MadMax2910 that is my tutorial! xD If you are looking for a more compact design you should look at this.
It does move in all directions and it is 4x5x5 (it has a minor problem but you can fix it by making it 5x5x5), it is similar to the green one at the beginning of my tutorial (the one I didn't explain) but it is much less complex to wire and has a very important feature: if you extend the motors you can still move in the other directions. Your project is looking good so far.

The Ultimate Industrial Frame Engineering Challenge(s) - TUIFEC
Well Gjurd your design certainly helped me out. I am actually happy with the size because it is easier to debug. But I'll take a look at the video you posted. And a
for you because getting this whole thing to move was the part that gave me the biggest headache.
I am going for the mining space ship challenge. To make it harder but also more rewarding, I am doing this on survival, not creative. These download links should be good until may 20 2012. Redpower 2 & industrialcraft 2, buildcraft.
Mark I is currently in operation.…oox/n/1_2_5_with_mods_zip.
Also working on a side project, automated wood. almost complete. Use bone meal on the sapling behind the melons and pumpkins with a timer on it, then stand back and watch the show. Once that side project is complete, I'm going to make mark II, much like I did in this creative test world:…kicb9g8j/n/New_World-_zip The engine is more compact and the bridge is complete, with an incomplete raising and lowering mechanism. Then I will improve and expand the mining module (4 miners, automated pipe/cobble, automated pump cell replacement, monitor for completion with an alert sound & light.) Then refinery. I wouldn't mind seeing links to other in progress worlds. -
I thought of another challenge,1. Given an infinite amount of uu-matter and a crafting table to start, is it possible to make a factory without any other resources? That means no mining, no hunting, etc. You are allowed to break blocks that you made from matter. E.g. if you get stone from uu-matter and have a pickaxe you can place the stone to break it with the pickaxe to get cobblestone.
2. Same as 1 but the matter you take is a loan, what is the shortest amount of time it would take to pay it back? E.g. if it takes you 1000 uu-matter to get started to be self sufficent, you need to make 1000 uu-matter to pay your debt.
3. Similar to 2 but what is the smallest amount of uu-matter you need to borrow to be able to pay it back?
The Challange:
There is a bank that loans uu-matter like 2, but for every minecraft day they charge interest. Lets say 5% for now. If you start with a loan of 1000 uu-matter, can you ever profit i.e. make more uu-matter than you owe? Don't forget, after the first day you owe 1050 uu-matter, second day 1102.5, then 1157.6, then 1215.5, then 1276.3, 1340.1...Just some ideas I had,
edggy -
I thought of another challenge,1. Given an infinite amount of uu-matter and a crafting table to start, is it possible to make a factory without any other resources? That means no mining, no hunting, etc. You are allowed to break blocks that you made from matter. E.g. if you get stone from uu-matter and have a pickaxe you can place the stone to break it with the pickaxe to get cobblestone.
2. Same as 1 but the matter you take is a loan, what is the shortest amount of time it would take to pay it back? E.g. if it takes you 1000 uu-matter to get started to be self sufficent, you need to make 1000 uu-matter to pay your debt.
3. Similar to 2 but what is the smallest amount of uu-matter you need to borrow to be able to pay it back?
The Challange:
There is a bank that loans uu-matter like 2, but for every minecraft day they charge interest. Lets say 5% for now. If you start with a loan of 1000 uu-matter, can you ever profit i.e. make more uu-matter than you owe? Don't forget, after the first day you owe 1050 uu-matter, second day 1102.5, then 1157.6, then 1215.5, then 1276.3, 1340.1...Just some ideas I had,
edggyIntressting. I'm normally taking a Massfabricator, a Generator and a Recycler into a Superflat World.
I am going for the mining space ship challenge. To make it harder but also more rewarding, I am doing this on survival, not creative. These download links should be good until may 20 2012. Redpower 2 & industrialcraft 2, buildcraft.
Mark I is currently in operation.…oox/n/1_2_5_with_mods_zip.
Also working on a side project, automated wood. almost complete. Use bone meal on the sapling behind the melons and pumpkins with a timer on it, then stand back and watch the show. Once that side project is complete, I'm going to make mark II, much like I did in this creative test world:…kicb9g8j/n/New_World-_zip The engine is more compact and the bridge is complete, with an incomplete raising and lowering mechanism. Then I will improve and expand the mining module (4 miners, automated pipe/cobble, automated pump cell replacement, monitor for completion with an alert sound & light.) Then refinery. I wouldn't mind seeing links to other in progress worlds.
Please don't use file factory, it is horrible. Use Mediafire or something else. -
Please don't use file factory, it is horrible. Use Mediafire or something else.
I suggest
Surprise that no one completed either challenge yet. Anyway Started the Mining ship challenge and had a couple of rule clarifications I wanted to ask.
1. Does the refinery complex have to be build into the ship or could it be like a base station instead where your ship would dock and unload?
2. If it does, can we make a mothership design where the mothership still meets all the requirements of course, but also have a detachable mining ship that can move up and down independently? IE for mining in area that the mothership might have trouble landing on. (Besides I think it'll be more cool this way:D )
3. Last question how "pretty" does it have to be? Can it be just an open platform?, flying box?, or does it have to look at least somewhat like a spaceship?
3. Last question how "pretty" does it have to be? Can it be just an open platform?, flying box?, or does it have to look at least somewhat like a spaceship?
I prefer Borgcube-format, because a Borgcube is a Spaceship.
Figured I'll get started on my build, while waiting on the answer to the refinery question.
I present to you the Mk5 engine.
This is the basic layout for a compact two axis engine. The bottom levers are flipped to push the top motor out. The top lever are left on and automatically activate the top motor when they are push out to move the frame.
Added the up/down motor to the ship.
The nearly completed engine room with control lines in place.
And here the bones of the GMV Calypso. I wanted the ship to have a slight Star Trek feel to it, which acounts for the slim body and roundish control section. Still need a lot of paneling to make it pretty, but all the basic layout there already.
The iron paneling mark the floor of the control room, The darker flooring is a one block high area between the mining/ refinery area on the bottom of the ship and the control room on top and is where all the control wiring will go.
Still to do:
1. Finish Control room with direction and speed controls.
2. Refinery area.
3. Optional Landing pads? -
That is EPIC! Keep up the good work
Muhahahaha.. I present to you the completed Galactic Mining Vessel Calypso.
Frontal View
Side View
Coming in for a landing
Landed and ready to mine.
Luckily Panel and cover don't seem to count for the frame linksize as I'm pretty much maxed out. Had to trim a lot of the front control room down from my initial design in order to free up space for the miner and refinery, but I like how it turned out.
You know what would be a neat challenge? A Omni-directional Mining Bathycube. It would have to be able to mine in any direction, for a full size of the side. But you can't normally have a block breaker face two or three directions, so you'd need smaller mining heads.
Top it all off with a computer to run the whole thing and you're golden. -
thaile, that is awesome! Great work
I figured I would share my initial try at a mobile base. I would like to start by thanking TeamPantsMadness for making almost perfect compact 6 axis engine. The only minor alteration that I made was to make sure that the up and down moving motors had access to energy even when in there moved positions because I found sometimes they would stall with no energy.
Above in the first two images you see the whole ship still in its dry (air) dock where it was built. It is designed to be modular and break up into 3 separate sections: Control & Engine Module, Refinery Module, and Mining Module.
Above shows what all three modules look like separated.
The left most module in the picture is the mining module it has 4 separate Miners spaced out to make maximum use of the the OV Scanners and at the top Solar Panels to produce IC2 electricity. It is rigged up to send back its loot through Ender Chests via the EnderStorage mod. This module can easily be expanded to add additional Miners.
The middle module is the refining module. It features 11 storage Crystal Chests via the IRONCHESTS mod and 1 input Crystal Chest. It also has 3 input Ender Chests. If the item is in the system to be sorted it will be pulled out however if the item is not in the system it will remain in these chests for easy access to things like power tools through the EnderStorage Ender Pouch. It also has numerous Project Tables, 9 MFSUs, 1 generator, 8 geothermal generators, 1 extractor, 1 compactor, 2 macerators, 2 electric furnaces, 1 recycler, 1 mass fabricator, and 2 empty spots for additional machines. Of course they have all been upgraded and all run on HV. There are also 3 Blulectric Alloy Furnaces.
The final module houses the engine compartment at the back and at the front is the control room with the main computer.
Above is a look inside the mining module.
At the back you may have noticed this leveler. Each module has a leveler like this in the back for docking and undocking to other modules. This allows for easy access to a single module for upgrading and also means a module can be left behind to say mine while the rest of the ship goes on.
These above four pictures are close up views of the outside docking mechanics. The system is completely self contained and consists of a block breaker, a deployer, some tubes, a not gate, 2 frames inside the deployer, and some red stone wiring. When the switch is pushed down the deployer places a frame. When the switch is pushed up the block breaker breaks the frame. There are two frames in the system because it is possible to flip the switch again to deploy a frame before the original frame makes it through the tube and back to the deployer. On the front of each module is a single panel for the frames to connect to each other. This allows the ship to become 1 frame structure.
The final module is the control and engine module. Note all the glass in the control room for your viewing pleasure. Also note modules can be attached to the back of the ship. Maybe in the future a farming and animal modules will be added.
Above are a couple of pictures of the inside of the refinery module. Note only retrievers are used which makes the tube system nice and simple.
The above three pictures are of the engine bay. The first one is the automated battery charger. Very handy for keeping all of your batteries charged and with a simple click of an Ender Pouch you have access to them from anywhere. The second picture is of the back of the engine core. This is where the power modification was made to the up and down axis motors. While it may not be very pretty it is functional. The final picture just show a top down view of the engine core.
Above are some pictures of the control room.
These two picture are just showing how long the ship is with all three module connected and looking from the mining module to the engine bay and from the engine bay to the mining module.
The final two pictures are of the ship in action and mining away.
Note: While all the IC2 wiring is in place laptron crystals and batteries are mainly replied upon since frames and the IC2 energy net don't play well together yet. The only way I found to solve this problem was to reload the game and upon moving the ship the energy net would go down again. BTW miners really need to be upgradable to be able to use laptron crystals...
My mind can't comprehend the awesomeness of that there mobile base! Incredible!
BTW miners really need to be upgradable to be able to use laptron crystals...
See the config file :).
See the config file :).
I know but that is not an upgrade just a hack. I m talking about have a spot for transformer upgrades in the miner (and pump).
Wow icedfire you really made an awesome base. I just had a quick question. Did you have to up the frame motor linksize setting to move that beast or did you use multiple sets of motors?
Wow icedfire you really made an awesome base. I just had a quick question. Did you have to up the frame motor linksize setting to move that beast or did you use multiple sets of motors?
I don't the exact number of frames it took but once I reached the 1000 limit I just upped it to 10000. And yes she is a beast and when she moves you know because your frame rate will plummet.