Nooooooooo, I just like typed 6000 words about suggestions for the mod and I deleted it.......
[GregTech-6][1.7.10] Moved to Website [Closed]
- GregoriusT
- Closed
(this is a re-type) I already typed everything I'm going to say and then I deleted it...
I talked about the solar reactor and how it would be a sphere that would do similar fusion to what the sun does. Proton-proton chain, and how you would have to heat it up to start reactions. This fusion would basicly create a star that would grow as it ate more fuel, of course it would produce a ton of energy. Then when it got larger it would start eating the helium (triple alpha process) to create carbon. Then you would have a choice to continue the fusion and create moar energy with a chance of giant radiation explosion or just stop fusion, look into stellar evolution on wikipedia.
Other meathods of generating power:
Dyson sphere, will harness all light of star in solar reactor.
Reflectors for solar panels (to amphlify light)
Lunar gravitational engines (really stupid, but cool), harness the power of the moons gravitational pull.
Some other ideas were left out -
Then you would have a choice to continue the fusion and create moar energy with a chance of giant radiation explosion
First of all, there wouldn't be "a chance" as soon as it fuses iron it explodes. Iron is the death element of a star.
First of all, there wouldn't be "a chance" as soon as it fuses iron it explodes. Iron is the death element of a star.
Implodes, not explodes, iron results in the core imploding (the resultant shock waves outwards which result from instabilities during the core collapse blow off the outer layers of the star in the form of the supernova/planetary nebula formation)
This implosion occurs as iron fusion consumes energy, which would cool the star if it occured, so the core contracts (due to both the contracting effect of a cooling gas, as well as the lower thermal pressure to oppose gravity). Similar implosions occur in stars that are too small to fuse lighter elements, just without the accelerated cooling (which would only last for a very very short time, if it happens at all).
Implodes, not explodes, iron results in the core imploding (the resultant shock waves outwards which result from instabilities during the core collapse blow off the outer layers of the star in the form of the supernova/planetary nebula formation)
This implosion occurs as iron fusion consumes energy, which would cool the star if it occured, so the core contracts (due to both the contracting effect of a cooling gas, as well as the lower thermal pressure to oppose gravity). Similar implosions occur in stars that are too small to fuse lighter elements, just without the accelerated cooling (which would only last for a very very short time, if it happens at all).
The resultant collapse releases so much gravitational potential energy that matter is is produced and heavy metals and radioacives are fused from the remaining mass.
This supernova could be contained and converted to UU or possibly uranium or other rare materials. -
But i like the feel of the barrels and fermentation.You can't get everything from centrifuges, especially things that need fermenting, and fermenting is a barrel's job.
Fine, add another step to process.
Sugar cane + electric fermenter (new machine, maybe could be used for brewing too) + cell -> fermented sugar cane cell + centrifuge -> Ethanol cell. [C2H5OH] -
Implodes, not explodes, iron results in the core imploding (the resultant shock waves outwards which result from instabilities during the core collapse blow off the outer layers of the star in the form of the supernova/planetary nebula formation)
Supernova resets the dimension you are in. If a void, it generates random terrain.
Supernova resets the dimension you are in. If a void, it generates random terrain.
I highly doubt that would be implemented, think of the possibility of griefing.
How about sugar cane + centrifuge + cell = Ethanol Cells (better than biofuel) [C2H5OH]
Sugarcane is largely used in brazil to produce ethanol.I'm just curious, why do you want to have more cells that produce EU, are those methane and hydrogens not enough? and maybe 1 Ethanol Cell + 1 Oil Cells-> 2 Biofuel Cells ?
EDITED: hmm, 1 Et-OH + 3 Fuel -> 4 BioEtFuel (has the same total energy production with Fuel) is probably more appropriate but then...
I'm just curious, why do you want to have more cells that produce EU, are those methane and hydrogens not enough? and maybe 1Ethanol Cell + 1 Oil Cell-> 2 Biofuel Cells ?
It has many uses, just don't have any in mind rather than simply fuel.
I'd love a option to disable the ore dict for the different machine blocks/forestry casing... and the electronic curcuit/bc gates/forestry diode (or whatever its called in forestry).
The circuitry stuff can be disabled in the config. I can't find a config for the Forestry casings.
circuitry {
} -
What about a port for bukkt? (At least every 10 versions)
Suggestion : Weather Predict Devices
T1 - One Day, T2 - Three Day, T3 - Seven Day.
It will predict weather (I don't know how it is coded in MC, like chunk that are "predictable" or completly random - If random, then the device will "change" the weather instead of predicting it, but with the same ratio as normal random and absolutly no player control) but of course, it will not be 100% successful. (5% fail for T1, 10% for T2 and 20% for T3)Suggestion : Weather Display Devices
"You are in your deep mine, but night is going over ? You want to go outside choping some log ? Yes but, when you expected a nice sunny day, it's rain that welcome you. Rain, and of course, zombies, skeletons and creepers ... All this time loosed going up the mine and down again. If only you have thinked to make you the "GregTech portable WDD" you have knowed before going up that the weather was rainy !*"
*We do not garanty sun, we do not garanty weather will not change while you're climbing up to the overworld, we do not garanty anything. And yes, don't forget this device will quickly explode if bringed to the nether"
What about a port for bukkt? (At least every 10 versions)
Someone already told me about that, and I said he should just try the regular nonbukkit Version (before doing an otherwise useless Port). I never heard of him again.@Weatherprediction: On my slow List.
1. Why Flint Mortal produce Hydrated Coal Dust? Where Water Bucket in recipe?
2. Where API for Jack Hammer? I want add some stuff from ExtraBiomesXL (Red Rock, Cracked Sand). And in future blocks from RP2 (at least Marble, i'm not sure about Basalt).
3. Can you don't add empty lines in Dataorb tooltip? It very annoying. -
1. Why Flint Mortal produce Hydrated Coal Dust? Where Water Bucket in recipe?
2. Where API for Jack Hammer? I want add some stuff from ExtraBiomesXL (Red Rock, Cracked Sand). And in future blocks from RP2 (at least Marble, i'm not sure about Basalt).
3. Can you don't add empty lines in Dataorb tooltip? It very annoying.1. The wood from the Bowl is enough for 1/8 Bucket of Water. Also its just nt dry enough outside a Macerator (Yes I forgot te Grinder, but that will be fixed)
2. Basalt and Marble will be included as soon as its out. Are the EBXL-Rocks genMinableReplacable? If yes then they are already compatible. I will include an API next time. (2.08d)
3. Ah, yes forgot about that. -
I found Iridium ore in the Nether world, its normal? Or he regenerate only Nether?
I found Iridium ore in the Nether world, its normal? Or he regenerate only Nether?
There was an old Bug where that happened. If the Nether generated before that fix, then it is still there in the World.
Someone opened a issue regarding quantumchests and LogPipes on the LogPipes github. -
Small request being able to shift click cells into the proper slots in the machines would be great, at the moment like if I try to shift click a stack of water cells into the industrial grinder and there isn't any ores put in place in the grinding slot the cells go into that slot instead of the cell slot