Edit: Deprecated, will replace with a newer Thread ~Greg
HTML Documentation:
The documentation for the latest API (development version) classes is available at http://ic2api.player.to/ic2api/html/annotated.html
1.8x changes
Mod access:
- Added Mass Fabricator amplifier and Scrap Box drop APIs, see Ic2Recipes
1.7x changes
New features:
- The NetworkHelper class has been added to allow addons to access the features of our internal SMP data/event synchronization framework.
- Various interfaces for Network Events and Data handling have been added to the API
1.6x changes
Mod access:
- Items are now ItemStacks in an API class called Items. If you want to reference an IC2 item, just do it by its itemstack.
- Macerator/Compressor/Extractor recipes are now added through Ic2Recipes. Ic2Recipes.addMaceratorRecipe(ItemStack,ItemStack), Ic2Recipes.addCompressorRecipe(ItemStack,ItemStack) and Ic2Recipes.addExtractorRecipe(ItemStack,ItemStack) will add a macerator, compressor or extractor recipe respectively, the first ItemStack being the input and the second one the output.
- Dynamic recipe support. For example, when crafting a Mining Laser, the output EU charge of the mining laser will be the sum of the EU currently stored on both crystals. The code below is an example on how to use the dynamic crafting system, explaining would be kinda complex:
Ic2Recipes.addCraftingRecipe(Ic2Items.miningLaser, "Rcc", "AAC", " AA", 'A', Ic2Items.advancedAlloy, 'C', Ic2Items.advancedCircuit, 'c', Ic2Items.energyCrystal, 'R', Item.redstone);
Ic2Recipes.addShapelessCraftingRecipe(Ic2Items.insulatedCopperCableItem, Ic2Items.rubber, Ic2Items.copperCableItem);
New features:
- Recycler blacklist: Ic2Recipes.addRecyclerBlacklistItem(ItemStack/Item/Block) will add an item to the recycler's blacklist. Blacklisted items will not produce scrap no matter what.
- Agriculture: You can make your own crops by extending CropCard and overriding the methods to your heart's content.