Hi!, why the industrial centrifuge animation spin much faster from 2 sides than the others?
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- GregoriusT
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Btw, I noticed that helium coolant cell isn't used in the overclocker recipe. Perhaps instead of including it as an alternate recipe, perhaps you could make a special overclocker.
I like this idea so very much. I suggest make machines run 50% faster per overclocker, and have this effect be stackable, up to 16 helium overclockers. Why so few you say? The upside to such extreme cooling is that the internal circuitry remains very cold, allowing more power to be run through the machine with no negative effects. Such as shameful EU waste. However, the use of such coolant requires occasional venting, and takes up lots of space. Therefore, every 64 machine cycles, 1 helium overclocker should have a 50% chance of breaking.
Thats all Greg, lets hear some feedback fellow forum people, and threaten, I mean persuade Greg into making us such awesome sauce.
Hmm I just noticed something it appears the world gen for ores doesn't follow some other mods. By that I mean extrabiomesXL. See if I want rubies and I find myself in a mountainous desert biome I would assume right away since it's a desert biome but mountainous that I would find rubies in it. So far NONE and this is with using a 64x64 quarry. So it appears that beside the vanilla desert biomes, you won't find rubies in other mods that add other desert type biomes. At least this is what I have observed with mining in one with and without a quarry. So it seems there might be a bit of a bug/error here.
Greg, few requests / suggestions
Can you add oredictionary definition for forestry fertilizer / ic2 fertilizer to make them interchangeable
sodium cell + potassium cell to make NaK (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NaK) as another nuclear reactor coolant
sulfur + sodium + chloride to make sodium bisulfare (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodium_bisulfate) could be used remove oxydation or "purify" metal so you add it to grinder and for iron it will yield 3 ore instead of 2 (just like mercury for gold)
sulfur + sodium to make Sodium persulfate (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodium_persulfate) also to be used in grinder for separating more zinc out of whatever ores yield it (instead of water cells)
alternatively another sulfur + sodium could be Sodium sulfate (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodium_sulfate#Applications) to make "pretty" aesthetics glass!
electrum instead of silver in glass fibre cables to yield 8 or 10 instead of 6
sodium + carbon to make Sodium carbonate (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodium_carbonate) either 1. cell to use in industrial grinder to make clay block yield 2 clay or as a replacement for carbon plate when making solar panels.calcium + carbon to make calcium carbonate (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calcium_carbonate) - another alternative for tripling iron ingot yield. Taken from wiki: Calcium carbonate is also used in the purification of iron from iron ore in a blast furnace. The carbonate is calcined in situ to give calcium oxide, which forms a slag with various impurities present, and separates from the purified iron
Sorry just throwing out suggesitons becuase I love the elements you added and wish to see more uses for them
Hmm I just noticed something it appears the world gen for ores doesn't follow some other mods. By that I mean extrabiomesXL. See if I want rubies and I find myself in a mountainous desert biome I would assume right away since it's a desert biome but mountainous that I would find rubies in it. So far NONE and this is with using a 64x64 quarry. So it appears that beside the vanilla desert biomes, you won't find rubies in other mods that add other desert type biomes. At least this is what I have observed with mining in one with and without a quarry. So it seems there might be a bit of a bug/error here.
I saw rubies in Savanna -
I saw rubies in SavannaOlry? O_o well now I got one of those quite nearby my homebase. Once that quarry is done in that mountainous desert biome I'll bring it over there and try for some.
Besides that greg can I suggest adding either Rutile or Ilmenite to the world gen? It would serve next to bauxite as a alternative source to gaining Titanium. Just a suggestion since in real life from what I know and reading stuff online bauxite has no titanium in it.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BauxiteI'm no Geologist but I do know my rocks well enough.
Olry? O_o well now I got one of those quite nearby my homebase. Once that quarry is done in that mountainous desert biome I'll bring it over there and try for some.
Besides that greg can I suggest adding either Rutile or Ilmenite to the world gen? It would serve next to bauxite as a alternative source to gaining Titanium. Just a suggestion since in real life from what I know and reading stuff online bauxite has no titanium in it.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BauxiteI'm no Geologist but I do know my rocks well enough.
From the link you provided about bauxite..
This form of rock consists mostly of the minerals gibbsite Al(OH)3, boehmite γ-AlO(OH), and diaspore α-AlO(OH), in a mixture with the two iron oxides goethite and hematite, the clay mineral kaolinite, and small amounts of anatase TiO2.
EDIT: about the manganese dust, I think he just added it because the mineral has manganese in it.. probably will add a use later..suggestion: Aluminium Alloy (Al+ Zinc/Mn/Mg/Cu/Si/Ti/Fe/Cr) for a better electric jetpack that have more Eu storage...
Heh all this talk about rocks and minerals... realized this is one of the reasons why I like this mod
Hmm I just noticed something it appears the world gen for ores doesn't follow some other mods. By that I mean extrabiomesXL. See if I want rubies and I find myself in a mountainous desert biome I would assume right away since it's a desert biome but mountainous that I would find rubies in it. So far NONE and this is with using a 64x64 quarry. So it appears that beside the vanilla desert biomes, you won't find rubies in other mods that add other desert type biomes. At least this is what I have observed with mining in one with and without a quarry. So it seems there might be a bit of a bug/error here.
I found 8 in the vicinity of my home base. Not easy, but they exist.
Probably because you use factorization mod?
Yeah, that one adds insanely big silver veins.
The way I do my mods is every time I put the pack together I use notepad++ with "search in files" with every metal name to see where it's used and leave only one mod to generate each ore so that I won't have several types of eahch of them.Install mods by yourself, don't be a lazy fück.
Installing is the easy part, finding all the mods and downloading their latest versions and configuring them to work well together is what's tedious and takes time. I'm running at 50 mods + another 5-ish that MC doesn't register and last time it took me about 3 hours to make everything work well (a couple of ID conflicts, fixing ores to not generate duplicates, treecapitator to accept all axes, metallurgy to generate only stuff I need, ...). Though interestingly I haven't really had any compatibility problems between mods when doing that for about 15-20x since 1.2.5.
Recipes Suggestion:
Grinder: 64 Coal --> 64 Coal Dust + 1 Thorium Dust (I know the grinder haven't currently the ability to detect a numbers of items in a slot but ...) You know why Coal-based power plants are more dangerous than Nuclear one , with the radioactivity point of view ? Because Coal contains a lot of Thorium(say it to Angela :D)
It would be a nice option but at least I have spent my entire coal supply to make diamonds. A stack of coal = 1 diamond
In my mind, you should add a fourth Nuclear Fuel to your list: why ?
Such as? I actually haven't heard any other material being used in fission reactors besides uranium, thorium and plutonium in some designs.
Next Machine Suggestion: Particle Separator.
How would it works ? As a Mass Spectrometer ( http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massenspektrometrie , especially for you, in german ^^), but sharing materials into different Isotope as a way of Extracting/Centrifuging/BetterThanGrinding elements.I'm quite sure mass spectrometer can't really separate the elements, it just enables an easier way to detect individual elements in a mix of many.
Though that doesn't mean yet another device could be added even though I think having two is pretty good already.Btw, I've had a "fatal error" with Google Chrome twice today (only on the forum). Has it happen to someone else ?
I've been using Chrome (and Chromium on Linux) for years and can't remember when it crashed the last time.
I found 8 in the vicinity of my home base. Not easy, but they exist.
Yeah I just noticed lol just getting down really low in level is where to find them. Finally getting some rubies from the quarry now. Thing had to go down pretty far to find them but ah well least I'm getting some.Also I've been getting the fatal error thing when posting posts here on the forums. Only started recently and I'm using Nightly which is the 64-bit version of firefox.
So not only I have that Problem? Btw. The Forum Server is placed 3 Minutes in the Future. Maybe that is the Problem.
Alblaka: Thanks. np ~ Alb
@EXBL: I already added compatiblity to that.
@Mystcraft: It works fine if you dont choose the Hell or the Sky Biome. And if you choose them, then you get the Nether/End Ores instead.
@Titanium: There are tiny amounts of Titanium impurities inside Bauxite. Thats where you get it from.
@Forestry&IC-Fertilizer: Not really possible via Oredict, but I already made Apatite maceratable into IC²-Fertilizer.
@CalciumCarbonate: Nice. Iron Ore + CaCO3 Cell + Blast Furnace = 3 Ingots of refined Iron and ofcourse the empty Cell, but no byproducts like the Grinder.
@SodiumCarbonate: No Clay doubling. It could be reversed.
@ElectrumGlassFibre: Why did I forget that!?! But only a minimal Bonus compared to Silver. And I should add compatiblity with Diamond Dust in general. [Just Coded]
@SodiumPersulfate: Na2S2O8 Cells for Zinc and Copper in Grinder.Finally a good use for all that Stuff.
OK, i just got this AGAIN I will report it:
Fatal error: PHP warning in file /www/feanturi/forum.industrial-craft.net/httpdocs/wcf/lib/system/io/RemoteFile.class.php (39): fsockopen(): unable to connect to localhost:25 (Connection refused)Information:
error message: PHP warning in file /www/feanturi/forum.industrial-craft.net/httpdocs/wcf/lib/system/io/RemoteFile.class.php (39): fsockopen(): unable to connect to localhost:25 (Connection refused)
error code: 0
file: /www/feanturi/forum.industrial-craft.net/httpdocs/wcf/lib/system/WCF.class.php (281)
php version: 5.4.8-1~dotdeb.0
wcf version: 1.1.9 (Tempest)
date: Wed, 28 Nov 2012 10:02:52 +0000
request: /index.php?form=PostAdd&threadID=7156
referer: http://forum.industrial-craft.…orm=PostAdd&threadID=7156Stacktrace:
#0 [internal function]: WCF::handleError(2, 'fsockopen(): un...', '/www/feanturi/f...', 39, Array)
#1 /www/feanturi/forum.industrial-craft.net/httpdocs/wcf/lib/system/io/RemoteFile.class.php(39): fsockopen('localhost', 25, 111, 'Connection refu...', 30)
#2 /www/feanturi/forum.industrial-craft.net/httpdocs/wcf/lib/data/mail/SMTPMailSender.class.php(42): RemoteFile->__construct('localhost', 25)
#3 /www/feanturi/forum.industrial-craft.net/httpdocs/wcf/lib/data/mail/SMTPMailSender.class.php(115): SMTPMailSender->connect()
#4 /www/feanturi/forum.industrial-craft.net/httpdocs/wcf/lib/data/mail/Mail.class.php(189): SMTPMailSender->sendMail(Object(Mail))
#5 /www/feanturi/forum.industrial-craft.net/httpdocs/lib/data/post/PostEditor.class.php(941): Mail->send()
#6 /www/feanturi/forum.industrial-craft.net/httpdocs/lib/form/PostAddForm.class.php(215): PostEditor->sendNotification(Object(ThreadEditor), Object(BoardEditor), Object(MessageAttachmentListEditor))
#7 /www/feanturi/forum.industrial-craft.net/httpdocs/lib/form/ThreadAddForm.class.php(178): PostAddForm->save()
#8 /www/feanturi/forum.industrial-craft.net/httpdocs/wcf/lib/form/AbstractForm.class.php(90): ThreadAddForm->submit()
#9 /www/feanturi/forum.industrial-craft.net/httpdocs/wcf/lib/form/CaptchaForm.class.php(104): AbstractForm->readData()
#10 /www/feanturi/forum.industrial-craft.net/httpdocs/wcf/lib/form/MessageForm.class.php(193): CaptchaForm->readData()
#11 /www/feanturi/forum.industrial-craft.net/httpdocs/lib/form/ThreadAddForm.class.php(369): MessageForm->readData()
#12 /www/feanturi/forum.industrial-craft.net/httpdocs/lib/form/PostAddForm.class.php(243): ThreadAddForm->readData()
#13 /www/feanturi/forum.industrial-craft.net/httpdocs/wcf/lib/page/AbstractPage.class.php(90): PostAddForm->readData()
#14 /www/feanturi/forum.industrial-craft.net/httpdocs/wcf/lib/form/MessageForm.class.php(237): AbstractPage->show()
#15 /www/feanturi/forum.industrial-craft.net/httpdocs/lib/form/ThreadAddForm.class.php(434): MessageForm->show()
#16 /www/feanturi/forum.industrial-craft.net/httpdocs/lib/form/PostAddForm.class.php(312): ThreadAddForm->show()
#17 /www/feanturi/forum.industrial-craft.net/httpdocs/wcf/lib/page/AbstractPage.class.php(46): PostAddForm->show()
#18 /www/feanturi/forum.industrial-craft.net/httpdocs/wcf/lib/util/RequestHandler.class.php(64): AbstractPage->__construct()
#19 /www/feanturi/forum.industrial-craft.net/httpdocs/wcf/lib/util/RequestHandler.class.php(95): RequestHandler->__construct('PostAdd', Array, 'form')
#20 /www/feanturi/forum.industrial-craft.net/httpdocs/index.php(8): RequestHandler::handle(Array) -
maybe heating coil recipe is broken ?
btw one of my fav addons =)
edit: nvm figured out that i need NEI plugins to see how to craft sry XD
Added two additional End-Ores.
Added Asteroids to the End.
Added some of the suggested Stuff. -
About the asteroids, do they just generate a predetermined amount surrounded the "mainland" of the end, or do they generate forever off into the void?
EDIT: im using internet explorer, and i just got that fatal error too 0_o -
About the asteroids, do they just generate a predetermined amount surrounded the "mainland" of the end, or do they generate forever off into the void?
EDIT: im using internet explorer, and i just got that fatal error too 0_oIts not Internet Exploder. Its the Forum.
They generate every 100th Chunk. And every 25th of those is a large one. And yes, they are infinite.
They generate every 100th Chunk. And every 25th of those is a large one. And yes, they are infinite.
That's quite an interesting way to use the "space" the End provides. Because it seemed rather small compared to the infinite Overworld and Nether.
That's quite an interesting way to use the "space" the End provides. Because it seemed rather small compared to the infinite Overworld and Nether.
Note, that the End is not a replacement for the Space Dimensions I'm planning. You can only find the End-Ores there, but my planned Dimensions will be able to generate regular Ores and Nether Ores too.
so your new Dimension will be a mix between the overworld and the nether in one dimension sounds interresting.
Little question can you make the Sapphire and Ruby generation configureable like the iridium? and/or the possibility to turn off the "generate only in desert or oceans/beach" ? Would be nice for server side generation.BAAAH FEANTURY fix that crash bug... -.-
so your new Dimension will be a mix between the overworld and the nether in one dimension sounds interresting.
Little question can you make the Sapphire and Ruby generation configureable like the iridium? and/or the possibility to turn off the "generate only in desert or oceans/beach" ? Would be nice for server side generation.BAAAH FEANTURY fix that crash bug... -.-
Eh I don't know I sort of like that rubies and Sapphires aren't configurable and being stuck in beach/ocean and desert type biomes. Either one of course is negated really if you take Mystcraft into account.