We also had these restrictions in school, but because everyone knew how to bypass them, they removed the restrictions after a while.

Bored? Random IC2/Forum chat
- SirusKing
- Closed
Majority of my school are useless beyond playing phone games
Same goes for mine, no one knows how to install a VPN on their Ipads xD ( so they ask me... ).
Majority of my school are useless beyond playing phone games
Same on my school, but last year, they made a rule that cell phones aren't allowed in school and in the teacher's room they had a competition on what teacher collects most cell phones... But even our headmaster didn't care. It was only two teachers collecting cell phones.
One of my teachers even said when they saw a cellphone: "Please don't use your cell phones. Cause if you do, I'll have to collect them and my dog always plays with them and then they don't work anymore. So please don't.".One year after that, noone cares about it anymore.
In about one month, 16 days and about 22 hours will be the last time I will go to that school. Then I'll leave it behind and all of its stupid rules.
Fuck i'm old.
Same goes for me I guess.
I'm already twirteen
Cell phones are ok if left in your pocket at my school, and you don't use them.
The School's computers have many sites blocked, but many of us know about a proxy that isn't blocked :3
Once it becomes blocked though, I'll have to make my own proxy.
I've been counting down the Tor exit nodes blocked over the past month, they seem to be getting tired of me going around them.
Cellphones weren't even a thing when I was at school.
On our schools some guys got it managed to install counterstrike and minecraft on the hard drive every pc can access.
Any comments about this: https://github.com/Microsoft/vsminecraft ?
I have no idea why anyone would ever want to use it. Especially if you like Scala or another JVM language.
It seems to be a java thing according to FyberOptic
Quote from FyberopticSome of you may have seen this by now since it's floating around Twitter, but in the surreal world we live in now of Microsoft owning Minecraft, they've now taken it upon themselves to create a Visual Studio development system for Minecraft mods.
And yes, Microsoft's comically ironic solution to making mods really is to just repackage Forge and let you develop Java code in Visual Studio.
Well, I know nothing about code to say anything.
My commet on it: It may be useful for people who are comfortable with Visual Studio. For me (eclipse user) it would just be another thing I have to work my way in.
I don't know why Microsoft did it or if they want to make their "own" minecraft mod-development-platform, but I assume that this will eventually lead to having a modding api. -
I'm glad they did that. This probably means two things.
1. Modding API (I dont say anything about the quality we have to expect)
2. Microsoft will likely continue to use Java for Minecraft. -
My commet on it: It may be useful for people who are comfortable with Visual Studio. For me (eclipse user) it would just be another thing I have to work my way in.
I don't know why Microsoft did it or if they want to make their "own" minecraft mod-development-platform, but I assume that this will eventually lead to having a modding api.*comment
IMO, but I really don't want a modding API; it's likely not going to match forge, and if it doesn't work with forge, the community will be split, which is bad for everyone.
It'll especially be split when everyone's using 1.7.10 still and Mojang wants people to move to 2.0.0 or whatever version.
First there was Modloader, and Forge needed Modloader to work with. Then there was another Modloader and Forge worked with that one. After that Forge made its own Modloader to work directly with Minecraft. And in the Future Forge will USE the Mojang Mod API Loading thingamabob together with its own Modloader Code to work. The Mod API doesnt replace Forge at all and it will never do that.
Forge needed Modloader and ModloaderMP until 1.2.5.
Also, 3000th post on the thread