]It actually changed back into PSI. Might change that later. For the overlap, it's graphical, so it'll go into the next update.
Please leave it as PSI... Gibbl is ridiculous. Makes about as much sense as parsecs or something.
]It actually changed back into PSI. Might change that later. For the overlap, it's graphical, so it'll go into the next update.
Please leave it as PSI... Gibbl is ridiculous. Makes about as much sense as parsecs or something.
Please leave it as PSI... Gibbl is ridiculous. Makes about as much sense as parsecs or something.
You back? Sup man, how you been? You got lots of reading & catching up to do hahaha - but i'm sure you will enjoy that
I'm glad to be back. But I am probably not going to read every post since the 22nd. Direwolf's Let's Play series has got me wanting to play more and surf a lot less!
QuoteDisplay Morejava.lang.VerifyError: (class: ic2/platform/Platform, method: messagePlayer signature: (Lgz;Ljava/lang/String;)V) Incompatible argument to function
at mod_IC2AdvancedMachines.load(mod_IC2AdvancedMachines.java:114)
at ModLoader.init(ModLoader.java:830)
at ModLoader.AddAllRenderers(ModLoader.java:186)
at wb.<init>(wb.java:76)
at wb.<clinit>(wb.java:9)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(SourceFile:265)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:644)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
--- END ERROR REPORT 6d10f141 ----------
Can someone help me with this problem?
Hello, I think I have a bug. I have a fully charged MFSU hooked up to 2 Induction furnaces.2 rotary macerators, 1 centerfuge extractor and a singularity commpressor. Everything including the 2 solarr flowers I have (each of them give off 32 EU/t) are connected with glass fibre cables. Whenever they get the machines get full power, I try to macerate something or something else, the little power bar that shows whether the machine shave power or not drains. (Btw, I also have a MV transformer hooked up), So, yeah that basically is it. I don't know if this is really a bug or I wired something incorrectly but I need help with this.
Hello, I think I have a bug. I have a fully charged MFSU hooked up to 2 Induction furnaces.2 rotary macerators, 1 centerfuge extractor and a singularity commpressor. Everything including the 2 solarr flowers I have (each of them give off 32 EU/t) are connected with glass fibre cables. Whenever they get the machines get full power, I try to macerate something or something else, the little power bar that shows whether the machine shave power or not drains. (Btw, I also have a MV transformer hooked up), So, yeah that basically is it. I don't know if this is really a bug or I wired something incorrectly but I need help with this.
what the huh? that makes almost no sense... Do you have any kind of storage device in there at all? If not then stick a MFE between the solar and the devices.
Has there been any talk of sound for this mod? It's a bummer that they don't make sound effects, unlike their less advanced predecessor machines.
what the huh? that makes almost no sense... Do you have any kind of storage device in there at all? If not then stick a MFE between the solar and the devices.
My guess is the MV is seeing the redstone signal, so it's not xmitting power...
I miss the advanced Solar Pannel, isn´t it in your mod ?
No, it´s not and to my knowledge never was.
Is this compatible with technic pack 5.05?
Is this compatible with technic pack 5.05?
Not sure if relevent, but: http://forum.industrial-craft.…ad&postID=29281#post29281
Answer: Does Technic have IC2 1.42+? (Yes) All IC2 prerequisites? (Yes) Then it should. No guarantees though.
BTW, if you do use Technic, you've got a bit to update, i.e. Forge, BC, IC2.
Should be able to do the bukkit port today. I actually use decompilation to build it so should be no problem. Awesome addition. Though I suspect the balance debate to begin now.
Should be able to do the bukkit port today. I actually use decompilation to build it so should be no problem. Awesome addition. Though I suspect the balance debate to begin now.
what EU debate? The arrays are 1-to-1 EU on a per Solar Panel basis as you scale up. There is no need to debate.
what EU debate? The arrays are 1-to-1 EU on a per Solar Panel basis as you scale up. There is no need to debate.
Have you read the other "advanced solars" threads? I believe one of them was advocating a design requiring about 3 quarries worth of materials for 1 50 EU/t solar panel... Or a mountain full of diamond blocks... People get weird about solar energy- probably because it's set it and forget it, once it's going... Myself, I have no problem- especially since this isn't giving "secret extra benefits" (solar at night being the key one I think)- it's just more solars in a block...
Anyway, lets get this bukkit port done...
I'm fairly sure that's the same post that convinced me to do this update actually.
I'm fairly sure that's the same post that convinced me to do this update actually.
Yeah indeed. The epic silliness pointed out there really opens your eyes to it doesn't it? Mind you, something does seem slightly wrong with an mfsu just sitting there, filling, very very fast, from something that looks like 1 solar panel
So, attached is a bukkit port: my magic "bukkit it" script worked on it pretty much first time, which is nice. I suspect this is going to be a protected block id for many. Imagine if you broke an HV one, and lost all 512 solar panels embedded within. Ouchie ouch ouch. Probably a good justification to keep it "pick safe" rather than dropping, say, an mfe or some other part of the block...
Anyway, a couple of bug comments:
1. It doesn't generate a config file in the face of a block conflict. You need to try/catch the config generation section of the code. (Note, this was the client that failed by the way, not the server).
2. It didn't start charging a lapotron put into the slot on the hv solar. It did however stop outputting power. I suspect you probably need to tweak the charging code slightly to handle that- it's not going to be much use to charge a battery in an hv solar That might a server side effect btw, so it was actually charging it but it didn't show up as such.
3. You have a leftover "item" definition in BlockAdvancedMachine for the HV array- you'll probably want to remove that.
4. You need to shorten the inventoryNames for the "old" advanced machines: the rotary, centrifuge and singularity
5. You are missing the super call at the end of the Block.remove methods (called onBlockRemoval I think in vanilla MCP code). It seems to be a bug that mostly affects bukkit (I think bukkit is more closely controlling tile entities than vanilla) but it never hurt- I think it was in the last version I shared before you picked it up again.
Anyway, lets upgrade my main server and I'll share on mcportcentral as ever. Awesome new addition
Edit: attach the file why don't I?
Edit2: Added more bug findings (all small things) and fixed the bukkit...
their is a block id error with the charging bench addon they both use id 189 and no i dont have an error log to post
im getting an error "internal exception: java.io.IOException:Received string length longer then maximum allowed (19 > 16)" whenever i try and use a singularity compressor, rotary macerator and centrifuge extractor on a server, ive tried changing the block ID's because they were 188:1,188:2,188:3 but that didnt help either.
any suggestions?
MC crashes when I try to run 3.1, but runs fine with 3.0
Error report:
--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT 74c71655 --------
Generated 08/01/12 09:40
Minecraft: Minecraft 1.0.0
OS: Windows XP (x86) version 5.1
Java: 1.6.0_17, Sun Microsystems Inc.
VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (mixed mode), Sun Microsystems Inc.
LWJGL: 2.4.2
OpenGL: GeForce 9500 GT/PCI/SSE2 version 3.3.0, NVIDIA Corporation
java.lang.RuntimeException: IndustrialCraft 2 Advanced Machines addon: MinecraftForge Too Old, need at least 1.2.4
at forge.MinecraftForge.killMinecraft(MinecraftForge.java:322)
at forge.MinecraftForge.versionDetect(MinecraftForge.java:342)
at mod_IC2AdvancedMachines.load(mod_IC2AdvancedMachines.java:154)
at ModLoader.init(ModLoader.java:830)
at ModLoader.AddAllRenderers(ModLoader.java:186)
at wb.<init>(wb.java:76)
at wb.<clinit>(wb.java:9)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(SourceFile:265)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:644)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
--- END ERROR REPORT 1a937b93 ----------
I see it says i need 1.2.4 of forge, which is what I am running.