Could you tell me the conversion rate of hot coolant/ steam in a large heat exchanger and how much coolant per tick it uses
[GregTech-5][1.7.10-FORGE-1355+][Unofficial but approved Port][Stable] Even GT5 Experimental is slowly getting stable.
It uses up to 8000L/sec HotCoolant or 2000L/sec Lava.
1 L hotcoolant turns in 20L steam. 1L Lava into 80L steam. Once half of the max is reached, it outputs half the Amount of superheated steam.
Also it starts slow and heats up within 500 ticks. There is no minimum amount of hotcoolant or lava.Not sure all numbers as i'm at work.
I wonder how many reactors I need for 4 kB/s output of hot coolant...
800L/sec hotcoolan should be the max i got from one so far. So 5 Reactors for constant superheated steam production.
Is that an RF to EU or EU to RF converter... Or both ? O.o xD
EDIT : Wait, you made GT Eu cables into universal power cables like mekanism O.o
Is there something i'm doing wrong that is causing my game to lag out when combining these two mods? I'm using forge 1291 because Optifine 1.7.10 says it is compatible with 1291, and i'm running a host of other mods, but the problem arises when i have gregtech (your gregtech port) and thermal expansion running at the same time. When the game crashes there isn't any crash log either, it just says "Game running 3171 ms behind server shut down" or something like that. Help?
1) compiled with = you should not use lower version, therefore you can use higher version for sure.
2) if you read the name of topic, you should know, which version of Forge you need
3) removing TE always solves TE bugs . xD -
Is that an RF to EU or EU to RF converter... Or both ? O.o xD
EDIT : Wait, you made GT Eu cables into universal power cables like mekanism O.o
Jep, GT Cables can power machines with RF.
To turn RF into GT EU you need a RF storage next to an GT Transformer like with IC2 EU/GT EU changing. The transformer uses a pull mechanic to get the RF and not all mods have implemented them. For example EnderIO does not work.Is there something i'm doing wrong that is causing my game to lag out when combining these two mods? I'm using forge 1291 because Optifine 1.7.10 says it is compatible with 1291, and i'm running a host of other mods, but the problem arises when i have gregtech (your gregtech port) and thermal expansion running at the same time. When the game crashes there isn't any crash log either, it just says "Game running 3171 ms behind server shut down" or something like that. Help?
I do not know about any problems with TE. Did it run before with the old GT? Did you anything else update? Anything that leads you to say it is a GT problem? So far it does not sound like GT is the reason. Even trough your logs have no crash, i still need them to have at last a chance to find the reason 'if' it is a GT problem.
Anybody has a problem with Large Bronze Boiler? Before updating to ver18 it worked properly, but after update it just doesn't starting.
Update. Downgrade IC2 from 727 to 720 solved the problem.
Ok all that happens is the game totally freezes but it doesn't crash. So here's the "Game Output" Log. Tell me if there's something else you want.
At a glance, the crash looks like it was caused by something in the audio engine. Which is weird.
Also, you say that OptiFine isn't compatible with newer Forge versions. I've tried 1.7.10_HD_U_B5, HD_U_B7, and HD_B7 all on Forge 1407, and only had an issue with HD_U_B7 in one pack (which went away when I switched to HD_B7).
Anyone else having weird trouble crafting items with vanilla planks besides oak with IC2 installed? I've narrowed it down to definitely the IC2 version I'm using. Can craft all the planks, can use oak to craft stuff, but spruce/acacia/dark oak can't make crafting tables/chests.
That still happens? God, that started from the early 1.7.2 builds. Re-starting is the only thing I've seen that fixes it, haven't had it happen to me since 1.7.2 though.
I remember that, last time I've seen that, I could still pull the item from the crafting slot, even if it won't show it.
I had something similliar only a month back. That was a broken Minetweaker recipe that randomly removed recipes. So there were more missing, but the wood got noticed first.
There was the idea of using molten salt in a thermal boiler in Gregtech 4, I think. However, it was sadly never implemented. Molten salt would be generated by a molten salt reactor(MSR). A MSR would use FLiBe salt as a more expensive coolant. You start it with some uranium 235 or plutonium. After starting the MSR you could entirely power it with thorium 232 (natural thorium) by breeding it to uranium 233. The whole point of molten salt reactor is, that it is a normal reactor (like the IC2 ones) and a breeder. It is almost 25-times more fuel-efficient than a normal reactor IRL. It uses graphite as a neutron moderator, so we would finally have a real use for that.
To make it not to OP it would use a lot of ressources to build, making it something between the fluid reactor (450 Eu/t) and the Mark I fusion reactor (almost 17000 Eu/t with the large plasma generator). I think that step is to big. I would like to see it in GT5. -
I can force it to happen if I look at NEI for the uses of wood planks. The first one I click on becomes the only one usable.
It's a client side fuck up and if you're on a server you can indeed click the box to get your items.Annoying
Bug report for version .17
The Large High Pressure and Large Gas Turbines are not connecting as they should. The other 2 work fine, but these 2, will not accept any of the hatches or maintenance blocks, and change colors to match the turbine. (See Spoiler for Photos)
By the way, I think the Gas Turbine should require a muffler.
Also, there is an error in the GUI of the High Pressure Steam Turbine, where the Turbine Blade goes in - see photo - the words are not wrapping - they over flow out of the GUI interface.
Ok, I figured the problem out. There is a bug in all these Turbines, that if you build them in the facing direction of North & South they only work if you place the Turbine controller on the SOUTH side of the multi Block structure. If you place the Turbine controller block on the North side, it will not work. All the the Large turbines have no issues when being built East to West facing.
This is true in both version 17 and 18 of GT5U.
Also, hope to see a muffler requirement for the large gas turbine.
EDIT - found some more graphical glitches in the turbines animation when built in different directions. Take a look at the 2 different large steam turbines - the fan blade animation glitches out when you walk around.
Also, the output of water doesn't seem to be taking place when putting steam in the Large steam turbine, or super heated steam into the large high pressure steam turbine. Both Turbines will run - but don't out put anything.
Thanks for looking into it. I allready tought is was something like that, just no time to vertify and fix so far.
Also i'm not at home this weekend, so bugfixes will take a few days.
Is there documentation available on the full list of items blacklisted by GT recyclers? I discovered the hard way that stone dust is blacklisted (first, it wouldn't go in from the hopper until I put some in manually, then after it processed around 5 or 6 stacks of it, I had no more scrap than I started with). I'm not upset about it, given how easy it is to get stone dust, but I'm curious what else is blacklisted without being listed in IC2.ini.