Bored? Random IC2/Forum chat

  • It's good news we will never have to worry about the mod killing are mod packs. The minium stone was already VERY unbalanced.

    Aparently i'm the only one on these forums who likes EE. And what's wrong with the minium stone as a small buff. If I have crap tons of Iron and need gold, I can trade the Iron for gold.

    • Official Post

    I like EE too, but it was always the easy option to get things like ender pearls from 4 iron rather than farm ender men. It's only unbalanced if you use it wrong.

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • Agreed, I only use it's transmutation as a small buff.the main reason I used EE1 and EE2 was the tools and armor late game.

  • Which were basically creative Mode.

    Which took ages to get without transmutation, which in my opinion made the items balanced (Besides, when is it not fin to hit zombies with flaming machine gun arrows?)

  • Quote

    Apparently i'm the only one on these forums who likes EE. And what's wrong with the minium stone as a small buff. If I have crap tons of Iron and need gold, I can trade the Iron for gold.

    That was about the only feature I liked about EE3. It was a nice resource exchanger in some respects that wasn't easily abusable. It also helped in some conditions where certain resources had too great of a scarcity (*coughEnderpearlscough*) in early-to-mid game, and alleviated the back-end need to sacrifice forward tech progression in order to search for 'that one resource' just to continue. (something that I find to be very unrealistic from a geological standpoint)...

    But damn, $1000 a month? I make over that slaving away on a construction site, lol...

    Would anyone like to try a Slowpoke Tail?! Only 1 Million Yen!


    this isn't about arrogance or ego, I have a block that I put a lot of freaking work into

    Every Mod Author, in existence. And yet, you STILL say otherwise.

    • Official Post

    Holy crap, I just had an hour phone call with my mother... jesus, she is such a pseudoscientist.
    Its actually rather depressing that people actually believe in this "new age science" stuff.
    Her main point it seems is that extremely low energy microwaves, like in area-wifi, can cause extreme cell corruption... -_-
    they aren't even of the right frequency to excite water

    Apparently she visited this huge conference in new york with thousands of the top-scientists discussing what is practically a mixture of applied kinesiology and incorrect physics. REALLY incorrect physics. For some reason this "Gathering of top-scientists" does not give any results on google or wikipedia. Huh.

  • most wifi radios put out at most 4 milliwatts of energy. that is .04W for those playing along at home. a lightbulb puts out more, but you don't see me running like a cockroach every time someone flicks on the lights...

  • most wifi radios put out at most 4 milliwatts of energy. that is .04W for those playing along at home. a lightbulb puts out more, but you don't see me running like a cockroach every time someone flicks on the lights...

    I thought we were on the internet. Don't you react adversely to light not being emitted from a computer monitor?

  • Her main point it seems is that extremely low energy microwaves, like in area-wifi, can cause extreme cell corruption... -_-
    they aren't even of the right frequency to excite water

    Tell her that whenever she is exposed to Sun she gets radiated at many orders of magnitude higher energy levels than any WiFi device ever could and not only with the warm and fuzzy kind of radiation.
    Does she know that one cross-atlantic flight gives a person about as much ionizing radiation as a 3-4 chest x-rays? If that would be any danger to people we'd see pilots dying left and right. Now compare that to WiFi where energy levels are barely enough to just heat things up and not anywhere close enough to ionize stuff to actually cause damage.

    Also, 4 mW is actualy 0.004W. You missed an order of magnitude there :)

    • Official Post

    Yes, but you guys seem to forget about belief bias.

  • Well if anyone plays KSP here, and I know wasmic play it, here is a thread dedicated to this radiation rant: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogra…o-counter-radiation-scare and this:…ry-e6frfrnr-1226729221701

    And this:…schools-france-banned.asp
    Or this:
    then this:…ban-in-new-zealand-school


    But... those radio transmitter workers aren't dying because of radio radiation...

    Dota 2 player at SEA server.

    For me nothing is OP. It just a mod for fun and I'm playing it for fun. Unless it created items from nothing. Automining not included, neither do in case of self replicating machine. However GregTech is still good, so:

    GregTech Documentation Task Force Needed!

    Edited once, last by thepowdertoy ().

    • Official Post

    Its like, the company my dad works for works with liquid nitrogen and cyanide production. Someone tried to sue the company and said that their husband had died thanks to the companies horrible chemical use:
    He was a truck driver and accidentally drove his truck into a ditch, killing him.
    Yup, chemicals.

  • I like how people want to ban 3G from Schools. Probably using Aluminium Shields because the devilish Phone Company won't uninstall their crapload-of-money-Mobile-Internet-Transmitter from somewhere near a school for another crapload of money. Stupid humans.

    Its like, the company my dad works for works with liquid nitrogen and cyanide production. Someone tried to sue the company and said that their husband had died thanks to the companies horrible chemical use:
    He was a truck driver and accidentally drove his truck into a ditch, killing him.
    Yup, chemicals.

    I am sure if he would have followed Safety Regulations for Chemical Transport, it would not have happened.

    • Official Post

    I think the guy was drunk, anyway xD

    On an unrelated note, Micheal Bay's son has started directing. Here is the trailer for his first movie, Formtransers.

  • [Rant]While i support developers receiving monies for their works, i'm not sure how i like the 'pledge milestone for features' method. Long story short, i don't want minecraft mods to become paywalled ugliness [see also: android app market]. and are fine. Donation links and contributions, fine. Charging for people to include your mod in a modpack, sketchy but they could all download it normally(I hope). Tiered donation driven features....sketchy from the get-go.
    If you want a feature in your mod, put it in. Don't dangle things in front of the users with a 'maybe i will, maybe i won't' attitude.

    We've all probably played money-grub games [See also: Free to play, Pay to Win], and there is nothing that puts me off about a game faster than such models.[/Rant]