe require ~20 diamonds and each block destroyed now costs 150 eu instead of 50 (or 80, i don't remember). Should be not as OP anymore.

    Particle Accelerators were EXTREMELY OP too. Like you could get 1 iridium ore for 16 diamonds (it was OK and balanced), but you could get 16 diamonds for 1 iridium ore as well...

    Some spoilers on ParticleAccelerator-mechanic:
    I plan to make IV... basically a fluid. There will be a Matter Melter, which will burn items for their IV.
    Particle Accelerator will have a fluid-tank and will produce matter/antimatter from fluid IV.
    Both Matter Melters and Particle Accelerators will consume energy, proportionally equal to the amount of IV operating.


    EDIT 3:
    Added NEI support for the drill-enhancement recipes (thank you, mistaqur for making plugins' code opensource!):

    And etc.

    EDIT 4:
    Aaaand fluid IV: