[AddOn v1.90] 100% Wrench Rate v1.90-1

  • I'd like to point two important areas in which this add-on is essential:

    1. Starting a new world: The basic wrench doesn't have a 'loss-less mode', and losing a machine early on stings a great deal more than doing so in the end simply because one doesn't have many resources to start out with.
    2. Convenience: The large energy loss associated with loss-less mode isn't that big a cost in the mid-late game, but an electric wrench only holds enough juice to do one removal, and a bat-pack has enough energy for barely six more; having to constantly recharge one' stuff until one has enough lapis for a lap-pack is more than reason enough to get this add-on.

    All in all Drashian, I'm glad you've been maintaining this add-on, and I hope that it continues to be updated in the future.

    Honestly never used this Add-on and I don't see a point for it now days, yes loosing a machine sucks early on but honestly why set down machines if you aren't planning on staying there? (Or at least do yourself a favor and think ahead a little in planning)

    As for 2.. Well like everyone has been saying if you can't afford to charge the thing then you must be doing something wrong not to have the power supply to move a few things, I can generally produce enough energy to fill a MFE after a few hours of playing (Depending on how good of world I get honestly.. cave systems seem to hate me lately)

    • Official Post

    As far as whether the mod is strictly necessary anymore, it certainly isn't. We now have the option of either a small risk of a material loss or a guaranteed extra EU expense, and once we're into tier 2 and keeping our lappack charged, we can move an entire small factory before we have to go back and refill. But I'll just quote the mod's summary:

    Summary: To each his own.

    Enough people want to be able to pick up and move around their stuff willy-nilly, as they do with every other mod's stuff, that it's worth the minor trouble of keeping it up to date. :D

  • I'd like to point two important areas in which this add-on is essential:

    While it's still a very useful plugin, I'd like to offer this to refute those two points:

    1) If you haven't got enough material to make an electric wrench, you're not going to have ANY expensive machines to risk. The worst thing you'll have broken is a basic machine. Repairing it isn't even as expensive as making an electric wrench.

    2) Any time you're wrenching multiple machines, odds are good that you'll be near a source by which you recharge your gear. Again, if you can't yet afford the energy storage to easily recharge, you probably don't have much to lose anyhow.

  • Thank you for this mod....this was really starting to piss me off. I haven't played IC2 in a while so I kept saying "why do I have machine blocks?"

    There a mod to fix battery packs from breaking? I really dislike the direction this mod is going on tool durability haha.

    • Official Post

    Thank you for this mod....this was really starting to piss me off. I haven't played IC2 in a while so I kept saying "why do I have machine blocks?"

    There a mod to fix battery packs from breaking? I really dislike the direction this mod is going on tool durability haha.

    Batpacks were never intended to break, but as I remember, we needed to get a Forge hook or some such to prevent it from occasionally happening. I think the fix in the latest release official took care of it for good, though.

  • Batpacks were never intended to break, but as I remember, we needed to get a Forge hook or some such to prevent it from occasionally happening. I think the fix in the latest release official took care of it for good, though.

    Hey Drashian, guess what i'm going to say:
    SMP Please?
    I don't know much about the server side code but I guess it should only involve changing the server code?

  • There is a server and a client folder in the download. Only the serverside fix is needed, the clients don't need the fix.

  • Will it be updated to IC21.71?

    GENERATION 27: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the
    generation. Social experiment. MinecraftSkeleton

  • You know, either of these is fine. Make your super wrench out of compressed gold for all I care, as long as there's an option for moving super expensive machinery that isn't retarded.

    Or just make the normal wrenches work. Like this.


    Middle ground options:

    Link a set of achievements to this feature indicating competence in engineering.

    Have user gain experience with every removal; the more experience, the high the success rate.

    A mix of the above.

    A Rock Raider trained as an Engineer, among other things.

  • I agree, this needs to be updated.

    However, I think it would make more sense to add wrench upgrades as suggested previously in this thread. Making more expensive wrenches that will never break machines is much more sensible and user friendly than either the mode command on the electric wrench or this mod.

    With this mod users do not have the option to break their machines, which some players may find useful.

    I'm sure the electric wrench modes made sense in theory, but it practice I find it to be a poor implementation. I get no feedback when I press M so I have no idea what mode the wrench is in or if I have done anything at all. IC2 really ought to have a dedicated tool that guarantees 100% drop rate on machines.

  • 1: necrobump much? aka: this was quite an unnecessary port.
    2: PEBCAK problems aren't "poor implementation", your using the wrench wrong. There is feedback about exactly which mode the wrench is in. it's M + right-click to change modes.

  • This addon does not work in the newest version. The electric wrench in IC2 has a function to change to lossless mode, by M-rightclick. This function does not require this addon.

    Age: 16. Favourite school subject: Physics/Chemistry.

    The IC2 forums could really use a lot more of [REDACTED], [DATA EXPUNGED] and ████████.

    I'm in a so called "after-school". It's freaking fantastic and nowhere near as boring as normal school!