Display MoreI could've told ya before. Where is that World-Gen-Mod, which is capable of disabling RP-Ores? Could someone give me a Link (for Advertisement
), so people won't complain about RP-Worldgen?
Btw, due to OreDict-Unification my own Ruby/Sapphire-Ores drop RP-Rubies/Sapphires too, and due to hacking into my own Code at the 2 Locations (too lazy to replace all the old Code with proper Code like GT_OreDictUnificator.get("dustIron", null, 1) for example), where I can get my own Items, all my Recipes are automatically Unificated.
And if you really want all your Items to be unificated, then use the Autocrafting Table in Unification Mode, even though its 500EU per Item.
I think that a temporary solution without adding more addons, is:
If you have installed RP2, nerf your equivalence between diamonds and sapphires/rubies for IC2. For example, in the recipe for lapatron crystals, Instead of replacing the diamond for a sapphire with your modifications, you could change it for a block of sapphire.