Thanks for the bukkit port, IR is now using this.
[AddOn v1.90] 100% Wrench Rate v1.90-1
This mod is nice but i have a question, why not make a new tool based on the elctric wrench that has 100%? The recipe could be something like a electric wrench with an advanced circuit or an new enchant for this.
In case you weren't aware, the in-game electric wrench now has a lossless mode that uses more power. I don't remember what key it is to switch modes, though.
By default it´s M + Right Mousebutton.
By default it´s M + Right Mousebutton.
More logically speaking, its now the key you configure your Mining Laser/Wrench Mode in the control config.
In case you weren't aware, the in-game electric wrench now has a lossless mode that uses more power. I don't remember what key it is to switch modes, though.
Yeah, I guess I can retire this little tweak now.
Actually I would like a 1.64 version for early game. 10,000 power per use is a lot early on.
Perhaps... but what exactly do you need to move before you have that kind of power, anyhow?
Perhaps... but what exactly do you need to move before you have that kind of power, anyhow?
Scratch that, by the time one manages to get the Electric wrench, some decent sources of energy must have been adquired already.
Exactly - if you can't afford 10,000 EU, you can't even charge the wrench's battery in the first place.
The 100% wrench mod covered the brass wrench as well. At some point I move "everything" since the initial base is usually just a carved out cave.
The 100% wrench mod covered the brass wrench as well. At some point I move "everything" since the initial base is usually just a carved out cave.
I also seem to make a temp. base, and usually end up moving things a LOT.. If it isn't difficult to port, I would still love to have the option of using this for early/mid-game usage; in the latest update vs the electric wrench. But of course, it's your call.
If you wouldn't mind putting out a version for 1.64, I'm sure the community would appreciate it.
I know personally I would dislike having to recharge my electric wrench all the time to be able to remove machines when I'm re-planning something.Personally I find it inconvenient when my machines break (which is why I'm using this mod with 1.0) and I think having to recharge my wrench all the time would feel just as inconvenient.
NOTE: I say inconvenient because I mean that, when you make a double chest full of UU a day it is not hard to replace a machine just a hassle.
Thanks for all your hard work regardless of if you update this mod.
Oh, I suppose so. It's a simple enough tweak now that I have my MCP set up again. Updated.
Thankyou Drashian, this is really appreciated, please do not retire this mod. I've yet to master this mode change thingy
Thank you it is appreciated
I have to admit, this add-on has its good side which is not requireing EU to work.
Bad part would be, why do you really need it?
By the time you get the electric wrench anyways, you should have a nice output of power.
Since I use RP2 and IC2 I tend to use Water Mills, and Solar Panels.
RP2 setup to fill my water mills each getting me 2 EU/tick and I normaly have 50 going, 25 on one layer and 25 on a top layer (I've been thinking of adding a 3rd and 4th layer to this. Each with 2 Deployers filling up buckets and sending them off to get me more power)Also with like 9 solar trees you tend not to enough power to empty your EU storage. (Well if you use a Mass Fab I could see you burning through it fast)
But really, if you want to save the power I would use this MOD. But personal with EE, BC, RP2, IC2 and Advanced machines (For Solar Arrays) I dont run out of power often.
Thanks for updating 100% Wrench for IC2 1.64. It is convenient. The web page shows well over 200 people have already downloaded it, so it seems to have some popularity.
This addon isn't really necessary anymore, Now that we have loss-less wrench mode.However If it is true that the E-wrench doesn't work right in using bat-pack energy, then there certainly is an advantage to this, specifically, the ability to wrench multiple machines without recharging.
The addon was most certainly crucial beforehand.
Quote from Basically Anyone
This addon isn't really necessary anymore, Now that we have loss-less wrench mode.
I'd like to point two important areas in which this add-on is essential:
1. Starting a new world: The basic wrench doesn't have a 'loss-less mode', and losing a machine early on stings a great deal more than doing so in the end simply because one doesn't have many resources to start out with.
2. Convenience: The large energy loss associated with loss-less mode isn't that big a cost in the mid-late game, but an electric wrench only holds enough juice to do one removal, and a bat-pack has enough energy for barely six more; having to constantly recharge one' stuff until one has enough lapis for a lap-pack is more than reason enough to get this add-on.All in all Drashian, I'm glad you've been maintaining this add-on, and I hope that it continues to be updated in the future.