[Addon for 1.6.2 (and experimental IC2)] Custom UUM Recipes - Because Old Ones Just Don't Cut It!

  • Adds config for every single IC2 uum recipe. (EU amount, UUM amount, -1 to disable).
    Simple as that.

    Tested on IC2_experimental build 116.
    Should work on any version, if it doesn't, yell at me.

  • Woot! Now I can cut the iridium values in half to start with and go from there.

    Though I do have a question: if a new material that IC2 supports comes along, will the config be updated to reflect such?

  • Is it UNIVERSAL?for both...? :)
    IF is, i'll download it :D And make people cry while the realize then getting 1 Iridium need 10x more UU :D HA HA :D

    NICE JOB ! :)

    public void getForumUserData(Signature signature, User user) { if(user.equalsTo("Cass") && user.isOnline() { Forum.Out.println("signature")})return;}

  • Woot! Now I can cut the iridium values in half to start with and go from there.

    Though I do have a question: if a new material that IC2 supports comes along, will the config be updated to reflect such?

    Yes, it's absolutely dynamic. So, if any mod adds its UUM Recipes before CustomUUMValues' Post-Init phase (which they should), it will be a config option.

    Yes it is. At least it should be.

    @Make people cry:
    I've already cried when I'd seen the default IC2's Iridium Ore UUM requirement.
    That's what encouraged me to create this simple addon.

    Yes, it actually works on servers.
    I changed Iridium Ore in the config and it worked.

    EDIT 2:
    Added source of the mod in OP.

    • Official Post

    Can you add it so you can change the amount of EU for 1 bucket of UU too?

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • Can you add it so you can change the amount of EU for 1 bucket of UU too?

    Nay, I can't do that in a lag-free fashion. The deal is that Mass Fab (as well as all other IC2 machines) set their BaseMassFabRate for every single MassFab-TileEntity-Instance, but they should've used a STATIC CONSTANT for it.
    I could go the route of scan-all-the-tile-entities-every-tick-and-set-rate-for-each-mass-fab, but it would be, like I said, laggy. (mainly because of Reflection)

    Okay, eventually.

    • Official Post

    You dont understand. static final means that every mention of that variable is getting replaced by that Data during COMPILING, meaning that even if you change the Constant, nothing will use that changed Constant unless the Code uses reflection to get the Constant, what is never the Case.

    Try getting the Version Number of IndustrialCraft without using Reflection from the IC2.class, while you are running a Version different from the one you compiled it with. You will always receive the same Version Number no matter what, unless you use reflection to access the Field.

  • You dont understand. static final means that every mention of that variable is getting replaced by that Data during COMPILING, meaning that even if you change the Constant, nothing will use that changed Constant unless the Code uses reflection to get the Constant, what is never the Case.

    Try getting the Version Number of IndustrialCraft without using Reflection from the IC2.class, while you are running a Version different from the one you compiled it with. You will always receive the same Version Number no matter what, unless you use reflection to access the Field.

    Already got it, always doing stuff before thinking first...

    • Official Post

    Configurable UU cost is happening then? YAY :)

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • Can you please add configuration options to add any specified material (i.e. by parsing a config) as UU-replicable?

  • Can you please add configuration options to add any specified material (i.e. by parsing a config) as UU-replicable?

    Probably, yes. Need to look into Forge's Configuration class, and see if I can get all the Key-Value-Pairs from one specific Category, not just requested ones.