OMG! You expect us to make more than 1 fusion reactor? ehehe.. anyway, it should be possible now thanks to RP2.. Btw, I haven't tested this but..can you share fusion coils between fusion reactors?
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OMG! You expect us to make more than 1 fusion reactor? ehehe.. anyway, it should be possible now thanks to RP2..
Well at least when you have one fusion reactor, it becomes much more easy to make another due to UU matter -
Well at least when you have one fusion reactor, it becomes much more easy to make another due to UU matterIndeed, once you got the fusion reactor going the thing pumps out power like no tomorrow. Those Nuclear Reactors you start off with make a good way to step before getting Fusion Reactors but you can easily set up a nuclear reactor now within a few days of mining for materials. Granted it still is a complicated process of getting the thing set up gotta make all them centrifuges, blast furnaces and grinders.
I can think of something that could be even MORE expensive than the fusion reactor... and that's a Anti-matter reactor lol... think fusion is awesome anti-matter collision energy release dwarfs fusion reactions
As people have pointed out so many times before, unless you find some naturally occurring antimatter, you will never get more energy out of it than it costs to create the antimatter in the first place. Unless GregTech physics aren't like real life physics, which seems unlikely considering the machines and products it adds.
Besides, who needs fusion and anti-matter reactors, when a tree can give you around 3 million EU?
And that's just a small 6-block one...
(Note that this is assuming you also have railcraft and thermal expansion installed. Without those, you can only generate just over one million. :P)
How do you get 3 million EU from a tree?
With default config I cannot make Thermal Expansion ingots into blocks by any means (tried compressor and crafting, NEI shows nothing aswell)
The only exception to this is Lead.See chart:
If i change the config around to allow crafting ingots I can make them all except for tin.
Without gregtech they craft blocks just fine, tested on the DW20 pack of FTB.
Try crafting that in game, it's an easter egg. -
As people have pointed out so many times before, unless you find some naturally occurring antimatter, you will never get more energy out of it than it costs to create the antimatter in the first place. Unless GregTech physics aren't like real life physics, which seems unlikely considering the machines and products it adds.
that is where the fusion reactor comes into play it can provide the energy need to start producing anti-matter. Anti-matter would once it collided with matter produce a mass annihilation and produce far more energy than a fusion reactor could ever output. Sure it takes a lot of energy to make but the energy it makes once it hits normal matter exceeds the energy costs that went into making it.
Oh yeah, Sengir's suggestion from his FTB forum signature is definitely implemented now! Hehehe! XD
NOTE: If you don't want to be spoiled, don't look!I wonder how Sengir is going to react when he sees this. X3
Just be glad that it isn't the replacement of the normal wooden planks and just an easter egg like CrafterOfMines57 said. >3>;- Soldjermon
How do you get 3 million EU from a tree?
First, burn the wood to produce charcoal, then macerate the charcoal.
Then, put it into an Industrial Electrolyzer with empty cells to create carbon, which you then use an Electric Crafting Table to craft with hydrogen and make methane.
Then you throw the cells into a Liquid Transposer to get that methane dumped into pipe/ducts/whatever, and pipe that methane into a Railcraft Steam Boiler. (Maximum size, and note that Boilers will require a LOT of fuel to get heated up to maximum efficiency)
You then send the steam produced in this manner through Industrial Steam Engines (or Commercial or Hobbyist's, but Industrial would be the best use of your iron) to produce a LOT of MJ, which you then use conduits to distribute across an array of Magma Crucibles filled with cobblestone.
And then, finally, send the lava produced in this manner through a Thermal Generator, and you will get a staggering 486,000 EU per block of wood.
Though, obviously, with a lot of up-front cost for the proper processing facilities. Happy mining!
@ the above spoiler; Oh god, lol...
With default config I cannot make Thermal Expansion ingots into blocks by any means (tried compressor and crafting, NEI shows nothing aswell)
The only exception to this is Lead.See chart:
If i change the config around to allow crafting ingots I can make them all except for tin.
Without gregtech they craft blocks just fine, tested on the DW20 pack of FTB.
Ok that's a mess. You can't make RP2 microblock with IC2 metal block that's why Greg override his ingots and blocks to RP2 one if RP2 is installed.
If you convert all your ingots (tin/silver) to RP2 one (with lexicon) you should be able to craft all storage block without problem. If you want to do the legit way you can macerate it all and smelt it to give you RP2 ingots..
Yes, you can only use GregTech choice of metal ingots to do the compression to storage block..that's intended and I still don't understand why he did this implementation.. IMO, we should be able to use other mod ingots to craft storage block, maybe unify the storage block to RP2 one..
This is why I hate the storage block requirement, now it gets even more complex with RP2 coming with its own bloc and of course FTB with its TE ores..
EDIT: I have no problem crafting all storage blocks the vanilla way if all configs are changed..
that is where the fusion reactor comes into play it can provide the energy need to start producing anti-matter. Anti-matter would once it collided with matter produce a mass annihilation and produce far more energy than a fusion reactor could ever output. Sure it takes a lot of energy to make but the energy it makes once it hits normal matter exceeds the energy costs that went into making it.
Right, so:
Fusion reactor -> 32768 EU/t -> particle accelerator -> 16384 EU/t worth of antimatter (half of the stuff produced is matter) -> antimatter generator -> 32768 EU/t (the extra is matter from the air)Seems very pointless.
Ok that's a mess. You can't make RP2 microblock with IC2 metal block that's why Greg override his ingots and blocks to RP2 one if RP2 is installed.
Nope, the reason is that only RP2 ones can be converted to microblocks.
If you convert all your ingots (tin/silver) to RP2 one (with lexicon) you should be able to craft all storage block without problem. If you want to do the legit way you can macerate it all and smelt it to give you RP2 ingots..
It's easier to craft them to nuggets and back.
Yes, you can only use GregTech choice of metal ingots to do the compression to storage block..that's intended and I still don't understand why he did this implementation.. IMO, we should be able to use other mod ingots to craft storage block, maybe unify the storage block to RP2 one..
It's actually an RP2 bug. GregTech simply disables all other storage blocks to prevent recipe conflicts, but the RP2 one happens to only take RP2 ingots to craft. Greg probably didn't notice that when he chose RP2 blocks as the default.abculatter_2: Where do you get the hydrogen cells?
Yes, my statement still valid; before RP2 was release; you could only craft IC2/GregTech metal blocks with GregTech default on; After the release, he changed his choice of metal block from IC2 to RP2 one, because only RP2 can be changed to microblocks.
Ah, nugget.. well.. that's a better legit way to do it without wasting eu..
Because I'm an idiot, I can't remember what you need to make a lightning rod generator (or whatever it's called)
You need 4 HV transformers, one of those blue lightning rod generator things, and _______
What is that blank line there? I know that you place it on top of the blue thing and the more you place the more likely lightning will strike but I can't remember what that thing was.
can you share fusion coils between fusion reactors?
Only 5 are shareable at max (diagonal), because of geometry
Ok that's a mess. You can't make RP2 microblock with IC2 metal block that's why Greg override his ingots and blocks to RP2 one if RP2 is installed.
If you convert all your ingots (tin/silver) to RP2 one (with lexicon) you should be able to craft all storage block without problem. If you want to do the legit way you can macerate it all and smelt it to give you RP2 ingots..
Yes, you can only use GregTech choice of metal ingots to do the compression to storage block..that's intended and I still don't understand why he did this implementation.. IMO, we should be able to use other mod ingots to craft storage block, maybe unify the storage block to RP2 one..
This is why I hate the storage block requirement, now it gets even more complex with RP2 coming with its own bloc and of course FTB with its TE ores..
EDIT: I have no problem crafting all storage blocks the vanilla way if all configs are changed..
That with the Storageblock Compression will be fixed, by letting all Ingots work.
It's actually an RP2 bug. GregTech simply disables all other storage blocks to prevent recipe conflicts, but the RP2 one happens to only take RP2 ingots to craft. Greg probably didn't notice that when he chose RP2 blocks as the default.
The Code for Storageblock Compressing is currently not in my OreDictionary Handler, thats why only unificated Ingots can be compressed. As stated right above I will fix that, as I'm currently going through a refractoring of my Code.
abculatter_2: Where do you get the hydrogen cells?
Was about to ask the same Question. These cells cost more than 20000EU.
Ill tell you why you would use a fusion reactor over a tree.
Because to produce 32000EU/t you would need 3200 Generators. Instead you could just use a few thorium in a reactor, perhaps just make 1 solar panel, it can produce infinite EU if you leave it for an infinite amount of time -
Suggestion: Add more uses for coal coke, it's currently pretty much useless for everything except as a good fuel source.
Tell me how to disable the forestry warning message, it's getting quite annoying.
EDIT: Is it intended for machines to show the "Insufficient Power Line" message if ConstantEnergyMachine=false?