What exactly has Gradle to do with the time it takes to release the Mods? In my Case you can totally blame Morrowind.

[1.7.10] Gregtech Hardmode Server (aka Kirara 2.0)
As a player that just play a core ic2/gregtech, i can agree that foresty and railcraft are not that necessary, but i do know it have more uses than it seen at first, based on what i experienced on kirara 1.0 , the basic stuff is not the main point, i could go and write some aspects, but forget it, will only TL/DR , the TC problem is just a kind of what people are complaining about, i had see some direct points, but most treat it vaguely, i can see somethings that break the purpose of kirara, but most can be easily overlooked, if, we could just disable everything that ic2 or gregtech cover, like smelting digging, while outer like the pavements to move and lock, the farmer golem, the lamps to avoid sily torch every where, would make a good add.
What exactly has Gradle to do with the time it takes to release the Mods? In my Case you can totally blame Morrowind.
No, not the Kirara mods, my mod. I keep getting a decompForge error, I spent 10 hours trying to fix it and then I just gave up.
Now, what if the things we disable are essential to progression? And if we just let one slip for the progression of TC mess up the whole of GT progression? That is a what if, as I don't know much about TC.
Now, what if the things we disable are essential to progression? And if we just let one slip for the progression of TC mess up the whole of GT progression? That is a what if, as I don't know much about TC.
That isn't the issue, as with TC you need one item to get started (thaumometer), and by nerfing that you fix progression.
The issue is when is TC coming and who wants it. -
Some people do, including me.
I would either remove TC entirely, or nerf only the Thaumometer to include steel. Remember that Thaumcraft loses its big usefulness after the bronze age, since most of the other cheaty stuff is covered by other things (Native Clusters might be cheaper then a macerator, but they will not get you the byproducts that you need to progress), or is very limited in flexibility (Golems, unless upgraded, are very limited in function). Or even configurable, as is the case with Magic Mirrors. As a matter of fact, nerfing Thaumcraft in general is something Azanor specifically warns against, but I'm sure he won't mind that much if we just nerf the thing that allows everything in the first place.
If we include it later, it really will not do much. Magic Forests can be disabled, and ores can be retrogenned. But I doubt the wait will be long, as it is clear he is actively updating to 1.7, as seen on his GitHub for his API:
https://github.com/Azanor/thaumcraft-apiEDIT: I also just discovered Thaumium is registered in Greg's Meta ore stuff. We could possibly change up the cheap thaumium tools to require assembling like the other tools.
Some people do, including me.
As do I
Some people do, including me.
I'd like to have an argument, please.Remember that Thaumcraft loses its big usefulness after the bronze age, since most of the other cheaty stuff is covered by other things (Native Clusters might be cheaper then a macerator, but they will not get you the byproducts that you need to progress), or is very limited in flexibility (Golems, unless upgraded, are very limited in function).
Now I have no idea what you mean by "cheaty stuff", probably nothing, but TC definitely doesn't lose its usefulness after the bronze age (a.k.a. someone's first 2 days on the server). Ore doubling was never the real issue - it's just one of the points where the mods overlap.An Axe of the Stream, on the other hand, will trump even the endgame advanced saw and trivialize chopping wood, making tree farms kind of redundant. A Sword of the Zephyr will beat a super expensive nano saber hands down when it comes to PvE.
Also Golems (of course upgraded, why wouldn't they be), cover whole areas performing high level tasks such as harvesting and replanting, usually needing nothing more than a dropoff point to setup. Limited in flexibility, perhaps. Way more flexible, simple and cheap than anything we had, definitely.
[...] with TC you need one item to get started (thaumometer), and by nerfing that you fix progression.
The issue is when is TC coming and who wants it.
"Progression" was not broken to need fixing: Progression is what you'll end up doing taking into account the installed mods. i.e.- find unrelated goodies somebody wants,
- buy thaumometer,
- Play TC and worry about GT only after 4 weeks on the server
is a fine progression. It's an open ended game anyway.
But anyway we kinda agree on that final point... the issue is if we want it and whether we care when it comes out.
Jus' saying though, no matter how many blocks of iridium we add to the Thaumometer recipe, a rig where 10 alvearies drop their stuff on the floor and a Golem collects it is always going to be cheaper and less technical than rigging the setup with pipes. Laggier too, but I leave that consideration to the man who keeps the server up.
Buut guys... Science! Isn't it awesome digging and finding real things in the ground, such as cassiterite and the occasional cooperite instead of fire, wind, water, earth and um... heart shards? Wondering what to do with a Palladium Ring instead of Researching our Taint?
TC removes the need for anything in IC2, and the fact this is supposed to be hardmode gregtech, an IC2 addon based server, adding TC removes the need for the core of the server. We have quantum leggings? Try boots of the traveler, cheaper and easier to make too. Need flying capabilities, try that one item that lets you fly in TC, slower, but still gives you flying.ME? Who needs that when you have golems? Ore doubling? I'm pretty sure TC has that too. TC replaces all this server stands for, with cheaper means to get it. And this is hardmode, right?
Either way, i prefer IC² and GT stuff over TC. All in all it is a matter of choice. I want that choice. If some dude wants to forget about GregTech hardmode and play TC style, let him. At least he is happy and everyone else also is.
By the way, i want TC because i want to see some more magitech thingies, including the fact that Greg really needs to update his GT-TC crossmod things to TC4. It will bring benefits to everyone, not only us. -
I am now pro-TC for alchemy by default. Alchemy is my weakness
Currently i am playing vanilla MC, on UHC servers. I bet i will want something else than exploring vanilla thingies.
You say GT and TC doesnt mix, but of course they can. Guess why we have the magic energy converter/absorber. I (and some people) want improvements on those, it is best to have TC around to tinker with.
If you don't want TC, just dont use it. I (and some people) want to have it around, regardless.Edit: What if Greg adds industrial alchemy as a GT-TC integration? Haha.
PS: I can read deleted posts :3
Good, because I wanted you to read that post. Remember that heart part? Yeah, theres no heart there. Lets just say, people like me and BA and anybody who voted no wanted to keep Gregtech hardmode gregtech hardmode. I'm sure BA could explain it better and more convincing tone. My tone is more of a brick wall, or a stubborn mule... Stubborn... I could fight all night on this. Do you want to? I could go. And I was looking for the Fullmetal alchemist (I know you, I know you've seen it. And the real question is, where is Hohenheim?) scientific alchemy, not industrial. I already suggested industrial alchemy in the gregtech suggestion.
There's still the forbidden magic idea... Any thaumcraft block (if discovered) is eligible for TNT on it, IMO.
Edit: To add to this, I'm not saying it's necessarily a PVP flag, it's just a possible material and rebuilding cost.
BA finds a crucible in CrafterOMany's base for alchemy. BA, doing the proper thing, puts a single block of TNT immediately adjacent to it (or on top of, if the TNT would fall when activated), lights it, and carries on with his day.
I find a harvesting golem running back and forth from an anonymous field to a chest. Doing the proper thing, I rig a pressure plate to some TNT for the golem to trip over.
If someone were fool-hardy enough to put a lot of tech within a few blocks, it's possible the tech would get caught in the explosion.
I like that idea. It prevents people from going way too much into TC. Also, anyone wearing magical thingies or using magical thingies (aka holding a wand) is eligible to be burned at stake by a lighting rod, guilty of witchery (thaumaturgy).
I like the forbidden Magic thing as well, it should also include Enchanted Vanilla Tools/Armor/Books, Brewing Stands and Potions, GT Magic Converters/Absorbers and the Magic GT Tools (Thaumium Pickaxes or Drills of GT for example). Note: Mentioned Tools are only Magic because of their Main Material (Thaumium in this Case). Plutonium Swords for example wouldn't count as Magic. Another Note: It would also include enchanted Skeleton Bows and Notch Apples (the glowing Gold Block kind, not the regular Ingot one).
BA finds a crucible in CrafterOMany's base for alchemy. BA, doing the proper thing, puts a single block of TNT immediately adjacent to it (or on top of, if the TNT would fall when activated), lights it, and carries on with his day.
BA finds my base, a large box of warder stone, glass and doors. He sets up a nuke. It's not very effective... -
Wanna bet i can get inside that box of warded stone and set up a nuke inside